
The Unbearable Lightness of Kinetic Military Action

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Comrades, I have been pondering the awesomeness of Dear Leader's brilliant creation to achieve world peace, the Kinetic Military Action. I have come to the conclusion that this is a quantum leap for humanity, a transformative vision that will bring us out of the violence which has plagued our past and into a brave new noble compassionate peaceful ass-kissing kicking beautiful reality.

Here, I have created a summary of the advantages of Kinetic Military Action over the tired old way of doing things, which was war. This brilliant piece of exposition will make the case so clear that even a reporter who has been locked in Joe Biden's closet a beautifully-appointed small room that is occasionally used for storage can understand the nuances. Let me be clear:

Comparison of Characteristics of Iraqi WAR and Libyan Kinetic Military Action

Illegal Iraqi WAR
Kinetic Military Action

waged to steal oil for US use
waged to ensure Libyan oil remains available to France and Italy

authorized by Congress
authorized by UN and Arab League

selfish, advances US interest only
selfless, advances EVERYONE'S interest (except the US)

unilateral: essentially waged by US alone, supported by only by small group of 30 countries and without approval of major powers like France
multilateral: large coalition of more than 15 countries, including major powers like France and Belgium, support this action

removed respected unelected leader who held power for 30 years
(will try) to remove hated dictator who's held power for 40 years

policy of idiot Bush
policy of genius Obama

no exit strategy: hostilities carried on for years until Iraq stabilized
well-defined exit strategy: we'll be there for only a few days weeks months we're out already, NATO's taking over!

abused numerous UN resolutions as pretext to launch illegal invasion
UN ordered us to go

many innocent people killed
only guilty people killed

lack of well-thought-out policy allowed incursion of Iranian-backed Islamist guerillas who attacked civilians and US soldiers and prolonged violence for years
well thought out policy... we're fighting on same side WITH Iranian-backed Islamist guerillas! What could go wrong???

shocking violence disturbed consciences of absolute moral authorities like Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink, forced them to arouse like-minded people of good will to protest
Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink nowhere in sight, moral righteousness of action assured

Bush imposed new government on Iraq, forcing conformity to alien Western ideals
Obama will allow Libya to choose new government (if necessary) according to traditional Middle Eastern methods, like Iran did in 1979

supported by evil Rethuglicans
supported by compassionate Democrats

supported opposed by Sen. John Kerry
supported by Sen. John Kerry

cost nearly a trillion dollars, worsening deficit
probably will end up costing no more than a few hundred billion dollars, bending cost curve down

inspired brilliant Micheal Moore movie
no Micheal Moore movie

everybody says war is not the answer
nobody ever said Kinetic Military Action was not the answer

Bush rushed into war, taking only a few months to decide on course of action
Obama acted deliberately, postponing his vacation almost a whole week while deciding

Bush foolishly opened a war a second front before war in Afghanistan was won
Obama limiting Kinetic Military Actions to 3 fronts which are close together physically and thus easy to wage simultaneously

Angry Arabs throw shoes, a traditional cultural INSULT! BUSH MADE WORLD HATE AMERIKKA! [/flex-1]

Happy Arabs dance around Obama's picture! BARACK MADE WORLD LOVE AMERIKKA AGAIN![/flex-1][/flex]

Comrades, I could go on and on and on but then you'd think I was Barack Obama making a speech I think you get the point by now. The full extent of Dear Leader Obama's ability to do his job should be obvious to even the most dimwitted Obama voter by now. This new concept of Kinetic Military Action will do for our foreign policy what ObamaCare did for domestic policy. It is transformative in a way no one of us ever dared think could happen be possible.


Comrades, please join me in a toast; raise your glass and drink to President Barack Obama... PTUI! Stupid empty suit. Er, Sorry, I think I got some fuzz in my glass there....

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As Dear Leader earned Nobel Peace Prize, Comrade Opiate of the People should win Literature Prize. Thoughtful analysis, good plot, well developed characters, accurate candid photographical illustrationing... I am in AWE of descriptive skills.

Spasebo, Comrade. I have tears in eyes...

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Comrade Opiate,

BRILLIANT. Pointing out the differences between Bushitler and Glorious One makes it very clear that when Democrats are in power they can do no wrong no matter how high the pile of hypocrisy accumulates. And those "happy feet" Islamists doing a tap dance on Dear Leader's effigy is proof that he has "Mission Accomplished" to make the world LOVE us again. Hurrah!

This is an excellent idea you have started here by drawing out the contrasts between Bush and Iraq and Obama and Libya. I was thinking of something like this except with a more exhaustive comparison because the hypocrisy, the silence of the media, and the profane lies to justify this action are so over the top that the only thing left to do is chronicle it as a reference for future use. And the fact that you have 8 years of rabid liberal foam, the examples are legion.

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Comrade Tovarichi, I am happy to be of service to the People and explain this but it does not take a highly vodka-soaked educated mind such as mineselves to understand it. The advantages of KMA over WAR are as stark as black and not-quite-as-black. Any fool can grasp it, which is likely why we see so many of the idiot edumacated perceptive highly-paid progressive pundits and bloggers rushing forth to endorse the KMA.

Comrade Whinny, of course the Party of the People ™can do no wrong. This goes without saying. I don't even know why you bothered to mention it.

I myself thought up a few I missed. Perhaps this can be an "add your 52 cents in" thread so that others can join in the fun. However, I'm not sure an "exhaustive" list is possible since every day, the idiots make up more.

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This calls for musical accompaniment. And even the Reicht Wing can't deny the cleverness of our president in this undertaking. Check out Reicht Winger Iowahawk's blog: ... cious.html

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Opiate: I am looking forward to the next chapter in your "Canon of Obama's Accomplishments" titled: "The Unbearable Heaviness of His Kenyan Keynesian Economic Action."

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.... not to love OBAMA is a big disgrace
so we HEIL, (pfft) HEIL, (pfft)
right in OBAMA's face.

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Most excellent work Commissar Opiate of the People. It is so hard to count the ways of Dear Leaders brilliance, but you have managed it. I agree with Proletarian Robot. A Canon titled: : "The Unbearable Heaviness of His Kenyan Keynesian Economic Action." would be a welcome addition for the People's Archives.

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Grigori E.R. wrote: I agree with Proletarian Robot. A Canon titled: : "The Unbearable Heaviness of His Kenyan Keynesian Economic Action." would be a welcome addition for the People's Archives.

I agree with Comrades Robot and Grigori, Saint Obama SHOULD be canonized!

Assuming "canonized" means "shot out of a large cannon toward the ocean."

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Opiate, I must denounce you for the most grievous sin of reality. In fact is the only sin--reality makes lies impossible and since every atom of my body, as a made prog, is soaked, steeped, and macerated in lies, I truly loathe reality.

Yeah, yeah, and it hurts me to say it but your comparisons are true. So what? Just what crawled up your ass and made you tell the truth? Or more to the point, what crawled up your ass and didn't make you shove your fingers in your ears and scream and shout and deny it?

I think that all of you are sometimes a little bit of a proglet: didn't Father Joseph teach you anything? Lie, lie, lie, and maintain that you're right. Be like Robert Rubin under Clinton. He lied looking into the camera and didn't blush.

And you know what? He got away with it. Stalin's biggest success was convincing the world that communism was different in any real way from Naziism. And the American left's biggest success was marginalizing people who called a communist, a, well, communist.

So you see it's always, toujours, constantly the lies.

So do like a French newspaper. When les journaux are completely wrong, they just go on. This is what our Many Titted Empress does; what Nanski does.

Are you better than those loathsome, power-mad, totalitarian bitches?

If so, I love you more.

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Rasputin, there is an interesting reference to kitsch--totalitarian kitsch--in Wikipedia, and it gives Kundera's view of it.

The Czech writer Milan Kundera, in his book The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1984), defined it as "the absolute denial of shit". He wrote that kitsch functions by excluding from view everything that humans find difficult with which to come to terms, offering instead a sanitized view of the world, in which "all answers are given in advance and preclude any questions".

In its desire to paper over the complexities and contradictions of real life, kitsch, Kundera suggested, is intimately linked with totalitarianism. In a healthy democracy, diverse interest groups compete and negotiate with one another to produce a generally acceptable consensus; by contrast, "everything that infringes on kitsch," including individualism, doubt, and irony, "must be banished for life" in order for kitsch to survive. Therefore, Kundera wrote, "Whenever a single political movement corners power we find ourselves in the realm of totalitarian kitsch."

For Kundera, "Kitsch causes two tears to flow in quick succession. The first tear says: How nice to see children running on the grass! The second tear says: How nice to be moved, together with all mankind, by children running on the grass! It is the second tear that makes kitsch kitsch."

The banishment of any countervailing view is the key--and the advance man for this was political correctness. Now we have the Fairness Doctrine; Cass Sunstein; the deaf-and-blind media...

I do so love being a made prog. Being honorable would just be too hard.

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"Kitsch happens" Father Prog,

"The second tear says: How nice to be moved, together with all mankind, by children running on the grass!
It is the second tear that makes kitsch kitsch."

The third tear will come when the masses realize, thanks to kitsch, they have Won The Future.

The new social media is the penultimate of kitsch. It is a denial of practically all reality. Our new "opiate for the masses" is working better than we ever dreamed. While the proles are baking virtual cookies, playing games and jabbering incessantly about their latest trivia, we, the elite, will reign.

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Rasputin, you have more faith in the self-awareness of the typical American. Who cannot be bothered to look out after his liberties and so lets us do it because we talk so purty.

So I expect that we'll never get to the third tear. For ever, until we default on our debt and become Argentina, and the world, absent a policeman, goes into anarchy and piracy entirely, we'll be Hoping that by being irresponsible that things will happen to us.

I personally adore Nanski Peloski. Did you hear her about "responsible spending"? She truly believes that reality comes out of her ass.

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Father Prog Theocritus wrote:I personally adore Nanski Peloski. Did you hear her about "responsible spending"? She truly believes that reality comes out of her ass.

Father Prog,

Nanski is one of those evolutionary anomalies that's on the inside looking out. Right now she's in a dead heat with the goose-steppin' Nazi from the Peoples Republic of The 9th District in IL., Jan Shakowski.

It's getting extremely difficult to sort out which one is suffering the most from their liberal menopause. Even Janus himself would find it extremely difficult to tell one from the other.

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You may be right Father Prog. The line between virtual, kinetic and actual reality might become so blurred that nothing much will matter. I can see it:

Joe the Union Shop Steward is busy playing Mafia Wars on his notebook. The light blue, uniformed Civilian Police are dragging Grandpa out the door to either a work camp or End of Life Counseling Center.

Joe;"Hey Gramps, I just reached level ten! Hold on, I have a text coming in..."

As for our Dear Nanski:
How is she? She hasn't been in touch with me lately. I do believe she has permanently crossed the line. Her reality is now her reality. It's hard to believe we used to put people in asylums for thinking like that.

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Rasputin, weep not for Nanski. Over a century ago, Londoners would travel to a loony-bin to laugh at the loonies. It was called bedlam and the word has entered the language.

After listening to Senator Dingy Harry and Ms. Peloski, and of course dear President Obowma, I believe that the new synonym for "bedlam" should be "Washington."

Whinny, why are you trying to drag a perfectly innocent bit of Roman mythology into this? let's go to modern, post-Freud, methods. Nanski is autoencephaloproctological.

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Father Prog,

How kind that you included my home country of Argentina in your blatheringexpectations for our inevitable, future World of Next Tuesday ™ ! I hustledworked (yuck!) very hard, to shape Argentina and so many other Latin countries, (let's not discuss Bolivia....spits on the floor in disgust) into the ideal utopias that the Party ™ wants. Even now, Hugo or Raul do not dare to utter a phrase without asking my counsel...hehheh!

We are so different, you and I, mi amigo. While I labor, selflessly, for the equality of all humanity....cough, cough..... you teach preach the reigning philosophy of our times... whether we call it PC, Bullshit, or"kitsch", it matters not. The end result is the same. We, you and I, ultimately, Win The Future!.....coughs, spits on the floor and pounds on the table, while tossing back some fine latin produced rum.


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Che, you're right: the word don't matter. It's all about the power. Nothing but the power. I learned a lesson once from Our Many Titted Empress when she was at the Rancho de Rio Grande.

"Theocritus," she slurred, having drunk four bloody marys with rich, white RethugliKKKan blood, which always puts her out, "if I thought that there were a dollar more in buggy whips or bustles than in healthcare, I'd have gone after either one of them.

"Just you watch. Soon some other progressive will come along and start telling restaurants not to put salt on the tables."

"Empress," I expostulated, while buffing her trotters and dodging the barb on the end of her tail, "Healthcare is the most important thing that there is. And anyway, there is no way that even a made progressive can ban table salt."

"Theocritus," she slurred, as she finally found me with the one eye which would focus, "Healthcare is only bird feathers, er, bird shit, er, birdlime to get people to give things up. If I could tell them that there were monsters under the bed and they'd believe it and hand over to me a single penny more than they will have to under Hillarycare, then I'd talk about monsters under the bed.

"And as for banning foods that people like, I'll do it as soon as I can, but if I can't, the Prog Who Will Come will do it. I'm psycho, you know...""Dearest Empress! No! You're psychic!"

"Right, right, right. As I was saying, I see some progressive in the future, possibly a woman, with an enormous jaw, who wears neon-colored, badly tailored Capri pants to state functions, and who has the biggest sense of entitlement that I've ever seen. I think that she will manage, somehow..."

And with that, she passed out, and her tusks made yet another divot in the terrazzo at the Rancho.

And that, dear Comrade Che, was when Bruno decided to weigh in. While she was passed out, he painted her trotters crimson. Ah, the sight of that. But when she woke up, she saw them and started squealing, "My paint is coming off! My paint is coming off! I'm outed!"