
The Obama Card

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I denounce these evil rethuglikkkans for creating this un progressive ad!


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I denounce YouTube for clearly forcing this user to remove his video!

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I denounce Commissar Elliott for simply not using the time machine in his garage to go back and view the video.

I also denounce myself for mentioning State Secrets(TM).

Comrades, there is no time machine. Understand? There. Is. No. Time. Machine. If you do not understand there will be knocks on the door at 3am. Got it? Good. Time machine is a euphemism for borscht.

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Colonel 7.62 wrote:I denounce Commissar Elliott for simply not using the time machine in his garage to go back and view the video.

I also denounce myself for mentioning State Secrets(TM).

Comrades, there is no time machine. Understand? There. Is. No. Time. Machine. If you do not understand there will be knocks on the door at 3am. Got it? Good. Time machine is a euphemism for borscht.

I denounce Colonel 7.62 for claiming there is not a time machine when it was clearly buried in my backyard by Party goons a few days ago.

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I denounce the Party Goons for burying the Time Machine in the Comrade Joe's backyard. They should of buried it in Area 51, the most secret of secret government sites.

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The Onion headline: "Area man finally resigns to prospect of seeing future without help from time machine."

But I wonder if the wayback machine allows to see removed Youtube videos.

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Youtube has powerful mechanisms to keep its removed videos in the gulag, so a way back machine (nice reference to Sherman and Mr. Peabody by the way) may be useless against it's temporal bending force field covered gulag of removed videos.

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Comrade Joe wrote:
I denounce Colonel 7.62 for claiming there is not a time machine when it was clearly buried in my backyard by Party goons a few days ago.

I denounce Comrade Joe for telling the world where the Party goons buried the time machine. I also denounce whomever directed the goons to bury it in Comrade Joe's backyard. I had already paid off the Goonmaster to bury it in MY backyard.

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I denouce comrade Colonel 7.62 for acting like a criminal capitalist and PAYING OFF the goonmaster when we all know if Comrade Colonel had the cojones, a simple threat would do. It is plain to see Comrade Joe got it done in a manner that benefitted all equally.

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I denounce Comrade Reiuxcat for denouncing me for the traditional lib-soc-prog act of slipping money, favors, or other items around in order to achieve an end.

Furthermore I denounce Comrade Reiuxcat for suggesting that I lack the ability to threaten a mere goonmaster.