
The People's News #107, June 16

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Comrade Simian

WHO wants to rename Monkey Pox due to RACISM™? What does RACISM™ have to do with monkeys and poxes? I am confused as I didn't know that monkeys were a race. Perhaps there is some other explanation and this actually says more about the people at WHO than it does about racism, or maybe it has to do with racism at WHO.

I remain
Dr. Chicago

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Dr. Chicago wrote:
6/16/2022, 2:36 pm
Comrade Simian

WHO wants to rename Monkey Pox due to RACISM™? What does RACISM™ have to do with monkeys and poxes? I am confused as I didn't know that monkeys were a race. Perhaps there is some other explanation and this actually says more about the people at WHO than it does about racism, or maybe it has to do with racism at WHO.

PhD of Windy City Mismanaged by Incompetent Mayor:

Read the headline again more carefully.

Colonel O.

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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:
6/16/2022, 3:24 pm
Dr. Chicago wrote:
6/16/2022, 2:36 pm
Comrade Simian

WHO wants to rename Monkey Pox due to RACISM™? What does RACISM™ have to do with monkeys and poxes? I am confused as I didn't know that monkeys were a race. Perhaps there is some other explanation and this actually says more about the people at WHO than it does about racism, or maybe it has to do with racism at WHO.

PhD of Windy City Mismanaged by Incompetent Mayor:

Read the headline again more carefully.

Colonel O.
Exactly what I was alluding to in my comment. Leftists are projecting their racism on others.