
The People’s News #113, June 22

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"When you prioritize hiring people because of their embrace of pronouns and degenerate sexuality over recruiting accomplished, genuinely educated people equipped with critical thinking skills, do not be surprised that the juvenile mediocrities perform poorly" ... -confused/

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Everything a comrade needs to know about a science free summer solstice experience. ... mmer-style

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TPN provides a science lesson on why the hipsters, the fake druids, the shit faced, and pick pockets gathered at Stonehenge to whatever.

In navigation, sailors knew how far north or south of equator they were, but knowing how far east or west they were in their voyage was a problem solved by American, Nathaniel Bowditch. pelipsky’s middle school remedial readers read double plus good biography about Nathaniel Bowditch, and learned all about the earth’s tilt and rotation. They became super smart about growing up as an indentured servant in colonial America, navigation to sail to ports around the globe, and science. Since this learning conflicted with the Federal Funding of remedial reading, ‘pelipsky was obviously insane for improving reading and thinking scores, becoming instead, a horned lagomorph re-education specialist at TPC.,_Mr._Bowditch