
The People's News #133, July 13

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TPN Readers, has ‘pelipsky got an out of the box re-education video for you. When higher education has clearly evaded sanity, re-education is the answer to getting that flamed out Spaced X! junk out of your public school collective.

Re Educate freely, comrades.

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Colonel O,
It was with fear and trepidation that the horned lagomorph searched out Hewitt’s Song. ‘pelipsky now knows the discombobulated force of music used to torture Noriega. Why are we subjecting Ukrainians to this kind of CIA bombardment of bad music political policy that sounds no more profound than the Coca-Cola commercial that became a religious cult of State sanctioned art of foreign policy.

The song does remind 'pelipsky of a Midsommer joke - which btw has a murder rate equal to Detroit - "How many folksingers does it take to replace a government? One, and three to sing about how good the one that didn't govern was."

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Most Equally Esteemed Komrad Colonel,

Thank you for reporting on the efforts of The Party™ to increase my spawning opportunities.  As of right now, there are NO salmon spawning streams in Missouri.  I don't have to tell you how distressing this is to me.  It is most equal that The Party™ should look out for my needs too.  And I don't mind spawning in the dark.  It should be good enough for everyone else also.

Getting ready to party in the Current Truth™,

Red Salmon

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jackalopelipsky wrote:
7/13/2022, 3:28 pm
Colonel O,
It was with fear and trepidation that the horned lagomorph searched out Hewitt’s Song. ‘pelipsky now knows the discombobulated force of music used to torture Noriega. Why are we subjecting Ukrainians to this kind of CIA bombardment of bad music political policy that sounds like no more profound as did the Coca-Cola commercial that became a religious cult of State sanctioned art of foreign policy.

The song does remind 'pelipsky of a Midsommer joke - which btw has a murder rate equal to Detroit - "How many folksingers does it take to replace a government? One, and three to sing about how good the one that didn't govern was."
Q: How can you tell one of Hugh Hewitt's favorite songs from another?
A: They all have different names.

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Red Salmon wrote:
7/13/2022, 4:43 pm
 I don't mind spawning in the dark.  It should be good enough for everyone else also.
My most equally esteemed comrade:

I'm certain Missourians everywhere will be happy to know that it is the State of Montana that faces the power problem and I am correcting TPN right now.

Here is a photo of the intern responsible for the error.
She is now on her way to five years of research for a in-depth story on a borax mine in Irkutsk.


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Most Equally Esteemed Komrad Colonel,

So The Party™ is NOT facilitating salmon spawning opportunities in Missouri?  Disappointed!!!!!!!!

Feeling in a revolutionary mood in the Current Truth™,

Red Salmon

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Seems the indigenous salmon of Walla Walla have urged the Biden Administration to return the Columbia River System to pre-Lewis and Clark exploration daze. Not only will hydroelectric damns (sic) be breached to pre-Colombian standards for indigenous salmon’s sex life, comrades of river transportation will re-enjoy the joy of loaded canoe portage thing, in the dark. Just like those days of Undaunted Courage. Columbia River System Indigenous salmon have breached the Northwest’s power grid. The GWONT will soon run floorward to the Pacific Ocean now, comrades ... americans/

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Were those "dreamer" or "DACA" salmon coming here to do the jobs that American salmon won't do?

If so, we have bigger fish to fry in solving this one...

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1. Give all salmon mRNA boosters and wait for them to mutate into ELECTRIC salmon.
2. Plug electric cars into newly plentiful salmon.

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Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:
7/14/2022, 10:30 am
Were those "dreamer" or "DACA" salmon coming here to do the jobs that American salmon won't do?

If so, we have bigger fish to fry in solving this one...
I think the label has a misprint.