
The People's News #136, July 16

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In order for the Democrat Party to continue The United States must be dismantled.
The Democratic party must reorient itself around radical democratic reforms and disempowering the supreme court, the Senate, and state governments. This is both necessary and inevitable. If Biden doesn’t do it, the next Democrat will need to. If they don’t, it will be impossible to exercise power of any sort, no matter the opinions of citizens.

There’s no way through these rigged institutions. Only around. To save his presidency, this needs to be at the very forefront of his agenda.

Democrat Party of what? The institutions they represent are the Democrat Party’s ideological enemy. ... fight-back

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jackalopelipsky wrote:
7/16/2022, 6:05 pm
In order for the Democrat Party to continue The United States must be dismantled. ... fight-back
Thanks for posting this, 'Pelipsky.

This article shows just how delusional and out of touch with reality the writer is, but—after all—it was written for The Guardian...

Rule: Never waste time with a British opinion on American politics.

NOTE: The Guardian is for Leftists who believe they're fighting a woke war in a Matrix controlled by Conservative space aliens.

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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:
7/16/2022, 7:56 pm
jackalopelipsky wrote:
7/16/2022, 6:05 pm
In order for the Democrat Party to continue The United States must be dismantled. ... fight-back
Thanks for posting this, ‘pelipsky

Rule: Never waste time with a British opinion on American politics.

NOTE: The Guardian is for Leftists who believe they're fighting a woke war in a Matrix controlled by Conservative space aliens.

To continue Colonel O’s Matrix statement——, or, leftists currently serving in positions within the Institutions of Government of the United States they are at ideological war with. That explains the TPN articles above like Bastille Day at the French Ambassador’s residence, or University of PA awarding Lia Thomas as exemplar of womanhood. Everything done by State employees MUST destroy the institutions of The United States, or their career is of no ideological consequence and the Democrat Party would have no reason to exist.

It is refreshing to read this Democrat Party ideological war against the United States so clearly stated.

It’s not a crazy conspiracy for the rest of the United States to believe this ideological foundation about the Democrat Party’s mission. It’s a clearly stated fact by The Guardian.

‘pelipsky believes Leftists mean what they say they want to accomplish and has lived in the American Gulag for 30 years, as proof of ‘pelipsky’s belief system about Leftists, the Democrat Party, and the Rethuglicans who want to help in the ideological war against the institutions that comprise the United States, as well as the families who live here. Grief and sorrow are the product of this Democratic War with the institutions from which they derive any authority.

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A double whammy of grief and sorrow occurs in the Progressive abuse of the authority of the institution paying their salary. Plus, making some on the side. All due to ideological contempt for the Americans family through the authority of Institution of which is held in contempt. So that they would traffick children into the hands of politicians like Joe Biden - The Democrat Party —Father figure —- the Father of Hunter.

According to The Guardian (sic) this kind of human sacrifice must increase, in order to keep the Democrat Party alive.