
The People's News #146, July 26

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Most Equally Esteemed Komrad Colonel,

I believe that Miss Thang, pictured above, is more of a diesel-electric kind of girl. 

My mind wanders when I read statistics involving large swaths of the USSA population.  One in three subjects of the USSA feel they may need to stage an armed rebellion?  Hmmmmm  Would this be the same one out of three that actually own firearms?  It might not be a cakewalk for the other two in three.  Just sayin'. 

As the apocryphal quote says:  "Those who beat their swords (AR-15s) into plowshares will certainly plow for those who don't."

Debating personal firearm ownership in The Current Truth™,

Red Salmon


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Red Salmon wrote:
7/26/2022, 10:30 pm
Debating personal firearm ownership in The Current Truth™,
Red Salmon