
The People's News #2 Mar 1 2022

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Comrades, it’s been a long, emotional week full of heartache for the international statesman, Sean Penn. As Democrats fight for “The New World Order™” at some point in time, their anger and political manipulations for the destruction of Western Nations as we know it, will give way to understanding, understanding will give way to sympathy and victimhood, and sympathy along with victimhood will give way to acquiescence.
       While we have the advantage to monitor nuclear weapons even as they rain down on Ukraine, when you have the entire cast of Hamilton, George Soros, Biden, Hillary, Obeyme, Swalwell, Austin, Miley, Dirtbin, Romney, McCowsky, Sanders, Booger, Feinstein, Blumenthal, Menendez, AOC, Kitzinger, Fauci, Pelosi, Schumer, Sheila Jackson Lee, Hirono, Leahy, Schiff, Waters, Warren, which makes up the entire Washington Branch Covidian Members™, along with other assorted progressives who seem to be going through such unspeakable anguish, voicing their support of people whose very lives are vastly inferior to theirs, that’s something!

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It's not as if it's about them thinking people care what they think, it's about what they think people think about them, which is not much.

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‘pelipsky can’t wait until the Nobel Awards Show.

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jackalopelipsky wrote:
3/1/2022, 4:26 pm
‘pelipsky can’t wait until the Nobel Awards Show.
Neither can Pamalinsky. But first, I need to prepare myself by watching tonight's SOTU, or was it STFU? I dunno, I get so confused!

See ya at the awards Jackie!