
The People's News #66, May 6

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Most Equally Esteemed Komrads,

I must ask, will this Environmental Justice™ be applied to worker's paradises like Flint, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, etc? 

The Office of The Attorney General issued this press release:

Justice Department Launches Comprehensive Environmental Justice Strategy

The implication is that the Justice Department has intentionally left environmental laws unenforced in "...communities of color, indigenous communities, and low-income communities".  The Environmental Protection Agency is also named in this self denunciation of incompetence. 

A quick search of the inter-webs for the cities with the worst water quality in the USSA reveals that all but one are run by The Party™.  The State of Texas is listed as a city.  Apparently there is naturally occurring radium in the ground water.  All of the other examples are caused by either industrial pollution, failure in water treatment, or both.  Will the Attorney General sanction city leaders who are members of The Party™ in good standing? 

No.  I almost feel compelled to denounce myself for even thinking feeling it necessary to ask such a question.  A closer reading of the press release reveals that in addition to the mandatory punishment element of every endevour The Party™ embarks on, there will be a redistribution element to increase The Party™ slush fund in all of these Worker's Paradise Collectives.  It turns out that only Evil KKKaipitalists need worry about punishment. 

Somewhere in the Current Truth™,

Red Salmon

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Most esteemed of Red Salmon, a competent reader could almost swear the 'new' Justice Agency is to force the 'old' EPA to do its job, or go away and let a competent comrade do the environmental job of providing the Collective with safe drinking water.

Pink slips would cost less, with less legal fees to the unsafety watered Collective. Or, is 'pelipsky reading too much into this FED Budget expenditure?