
"Times" Exposes Mother and Clones

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The New York Times has exposed our allies and plants as they attempt to "fit in" among authentic humans. Until now our clones have hidden throughout the media, Wall Street and government while sowing the seed of enlightened thought directed at planet preservation. In Wiki Leaks fashion the Times has carelessly divulged our clone's existence in the following article. Our authenticity was formally unquestioned. Now, like Valerie Plame, we are shoved out into the cold and away from our glorified secretarial duties.

Authentic? Get Real
"Authenticity seems to be the value of the moment, rolling off the tongues of politicians, celebrities, Web gurus, college admissions advisers, reality television stars. In recent months it's been cited by the likes of Katie Couric (“I think I love to be my authentic self,” she said on CBS); Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (“I believe in being as authentic as possible,” she told Glamour magazine); former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania (who on Fox described himself as “being authentic”), even Pope Benedict XVI (more on that in a moment)."


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Comrade Peoples,

You have depicted our Many Titted Empress™ with great skill and accuracy, showing her "authentic" self. I tip my kufi to you, dear Comrade.

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Corporeal Whinny wrote:Comrade Peoples,

You have depicted our Many Titted Empress™ with great skill and accuracy, showing her "authentic" self. I tip my kufi to you, dear Comrade.
I have been lonesome for her nurturing presence, welcomed the opportunity to keep her abreast of the issues.

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It's merely the tit of the iceburg, comrades.

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Comrade Rock, you need to get the lit lisp checked.

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ThePeoplesComrade wrote:Comrade Rock, you need to get the lit lisp checked.
You comrades are milking this joke for all it's worth.