
NY Times promotes cannibalism

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First it was eating bugs, and now this...

From the NY Times - Are we ready to start eating people?

New York Times - Cannibalism.jpg

Biden/Obama’s beloved Davos crowd (World Economic Forum) love to hold meetings about how their social engineering will create a “new normal” for everyone but themselves; however, I mean, c’mon, even for the furthest left this has to be a bridge too far, no?

If the food runs out5.jpg

Is the Biden era of transformational social change really going to go combine: defining “essential workers”, forced medical procedures, radical climate change, the eating of bugs and insects, post-birth abortion and chopping the genitals off children without parent consent, together with the social acceptability of cannibalism; all of it, into one term in office?

Meat Chart.jpg

To Serve Man5.jpg


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Comrades, in The Democrat Party’s survival cannibalism to re-Manifest Destiny the American mind, listen to Atlantic journalist, Jennifer Senior, report to The Guardian, that Steve Bannon is no different from Hannibal Lector. ... ly-america

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Biden/Obama’s beloved Davos crowd will soon begin to promote food chewers, that is, people who pre-chew food to make it more palatable to cannibalism. Perhaps the Times will begin a lengthy article on exploring the wonders of auto-erotic asphyxiation using recycled paper bags gathered from carbon trading centers as another way to curb the herd.
Remember Comrades, the needs and wants of the global community far outweigh any discomfort over questioning one's sanity.....