
Sheryl Crow, Enviro-Traitor

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Comrades I'm shocked and dismayed. Sheryl Crow, who presents herself as some kind of environmental champion is nothing but a rank traitor.

In a press release she encouraged college students to switch to CFL bulbs. But what kind of bulbs does she use in her NYC loft apartment? Halogen and incandescent bulbs!

Here's the heartbreaking proof from a tour taken by Elle Magazine. Try not to weep for Gaia.







Its the same as Al Gore telling people not to drive SUV's as he flies around in his private jet using as much fuel in one flight as an SUV uses in a year. Or Barbara Strietsand telling people to quit using electrcity and turn thier air conditioners off when her electric bill is almost $8000 for her mansion.

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Comarade Dan, you forgot to add:

"For it is by their unceasing efforts to keep us, the murdering , Gaia-raping Western World from destroying the planet so that children may sleep snug and safe at night, that they are allowed these minor indulgences. It is ourt heartfelt hope that they sleep well tonight, knowing that we are doing our part and making sacrfices so that they may enjoy their hard-won rewards."

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:Comrades I'm shocked and dismayed. Sheryl Crow, who presents herself as some kind of environmental champion is nothing but a rank traitor.

In a press release she encouraged college students to switch to CFL bulbs. But what kind of bulbs does she use in her NYC loft apartment? Halogen and incandescent bulbs!

Here's the heartbreaking proof from a tour taken by Elle Magazine. Try not to weep for Gaia.

No doubt she needs to spend some "quality time" with Algore to correct for her not-Gaia ways.
It's amazing the effect he has on women who spend some time with him

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My comrades

It seems I need to re-educate you regarding the true tenets of Progressivism.

Rules are only for Proles.

Party Members, by Virtue of their Party Membership, and the Ongoing Sacrifice they make on a daily basis, are not subject to the Rules.

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I am most shocked. I have to wonder if this photos were photoshopped just to smear dear comradess Sheryl? We know her true dark loyal progressive soul. Oh wait. I had almost had forgettingness - after her glorious suggestion of "one sheet" in the toiletry, she later said she was " joking". That was such a disappointment . . we were so ready to follow her lead.


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I am in tears. Did you see all of that murdered wood on her floors?

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I must rise to the defense of Sheryl Crow. She makes these so-called "hypocrisies" irrelevant through participation in the Informercial-Carbon-Credits Program, in which she helps save GAIA by appearing in my infomercial for the GAIA HAT while also wearing her t-shirt promoting her ingenious "1SPSTSME" program, which offsets her installation of magnificent hardwood floors. Just as Progressive Environmentalists can hear the cry of the trees, they can also hear the wood in her floors singing the Oak Martyrdom Hymn in her honor for her noble infomercial work offsetting the agonizing deaths of the oak trees lovingly harvested to grace her floors.

--Gorbels Cube

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Dearest Leninka, you make such a gloriously progressive thought - murdered wood. It is truly so sad. All those leaves, never to know the light of day . . . I have a tear. Now I must quickly run and remove some wood from the flooring of my abode which was put there by PREVIOUS OCCUPANTS.

Does not dear Gore, our little "sex poo-dell" looking most spiffy in his hat?

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Those previous occupants ought to be subject to the same carbon emission violations as the evil oil companies for purchasing trees killed that would have continued to eat up carbon dioxide and convert it to oxygen. All tree deaths should be atoned for - period.

Speaking of evil oil companies, you will be glad to know that in the name of never letting an oil crisis go to waste, the head of the EPA has usurped the right to issue operation permits to oil refineries from the evil state of Texas and now have a boot on the neck of those evil refineries, meaning that at the drop of the hat they can extort millions and millions of dollars from these oil refineries, or shut them down, altogether, if they wish, which is a great comfort to me, because it means that Maxine Water's dream of nationalizing the oil company is closer than we think.

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Actually Leninka I hear that the EPA stopped issuing those permits months before the oil leak. They're just claiming that the cessation is due to the leak. A clever excuse to cover their forward thinking. I can't wait for the price of gas to skyrocket above $5 a gallon.

Once people realize that Obama means to strangle our energy industries, they're really gonna love him for saving the planet.

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Yes. Never let a crisis go to waste. But back to the toilet paper. Now my people are descended from people who were thrown the remains of an animal to make do with after the master and his family ate all the best parts. If you think I'm going to make to with one square, or a car the size of a flea egg, think again. I may like my welfare and my handouts, but one square to save the planet is going too far.

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Hey, you don't hear Obama complain because the Bill of Rights or Declaration of Independence are only printed on a single sheet of paper.

Not to worry Leninka, once Obama gets done with our economy the banks will be full of prime butt wiping material.

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Now that give a new meaning to the phrase "going green."