
Trained Right Wing Organizations

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Grassroots of Missouri seize means of production from Missouri RINOs in charge of Missouri Republican Party. ... state-gop/

North Carolina Fraternal Orders overpower foreign agents in American Flag dispute. ... 19001.html

Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters, knows these two above actions are the work of native grassroots, who have been training up in the hills, somewhere, to create organizations that will not let Trump lose in his bid to be The President, again. For years these grassroot organizations have trained themselves out in the mountains of Florida for this very purpose.

If this is revolutionary in Missouri, what happens if highly trained hill fed grassroot MAGA types already connecting with Trump do the same thing in Texazistan?

No wonder Maxine Waters is very concerned. A Trump win, or Trump loss - Demcrats set to lose control of the narrative. ... cy-theory/

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Is the James Brown impersonator afraid trumpster thugs may arrive in her neighborhood in the hills of Beverly? Swimming pools... movie stars...

The horror, the horror!

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Trained rightwing organizations are the greatest threat to the democrat party political empire. No joke. I can't say this enough - if you want to protect the empire that gives you your place in the sun and your phony baloney jobs vote Potemkin 2024! If Trump destroys our political empire you'll have to go to work again.

Rage For the Machine! Vote Potemkin 2024

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In preparation for Texazistan’s GOP Convention, the Biden DOJ opens up Henry Cuellar’s (D-Texas) can of worms as a warning to never break Democrat ranks and criticize Democrat Institutions of Government. Piercing Cuellar’s can of worms only gives fodder to the hill trained Texazistan Right Wing grassroots organizations prepared to ransack Senator John Cornyn’s convention speech telling them to sit down and shut up, because he has The Border Situation right where he wants it.

Things could not be worse in Texazistan. Investigating a Texazistanian Democrat like Cuellar for crimes against the Democrat Party is a threat to the entire House of Representatives and the Senate. The crumbling edifice of politics is under assault by highly trained in the hills right wing organizations in Texazistan.

Petroleum, cement ponds, wild critters as pets, and opossum stew might be in your future, comrades. But only if you get lucky! ... community/