
Undercover work at popular Kapitalist establishment

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Always good to see how the capitalists operate. What disturbs me, though is that line outside the store. They are stealing our thunder. For years, our glorious system has had a monopoly on lines. Comrade Pinkie is a connoisseur of lines, with a Ph.D. in line etiquette and protocol.

I myself was waiting in a line for free dental care just yesterday. It was a good one and half hour line, and I can't tell you how much gossip I picked up while there. Once I got to the front of the line, they told me that I didn't qualify for free care, as I already had too much dental work in my mouth, but it was a fun time, and I'm still glad I went.

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Comrade Butthead's buddy, I trust you'll be redistributing those shirts and mugs to the Collective?

(I wear a size medium shirt)