
Victims of Greater Streategery

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I know the useful idiots are celebrating in the streets right now, all clamoring for progress and change and all that other crap we gush about. However; we are through. This victory will translate into a defeat in 08, I know it, and you all know it as well that with us behind the wheel for two years only puts us on the defensive. Right now we have to look at the underlying victory the capitalist exploiters have gained.

  1. They purged their ranks of the likes of a Lincoln Chafee, a very notable RINO. Without him sitting on a committee it can be given away now to a real conservative repug. Many more RINO's will possibly face the same fate
  2. The corrupt have been dealt with, we can no longer gush over a “culture of corruption”, because now we are in charge and yes, we are all corrupt.
  3. We won't have Rummy to kick around anymore, and I think K-K-Karl is out as well, this is a time for panic. How can we blame Bushler now?!?!?
  4. 2008 is out of the picture now, we are on the defensive while the can play offense, and when they revamp their Party and bring in the more “Reagan” elememts (I know comrades, I shuddered too!) they will revive the 94 revolution and send us all home.
  5. Most importantly, we can't help ourselves. We must drag the people kicking and screaming into the brave new world. While the country is conservative, we are in fact communist hardliners. They will send us home and ruin what smoke & mirror efforts we put forth in making ourselves look “moderate”.
  6. We have no plans, our plans were for higher taxes, socialized everything, partial birth CHOICE and a weakened national security policy. Stalin help us, they will figure us out and send us packing.

So, what have we learned? We learned that our Diebold rant holds no credibility, our own protestors will rip us apart, the nutroots will try to dictate the agenda and expose us for what we are and the Amerikan people will wake up and remember all our nasty flaws before we can take all three branches of federal power in 08.

We may have won the battle, but we have lost the war. Let us collectively contemplate progressive defeat in 2008.

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Comrade Chairman,

What you say could be true of course except for a few minor points that I might add. With us having control now we can still hold control forever!! How you may ask? This is how:

1) Illegal Immigrants. We can push through all sorts of fun stuff pertaining to the 'Rights of Non-US Citizens' especially in the voting and welfare department. If we give all the illegals welfare, they will love us for it and want to keep their checks rolling in. And how will they do that? By us giving them the 'Right of Non-Citizen Residents to Vote' they will keep us in power!! Welfare of course will include such wonderful things as money, education, housing, and health!! The President will sign into law any act we present to him on this issue, he already has done nothing on the immigrant issue and under pressure of us calling him 'racist' he will sign.

2) The Military. By us pulling all of our troops out of where ever it will create breeding grounds for terrorist nut jobbies unchecked. They will know that all they have to do is kill people and blow stuff up and the Americans will cave into any thing they want. So knowing how our oppressed Islamoists operate, they will soon start blowing stuff up here in Amerika! This is helpful to our cause as we can pin it all on the fact that Bushie did the whole Iraq thing and this is a direct result of it. It will be a simple matter of convincing the sheeple, er people that we will sit down with the Islamowhozits and talk to them nicely to please stop blowing stuff up. We may have to give them Florida, but no worry we will take it back in the long run.

3) Entitlements. By expanding entitlements in the name of the children, we will get Amerika hooked on us. Free daycare for kids, free health care for kids, free school supplies for kids, free everything for kids!! No one would dare oppose such legislation for if they do we would smear them as children hating troglodites. Then we would simply tell the sheeple...people (dammit I need to catch myself better) that if the evil Repuglikkkans get back into power all their free stuff goes away.

The crux of the whole revolution of course is '08. If we maintain control in '08 we will maintain control forever for then we will be able to enact the really good stuff like disarming the common citizenry, socialized medicine, etc...the good Big Brother stuff. We may also be able to push through an idea I have been kicking around pertaining to voting, that being a 'Default Vote'. Since the shee...PEOPLE (jeez) have kept us in power, it is the obvious will of the masses that we remain in power. So to make it easier for everyone in their busy lives, all you have to do to keep us in power is NOT SHOW UP!!! Their votes will be rightfully recorded as voting for us and all will be well.

So do not lose faith Comrades!!! The horizon is bright and beautiful and everything is right with the world since Red Dawn



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Comrade O'Brien -

While it is true that a government which robs Peter to pay Paul will have the support of Paul, I still can't shake off the feeling our Red Dawn (as you eloquently put it) might be a Pyrrhic victory.

1. In order to win, Democrats appointed more conservative candidates who often stole positions of their Republican opponents. As a result,

2. Instead of shifting to the left, the balance in the House will now shift to the right.

3. Who knows how many of the newly elected scoundrels may become future Zell Millers and Joes Liebermans.

4. People's frustration in part resulted from a dysfunctional state of the US government. It was dysfunctional namely because the Republicans couldn't counter with reason shrill nonsensical bickering (aka "progressive thought") coming from the extreme left of the Democrats. But the latest shift to the right opens a chance for a reasonable dialogue between the two parties - which is detrimental to our progressive movement.

5. A sound and constructive exchange of opinions is good for America and bad for "progress." The lack of such constructive exchange allowed us to spread all kinds of rumors, accusations, and conspiracies against our enemies on the Right. With more of the Democrats moving to the mainstream, however, a sound exchange of opinions may ensue that will marginalize our kooky base of useful villagers, thus hampering all progress and setting us back a few decades.

6. The sympathetic mass media was a big helper. Ever since Bush had won in 2000, the media emotionally dwelled in the darkest corners of the human psyche, viewing any event through the dark prism of their frustration and hatred. That allowed us to channel their destructive energy, practically monopolizing the media with the purpose of putting correct ideas into people's heads and conditioning the masses. With their frustration gone, the media may become mellow and lazy. Our previously mighty torrent of propaganda may shrink into an exasperating trickle.

7. The Angry Left, the Hollywood celebrities, and other "useful villagers" may now take a deep breath and relax - just like the right-wingers did before them - leaving all political activism to a handful of full-time Party apparatchiks, making them overworked and disgruntled. The right-wing base, on the other hand, will become mobilized again.

This makes me wonder if this victory is such a great win, after all, and we hadn't been bamboozled once again by the Mephistophelian Karl Rove who gave the Democrats their precious happy moment but will instead take their progressive soul.

Our only hope is now Nancy Pelosi and how effectively she can use the Party Shovel of Justice.

Red Square wrote:Comrade O'Brien -
Who knows how many of the newly elected scoundrels may become future Zell Millers and Joes Liebermans.

Comrade O'Brien- I agree with you as this could be a Pyrrhic victory. The Party controls the Peoples' Congress. Yet, Joe Lieberman won reelection as an Independent! I was astonished! The Party elite in Connecticut purged him in August, but he retained his seat in the Supreme Senate. Someone must be held accountable for this! With him there, he will be a running dog for Bushitler's desire to bring democracy to Iraq! Comrade Harry Reid must look out for any other possible fake Party members in the Senate!

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Comrade Redsquare, I tip my ushanka to you good sir. I am glad OTHER PARTY ELITE see this as a devastating blow just as I do.

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I want to add to the conspiracy. OK, so its official now THE PARTY CONTROLS THE SENATE! YaY us, another victory! The big questions remains.


It would put the Senate back into Repug hands with The Dark One as the tie-breaker.

The plot thickens comrades.... the plot thickens.

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The big questions remains

That, and the question of "now that we won, will Non-Person "K" finally shut up?

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Our only hope is now Nancy Pelosi and how effectively she can use the Party Shovel of Justice.




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Chairman Meow S. Pun wrote:Comrade Redsquare, I tip my ushanka to you good sir. I am glad OTHER PARTY ELITE see this as a devastating blow just as I do.

Nay nay Comrades. Did Comrade Lenin give up after the Provisional Government was established? No! He pushed on and fought and fought until he achieved the true glorious workers paradise through the Bolshevik Revolution which we all celebrate as Red Oktober. But each of the small 'setbacks' were in all actuality steps to the greater glory of the collective!

Do not concern yourselves with 'moderates' for they are not moderate at all!! Look to the past comrades!! History has shown that even 'moderates' tow the Party line when it counts. History has also shown that the Party has presented candidates to the masses, said what they needed to say to get elected and then did what the Party decreed!

Your point is valid, Comrade Red Square, about the media. They could be our Achilles heel in these crucial times. For if they do become complacent and lethargic than our chances in '08 are lost. 'I will work harder!' must become their mantra, as comrade Boxer would say. If they maintain their strangle hold on information and present it properly, the people will gladly line up and gleefully hand over their rights, especially if they do it to 'save the children' (one of my personal favorites).

Your point are quite valid, Comrades Chairman and Red Square, I see them very well, and it could very well happen that way. That is why it is a very crucial time for us, we must play our cards precisely for the slightest slip up would ruin everything.

And be sure that blasted nimrod K is purged and stays purged!!! For he will surely screw up everything!!



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O'Brien wrote:Comrade Chairman,

What you say could be true of course except for a few minor points that I might add. With us having control now we can still hold control forever!! How you may ask? This is how:

1) Illegal Immigrants. We can push through all sorts of fun stuff
pertaining to the 'Rights of Non-US Citizens' especially in the voting and welfare department. If we give all the illegals welfare, they will love us for it and want to keep their checks rolling in. And how will they do that? By us giving them the 'Right of Non-Citizen Residents to Vote' they will keep us in power!! Welfare of course will include such wonderful things as money, education, housing, and health!! The President will sign into law any act we present to him on this issue, he already has done nothing on the immigrant issue and under pressure of us calling him 'racist' he will sign.

2) The Military. By us pulling all of our troops out of where ever it will create breeding grounds for terrorist nut jobbies unchecked. They will know that all they have to do is kill people and blow stuff up and the Americans will cave into any thing they want. So knowing how our oppressed Islamoists operate, they will soon start blowing stuff up here in Amerika! This is helpful to our cause as we can pin it all on the fact that Bushie did the whole Iraq thing and this is a direct result of it. It will be a simple matter of convincing the sheeple, er people that we will sit down with the Islamowhozits and talk to them nicely to please stop blowing stuff up. We may have to give them Florida, but no worry we will take it back in the long run.

3) Entitlements. By expanding entitlements in the name of the children, we will get Amerika hooked on us. Free daycare for kids, free health care for kids, free school supplies for kids, free everything for kids!! No one would dare oppose such legislation for if they do we would smear them as children hating troglodites. Then we would simply tell the sheeple...people (dammit I need to catch myself better) that if the evil Repuglikkkans get back into power all their free stuff goes away.

The crux of the whole revolution of course is '08. If we maintain control in '08 we will maintain control forever for then we will be able to enact the really good stuff like disarming the common citizenry, socialized medicine, etc...the good Big Brother stuff. We may also be able to push through an idea I have been kicking around pertaining to voting, that being a 'Default Vote'. Since the shee...PEOPLE (jeez) have kept us in power, it is the obvious will of the masses that we remain in power. So to make it easier for everyone in their busy lives, all you have to do to keep us in power is NOT SHOW UP!!! Their votes will be rightfully recorded as voting for us and all will be well.

So do not lose faith Comrades!!! The horizon is bright and beautiful and everything is right with the world since Red Dawn


It is also a great day for the glorius Soviet Union and Mother Russia. There have been large military parades in Red Square, celebration by the Komosol and the Little Octoberists, and everyone in good standing has been given a little extra wheat to get them through the winter.

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Comrades, there is nothing to be concerned about here. Bush and the RepugliKKKans are done for. The People have voted for a party far more debased and corrupt than the one now in power and did so knowingly and willingly. Culture of corruption? HA! We'll replace Tom Delay with Jack Murtha! Who will they choose to sacrifice in a run against Her Excellency in '08? McCain? Frist? Don't make me laugh. There is not one capable, effective candidate for them to run and they are now in full retreat. The wave of predictable political sepukku has begun.

So what if the Demokrat caucus is full of "Blue Dogs", rascists, nutcases and feckless idiots? Who cares if the DnC "big tent" includes Heath Shuler and Keith Ellison? The only goal is POWER! How we obtain it and what we do with it is unimportant. Demokrats could spend the next two years twiddling their thumbs and it won't matter. The leftist wave is sweeping the world again and Amerika is along for the ride! This time, it's for good. We've learned our lessons and we will see to it that another Reagan or Bush never rises again. We will regain control of the airwaves and take the internet. The right-wing will soon be a distant non-memory. People will rely on the Party for all of their basic needs and they will never turn from us again. Forward to Revolution, comrades!

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Oh yes, Bluedog Democrats (DINO's) will really play well. Look at the Koz Creeps, they were clamoring for three years about making the Party "progressive" and "people powered", well guess what, they installed Democrats who are more likely to side with the President then the Vast Left Wing Crapspiracy. It WAS the nutroots who mobilized their base, forked up the cash, manned the phone banks, slept with the big party donors (LOL, had to throw that last bit in, you know it to be true!) ect. ect. ect. IT WAS THEM, not Rahm Emmanuel nor Chucky, it was the base. These people are more antsy then we are when it comes to dealing with so called "moderates" after all, these people freak out over the slightest deviation in political correctness, wait till they hear it from the lips of their own elected member of Kongress. Commissar M, open your eyes man! Its doomsday! Sean and Rush have something now to rail against other than the usual out of step Republican, Party activist can now talk about true Republican values instead of having to defend our positions because of the likes of a Lincoln Chafee or any number of these other RINO's. It is very hard to preach about an end to frivolous spending when your own elected members (who we all bled for) are doing it themselves, very hard. But now, I don't have to worry about it, the old guard is dying out, the old men are packing up and heading home and now we can put up some folks who are charismatic and conservative!


Oh, we need a tougher RNC Chairman, someone with charisma as well. I am SOOO sick of these Party golden boy scouts (Sorry Ken, the line "grab some pretzles and a cold drink, its going to be a long night" didn't work for me, kind of cheesey. Michael Steele anyone? Anyone? Do I hear a second? I will also state that our own Chairwoman here in VA needs to step down, we fumbled a Gubernatorial race AND lost George Allen (along with the whole U.S Senate) under her charge. Jerry Kilgore was the worst candidate against Timmy Kaine and Allen's campaign was managed poorly and she could have stepped in and asked for at least a few heads to roll. *Sigh* Jim Webb is my Senator now, I must go now and cry in a corner :-(

Chairman Meow S. Pun wrote:Jim Webb is my Senator now, I must go now and cry in a corner :-(

I understand your pain, Chairman Meow. Sherrod Brown is now my senator, and my new governor is Ted Strickland, whose campaign manager is a pedophile.

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You know comrade Chairman, you're right! RUN!!!! We're doomed!

Normal Demokrats, liberals and progressives don't concern me but the Blue Dogs ran as gun-totin', Jesus-lovin', flag-wavin', Reagan-admiring patriots. Something tells me they might not be so willing to meekly go on late-night hole digging expeditions.

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Branish wrote:I understand your pain, Chairman Meow. Sherrod Brown is now my senator, and my new governor is Ted Strickland, whose campaign manager is a pedophile.

Well, just as long as he's not a Repug pedophile, that's OK. We live in an environment where people can actually convice themselves that voting for a Democrat is the best way to solve issues of corruption, overspending and business as usual. One US Senator can use an obscure word that is apparently offensive to someone somewhere else in the world and that gets beaten to death in the media while another US Senator can hurl an insult at US troops and the media demands we accept his "botched joke" psuedo mea culpa (on his 7th attempt to half-ass appologise) shut up and get over it. One Senator can watch his career end in defeat over dealings with a notorious lobbyist while another who dealt with the same guy is poised to be majority leader. Let's face it, Dems are always held to a different standard than Reps, both by a fawning media and also, apparently, by a large amount of the voting public. Glorious comrades, simply glorious!

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I know comrade Commissar, its sad, but some of these folks have forgotten what a Dem controlled Congress can do as far as damage is concerned, but now they will have their rude awakining. Lets face it, the Dems are what they are and if something goes politically astray it will fall on them or at least they will share the blame, they are the MAJORITY NOW! But if they do by some act of God push some decent legislation through, the President can take credit for it (Just like Billy Boy did in the 90's for a booming economy, restraint on welfare and a balanced budget!). I see this whole situation as (hopefully) a perfect storm and a chance to re-introduce the worst of what worst has to offer here, the Dems to the newbies who elected them and have never lived under their regime.

The best defense is a good offense and now we are on the offense.
Sleep well gentle Democrats, sleep well. We will hold your feet to to fire come 08.

[ Oh, let us not forget how they bitched about being "silenced" by the majority, lets just wait and see how they operate now that they are in charge! ]

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Comrade Meow said this:
[ Oh, let us not forget how they bitched about being "silenced" by the majority, lets just wait and see how they operate now that they are in charge! ]
They are well aware of how to act as "party in charge", unlike the Repuglikkkans. That is the Rep's greatest weakness...the Dems stick together like flies on shit, and the Reps are non-cohesive.

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Yeah, they circle the wagons alright, or is it called a circle jerk? I'm not really sure, its one of them.