
We're All "Privileged White" Crackers Now!

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Comrades, compatriots and compadres:

We have reached the New World of Next Tuesday on a day that is not even Tuesday. Gloriously, *we the Progressive, open-minded and tolerant defenders of the re-adjusted truth, have reached a new high of unequaled equality. *We have successfully redefined the previously un-redefinable. (praise allah... Obama!)

Injustice has been readjusted and redefined to mean what it should mean . . . which is whatever we (*see above) mean!

White privileged white people are official "crackers". We have also been instructed that it is not racist because the white people do not have the mind-think of black peoples, who can think whatever they way about 'white crackers'.

Only the glorious Progressive, Liberal Democratic type of bro and sistern, have the privilege of being racisted upon, as we know. "White Is Out, Black Is Back In" (tshirt to be available in the Peoples Eye and Arm Transplant Center a week from next Tuesday).

It is evil, selfish white privilege that makes understanding dear comrades of dark coloring not to be understood. Shame on the white peoples for being white and taking privileges away from peoples of colors!! "DOWN WITH WHITE PEOPLE AND THEIR WHITE PRIVILEGE". (tshirt to be available in the Peoples Transmission & Kool Aid Center a week from next Tuesday)

Only black people can understand the black people: "Nigga," is understood to be okey dokey when used by black peoples, but not white peoples. And white privileged "crack" should know that the "Kings English" is racist talk by white peoples!!... so says Christina Coleman. So let it be written, so make it be done!

Everyone is required to purchase White Privileged Crack tshirt asap! Now you may resume your previous activity.

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Comrade Fraulein, it warms my white privileged (but only in good ways, since I'm fully Progressive) heart to see this finally becoming mainstream CurrentTruth™!

And to think it took the combination of a Hispanic-American who is actually a creepy ass cracker because he had a gun and killed an African-American, plus a dead unfairly and racistly killed African-American young man who would have looked like our Dear Comrade President's son (if he had one), plus a non-cursive-reading African-American young ho bee-yotch womyn to get it there!

The USSA becomes more glorious every day!!

PS - is it possible to reserve a T-shirt?

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Most loyal Comrade R.O.C.K., I would be as privileged as a cracker to reserve your tshirt... just let me make a phone call to my connections at the IRS and.... yes, it is done!!
Consider it a gift from our compadres embedded in the IRS, who will be sharing their funds and tshirts at next glorious conference, not to be in Las Vegas.

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Comrade Fraulein, the bumper schticker potential is also wonderful ...


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Comrade Marx the most loyal, I am delighted beyond delight! And am sure you are willing to share and redistribute your bumper sticker for the betterment of all, are you not??

I will make copies and set them up for sales and distribution at the Peoples Distillery and Bake Shop a week or so from next Tuesday. I might have 'need' to borrow your vehicle for a few days or weeks........ but all being said, it might not pass Gulag approval for your use any way, agreeded?? It does not appear to be 'green compliant'!

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Comrades, I must confess. I was cracker before cracker was cool.
I supported a candiate of color, because I cared, but alas, it was not to be...


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Nooo. nooooo. It's "Creepy Ass Cracker". Which may be referring to much the same thing as plumbers butt. Not racist at all. It's about the fools who WORK for a living instead of enjoying elevated status as a minority.

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ah, Comrade Scratchanitch, I think you have nailed the commie on the head. That is definitely the creepy ass cracker of which was being referred..... cracking viewers up with his viewing! Good job. Give yourself one extra beet rations and send the bill to Red Square.

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I denounce Comradette Rachel Jeantel for not professing the exact proper current truth as disseminated so clearly by our Dear Leader. I would ask to take away her vodka rations but I don't think it would really matter.


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Comrade Dig, you have made a current truth related point, but seeing as dear leader is heading up the PAC movement from D.C., I am thinking removing rations would be pointless too. But, we can DENOUNCE HER!!