
We're All Tweeters Now!

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midler_musl 1_pc.jpg

Most loyal comrades,

I am humbly proud to announce Bette Midler has come out in support of all glorious comrades in the Middle of the Eastern area, by denouncing and calling for the swift execution of their pagan prophet who made the slandering movie of our their prophet Mohamsan.... Mudam.... Muhammad.

Of recent, she Tweeted...twittered.... Twerped that he should be charged with murder and resume room temperate!

We must consider honoring her honoress and have a Hug Muhammad Day For Mistress Midler, should we not?

Exemplary Twerpt... Tweet: (I have exhumed... removed some offense parts of Tweet so as not to scald your eyes!!)
midler_tolerance +pc.png

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So, clinging to their religion and guns, and antipathy to people who aren't like them, is a good thing when Muslims do it?

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Comrade Fraulein, this whole situation reminds me of a parable I once heard as a wee lad:

Long ago, there was a pack of rabid dogs that roamed the woods around a village, killing and maiming all who disapproved of their disease. One day, a foolish man stepped outside of his house just as the dogs ran by chasing a neighborhood child. He yelled at the rabid dogs to get their attention and distract them from the child, and they turned and attacked him instead, ripping his body limb from limb.

A few of the villagers ran to the village leader's home to tell him what had happened, in the hope that he might do something brave to prevent any more deaths, but when they got there they discovered that he was away at a neighboring village, collecting offerings from the people there, and, anyway, his schedule was full for the next several days. Their lack of tolerance was duly noted by the authorities, and they were reprimanded for attempting to suggest that rabies and its results in both dogs and people were anything but good.

But the man's wiser neighbors, after watching the terrifying sight of the man's bloody body parts being dragged off by the dogs, told one another that it was the man's fault, and that - after all - the dogs were peaceful creatures, and that rabies was, in fact, a GOOD disease, something to be admired in both dogs and people. They determined to modify the local school curriculum to include informational classes on the benefits of rabies for the coming school year.

The pack of dogs continued to grow, week by week and month by month, and the sound of their howling at the moon late at night was much loved by the people of the village.

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Comrade R.O.C.K., that story brought a tear to me eye.

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Gosh, I hope none of Bette Meddler's songs never incite any violence in peaceful countries, for then SHE will need to be charged with murder. (Can we try this out by playing her recordings night and day at full volume in normally unexcitable countries to see if any passions are aroused? Just in case the evidence is needed for some future show trial, that is.)

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Comrade R.O.C.K., your parable is most equal and contains copious amounts of the Current Truth ™. We need to get this made into a TV movie pronto. I have been requested to ask if you wouldn't mind if the official writing credits are given to Dear Leader Barack Obama, who is the source of all wisdom. You can still be unofficial ghost writer.

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Comrade Opiate, it would be my honor and great joy to be the unnoficial ghost writer for yet another historic Dear Leader masterpiece, as long as he gets all the credit and all the proceeds! Thank you so very much.

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Dedhedvedev wrote:So, clinging to their religion and guns, and antipathy to people who aren't like them, is a good thing when Muslims do it?

A glorious observation, dear comrade. You will recieve the Beet Award of the Day (please forward your private credit card information to RS for delivery).

Our mooslimick comrades are better at bitter clinging and gunnery than anti- Obama clingers. They are also of shorter temperament... and therefore and thusly are allowed to bitter clinginly go about their duties. Praise obama.

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ROCK, unfortunately dogs are offensive to our Mooslim allies and non-allies (whichever). When you have a moment, be sure to denounce yourself. Do us all a favor, don't make this into a YouTube video...

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Tovarichi wrote:ROCK, unfortunately dogs are offensive to our Mooslim allies and non-allies (whichever). When you have a moment, be sure to denounce yourself. Do us all a favor, don't make this into a YouTube video...

Maybe you could change the dogs to donkeys. We all know that mooslims really, really, really love donkeys.

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Opiate of the People wrote:Gosh, I hope none of Bette Meddler's songs never incite any violence in peaceful countries, for then SHE will need to be charged with murder. (Can we try this out by playing her recordings night and day at full volume in normally unexcitable countries to see if any passions are aroused? Just in case the evidence is needed for some future show trial, that is.)
Good catch, Comrade! Can you imagine the gang rape murders righteous indignation that would ensue over a showing of Beaches, for instance? We cannot allow our RoP brethren to be poisoned by such apostacism. Comrade Midler's head is uncovered for at least 50% of the movie!

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Comrade You didn't build that Czar,

You have made a good point. I wonder how Sandra Fluke or Nansky Peloski would look in a burqa. Perhaps someone with more equal artistic talent will take up the gauntlet and present to us the glorious effect of Sharia on American Womyn - they would not need to worry about the cost of birth control pills an more for the possibility of being stoned to death provides quite a strong inducement not to concieve out of wedlock or engage in adulterous activities, no?

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Capt. Commie, clearly this is what happens to females who are not considerate enough of the men to cover themselves in a burqa. That donkey had it coming!

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I pose this question to you as a matter of inquiring of the impending Sharia To Come™: Was that Fluke/Fwank donkey properly circumcised as per ritual and customs? And if not, then wouldn't our fellow purveyors of RoP sexual refinement be eligible for a free halal chopadictoffome?

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Just think of all the money Nanski Peloski will save on botox when she has to wear a burqa.

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Opiate of the People wrote:Gosh, I hope none of Bette Meddler's songs never incite any violence in peaceful countries, for then SHE will need to be charged with murder. (Can we try this out by playing her recordings night and day at full volume in normally unexcitable countries to see if any passions are aroused? Just in case the evidence is needed for some future show trial, that is.)

or better yet

what of her face

What if one is incited to riot because of that face?

I must stop looking or I could be driven to madness