
We're headed toward a one-world utopia!

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Watch how after Obama has been anointed, the world comes together to form a single socialist, utopian continent.

Please disregard that the Earth changes climates several times in the video. Failure to do so will require that you report early tomorrow morning to the nearest reeducation facility. Our tolerant, compassionate progressive society will not tolerate any "global warming deniers"

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Yes, I believe that after the anointed one walks across the reflecting pool we shall immediately see the Blue Bird of Happiness land on his left shoulder. The stars will align and peace will shroud the earth. Everyone will....Sighhhhhhh....Ahhhhh....

Yes the world of Next Tuesday is almost here.

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Red Star wrote:Yes the world of Next Tuesday is almost here.
Only two days away! I'm so thrilled, I could almost puke!

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Gracias for the Global Climate Update Sir. Nice to know that there will be nowhere to go to get away from the Glorious New World Order that is The World of This Tuesday! We have won, comrades. I am tingly all over and so very proud!

Image I shall now write my will, pack my bags, and move to the rainforest to flee this madness!
Not really, I'm a fighter! Calling All Cubists! Are we up to this daunting task before us?


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ObamaMarx2008 wrote: ATTENTION COMRADE: Please disregard that the Earth changes climates several times in the video. Failure to do so will require that you report early tomorrow morning to the nearest reeducation facility. Our tolerant, compassionate progressive society will not tolerate any "global warming deniers"

What alleged climate changes did YOU see Comrade? I saw no such a thing!

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Please see the Cube article "An Incoherent Truth" for more on Anthropogenic Continental Drift.