
We win!!!!

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Wow!!! Just Wow!!!!

We have won it all. El Rushbo has just thrown all his support to our own MTE.

He has a brilliant strategy that he has shared with his listeners to get our MTE elected fer shure in 2012.

All we have to do is have the proles not vote at all and Obama will be whipped out of office as fast as you can say "Joe's your uncle". He says "vote with your feet. Keep 'em on the coffee table on Nov. 2nd".

We have surely won the day when we get Rush on our side. Hoooowwweee! surely this qualifies for extra beets all round

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Comrade Darski!

I don't want to sound like a backwoods, uneducated, and bitter clinger.

What in the name of Marx is an MTE? Do you drive it, row it, or fly it, shoot it?

Thanks, comrade.

I am not sure what you are talking about and there is a small chance you might not know either.

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"What is an MTE ?" Anyone here care to answer that ?

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OK, I'll answer it.... The abbreviation MTE is a shorthand name here on the Cube for none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton. It stands for Many-Titted- Empress. It's connected to the Greek goddess Artemis and her position as a center of worship.It's kind'a like Obama is Darth Vader, but Hillary is the Emperor.... Emperess.It would be wrong to leave her out of any end game scenario.

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She was to die for until "The One" was immaculated.


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Shovel 4 U ...thanks a lot for the visual !
Do you know how hard it is to " Unsee " something ? Just like a bad song, I'll be stuck with that for the weekend !
Well, Tooorisky, that about covers it.

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Thank you comrades. I wasn't sure where to find those pics.

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Much appreciation Krasnodar!

As a new comrade, there is much to learn, I have seen references but was unable to place them with Shameless Shillary. Now I know she has different nomenclatures.

It is nice to stand in the light of your great wisdom!

FYI: Rash Lamebo is a covert operative of ours, used very sparingly to maintain cover..

PS: I could have gotten by very nicely without the graphic of MTE.

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Any TRUE CUBE COMRADE would not who and what MTE was, would they not?? This might require further investigation by the KGB, FBI, SEIU, ACLU, NBPP and the WH!!!

And Darski might we inquire how you KNOW what the reichwinger, hate mongering "Rush" said? I'm sure you have a viable, plausible, well thought out explanation which we will give you 3 min. to come up with.

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First off, congrats Darski for starting your first thread and a very good thread it is.

Yes, the MTE has my full support and that is why I will not be voting for any Democrats this election. Obama is a traitor to the revolution, his heavy handed pushing of our agenda has only exposed our plans and roused the Rightwing rabble. Too many fellow travelers have worked too long to have our careful plans derailed by an impatient punk politician trying to make a name for himself at the expense of the movement.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:......Yes, the MTE has my full support and that is why I will not be voting for any Democrats this election. Obama is a traitor to the revolution, his heavy handed pushing of our agenda has only exposed our plans and roused the Rightwing rabble. Too many fellow travelers have worked too long to have our careful plans derailed by an impatient punk politician trying to make a name for himself at the expense of the movement.
I MUST DENOUNCE YOU FOR YOUR TRAITOROUS VERBIAGE. The way you spoke of The One, Glorious Leader of the Peoples, the Messiah . . . . I feel faint. (and I feel you are about to go the way of Juan Williams. Goodbye dear comrade and btw, might you have any leftovers you won't be needing? Like a bank accounts, credit cards, vehicles, abodes and the like?? Your dear comradette, Frau)

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I could not find the requirement for correctly identification of MTE. Perhaps an updated edition is required to satisfy this requirement.
I am now fully aware of this required requirement, that I am required to know.
For simplification, would it not be possible to refer to the Empress [in/at the] Trough as E.T.?

While it does come with it's own graphics, they would be far less stunning!

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I know how you must feel Frau, but if you had been here at the Cube as many years as I have, you'd remember that we staked all our hopes and dreams on her. And then, out of nowhere came this Johnny come lately and he muscled her out of the way in a most ungentlemanly manner. His Chicago mafia thugs locked Hillary's Arkansas mafia thugs out of the primary election process. It was shameful and heartbreaking to many of us.

Even so, I was willing to give Obama my support and the benefit of the doubt. But look where he has brought our revolution. All our dreams, dashed upon the rocks.

This is another Bolshevik/Menshevik conflict within the Party. Only time will tell who shall triumph this time.

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:
And Darski might we inquire how you KNOW what the reichwinger, hate mongering "Rush" said? I'm sure you have a viable, plausible, well thought out explanation which we will give you 3 min. to come up with.

One of the punishments awarded allotted to me is that I must endure three hours of instruction torture. I don't believe it is necessary to explain why punishment is handed out so soon after a jiffy lobo... we've all been there I'm sure.

no really!

really, really. :(

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:I know how you must feel Frau, but if you had been here at the Cube as many years as I have, you'd remember that we staked all our hopes and dreams on her. And then, out of nowhere came this Johnny come lately and he muscled her out of the way in a most ungentlemanly manner. His Chicago mafia thugs locked Hillary's Arkansas mafia thugs out of the primary election process. It was shameful and heartbreaking to many of us.

Even so, I was willing to give Obama my support and the benefit of the doubt. But look where he has brought our revolution. All our dreams, dashed upon the rocks.

This is another Bolshevik/Menshevik conflict within the Party. Only time will tell who shall triumph this time.

akkkkk most loyal comrade Whoopie... you have gone of the railings but speaking the most unspeakable, anathema wordage - truth and facts, which is forbidden!! We can only hope the moderators are not moderating are there is likely a huge disappearance coming! I know the fondness of the MTE one but she was not immaculated 'The ONE' by the immaculator. (so again I ask, if you any trickets you will not be in need of... I am here)

Comrade Tooorisky, "I am now fully aware of this required requirement, that I am required to know. For simplification, would it not be possible to refer to the Empress [in/at the] Trough as E.T.?" is good you assimilated yourself into the thinking of Next Tuesday without being forcibly forced, for as you seen, some Comrade as intent on digging their own grave by too much thinking (out loud). Frau Hillary will be called MTE until she has been crowed otherthewise. Live with it.

Darski, we must take with things as they come and be grateful. Jiffy-Lobo is fun; Jiffy-Lobo is fun... see. Just keep repeating

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Darski...just let this contention roll over you... it's the end of the week. Perhaps after downing a more than a few Molsons, ( you are Canadian, yes ?) our loyal Comrades Pulloskies and Whoopie will see their concerns evaporate in a narcoleptic stupor. It is quite entertaining to watch !

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You know? If things keep going the way they are for the President, she has a real shot at unseating him!!! His elevation of her to that of Secretary of State may just be his own undoing!
Obama Uh-Oh.jpg

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Shovel 4 U wrote:She was to die for until "The One" was immaculated.

Okay, this photo is going to be the cause of countless nightmares.....and just when I needed a good night's sleep this weekend!!!!!

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Comrade Fraulein,

If that is your final word on the subject, I will respectfully comply to your wishes!
The large caliber weapon placed on my temple makes this an easy call.

Looking at the opening at the end of the barrel is like gazing into a trash can.

The clicking of the hammer reminds me to ask if there is anything thing else I need to agree to? What ever punishment/reward you come up with will be done!PS For other Comrades the correct verbiage for country to our north is not Canadian-yes. It is Canadian eh? of Canadian A?

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Did anyone find it peculiar how Hillary suddenly dropped out of the 2008 presidential race and gave Dear Leader her total support ? I can't help but wonder what her price might have been. That she be made Secretary of State ? For most, this would be enough. But for the MTE ?I doubt it.
Perhaps her full price was Obama agreeing to serve only a single term,
doing as much damage as he could get away with. Even if he were removed from office, Joe Biden could always pardon him. No worries.

Meanwhile, Hillary's waiting in the wings, ready to become the savior of the Party.

Because this concept is so spooky convinces me that it just might be true.

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Comrades, I must apologise, for I too, did not remember what "MTE" meant. The only thing I could think of was "MRE" (Meals, Ready to Eat).

Now that I see the porno, porno, porno picture I am still thinking "Meals Ready to Eat".

Maybe it's a guy thing.

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i shall do all i can to help MTE, by holding my nose and voting republican. After this vote i will report to jiffylobo for the obvious crime.

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Krasnodar wrote:" IS THE PROG IN THE OFF POSITION .... IT IS ? .....GOOD."

Did anyone find it peculiar how Hillary suddenly dropped out of the 2008 presidential race and gave Dear Leader her total support ? I can't help but wonder what her price might have been. That she be made Secretary of State ? For most, this would be enough. But for the MTE ?I doubt it.
Perhaps her full price was Obama agreeing to serve only a single term,
doing as much damage as he could get away with. Even if he were removed from office, Joe Biden could always pardon him. No worries.

Meanwhile, Hillary's waiting in the wings, ready to become the savior of the Party.

Because this concept is so spooky convinces me that it just might be true.
Komrade Krasander, you may be all too true!!!! I still wonder if Prez Kliinton didn't do a similar thing to Bob dole (who spouted in `95 that he didn't want to be President, only to change his tune 8 mos. later, then resign his senate seat, only to have Klimnton award him the Medal of Freedom in January, prior to Inaugeration the 2nd time ["Hey, Come on, Bob! Do me a favor, I'll do you one! Give me a good run for my money, I'll give you the Medal of Freedom Ol' Pal!!!"]. I wouldn't put it past either of them!!!!

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After reading this thread, I believe that the honorable Frauline will not mind if I report several of so called "Party Members" to Dear Leader's NKVD. You people should be ashamed of yourself! Dear Leader is always right! Helping the "other side" is treason!!!! We can stay bipartisan as long as were the only Party! This mlti-party system, this "holding ur nose and voting Republicant", is pathetic Capitalist treason ploy! OFF TO THE GULAG, I SAY!!!!

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