
What happened where you were at when Dear Leader died?

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Comrades, I have taken a small break from my undercover work during my time here at a place of higher educashun. To build a collective of memoirs from the collective of where they were when this Prince of Perfection left our midst to rule the heavens.

For me, I was at a protest on campus for the occupy Wall street. Not exactly sure what it was about, but I sure felt cool being there. But while screaming and holding up a sign that I don't really remember what it said while advancing in levels in Angry Birds on my Droid, something terrible happened...

The sunny day turned to rain and dark skies, and I swear the earth shook as it it's self cried and the masses began to weep uncontrollably. Then, as I fell to my knees, I could see Dear Leaders face in the clouds smiling down at us. In a way that said "Don't worry, God gave me his power on arrival." Thankfully since we all know Dear leader is far more qualified for the job. So there is some comfort there.

With that said comrades, I would like to hear where you were when we suffered the greatest loss in history.

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I, Krasnodar, was sitting on the john.... thinking that perhaps I should add a little more salad to my diet to " move things along ", as it were.

Fortune smiled upon me, though. Upon hearing the news of his death, it was only a few moments before I was instantly relieved !

Thank you, Kim Jong Il ! What a guy.

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Comrade Krasnodar,

I was dropping a loaf by the memorial library myself at the time.

It was the perfect location for the bad news, then flush-all gone!

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I was in the beet fields as a good prole should be. However... I confess that I had fallen asleep and was having a dream of the world's greatest beet. When I sliced the beet open it was rotten to the core...I awoke and then I heard of the great loss and I realized that of course all of life was now just rotten all over. I can hardly look a beet in the root anymore out of grief and fear.

(was that good enough to keep me off that platform?)

I was at an Occupy WhereverTheHellWeWannaThrowaTantrum protest when I heard the tragic news. I was so upset, I could barely spit on the cop that was walking by!

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[img]images/clipart/Prog_Off.gif[/img] The night his death was announced was my birthday. I was at a party with friends. We all had our party hats on when we heard the news. To this day, I don't know who killed him as a gift for me, but it was the best birthday present I got that evening. To whoever did kill him for me: Thank you.

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Chedoh wrote:Comrades, I have taken a small break from my undercover work during my time here at a place of higher educashun. To build a collective of memoirs from the collective of where they were when this Prince of Perfection left our midst to rule the heavens.
Comrades, upon reading this paragraph I was suddenly overcome by an emotional whirlwind consisting of (not necessarily in this order, and kinda whirled and mixed up, as whirlwinds are wont to do to things) shock, anguish, fear, doubt, anger, more shock, pain, and a touch of an itch in my nether regions, down underneath.

I sat, numbed, in this state for several minutes, until it suddenly dawned upon me that it was THE OTHER Dear Leader that was being referred to.

At which time the aforementioned whirlwind suddenly reversed direction, spinning madly as it sucked away all those feelings of great angst and replaced them with both a heapin' helpin' of relief (kinda vanilla flavored, to be honest), and a twinge of sadness for the poor people of North Korea who must now face life with an Un Leader.

I have since recovered, I'm pleased to say :)

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Greetings Comrades and Glorious Politically Correct Winter Solstice Festival happiness from my dacha to yours! As always, I was standing guard over People's Beet Field when I heard of our great loss of Dear Leader, Kim Jong Il, Patriarch of peoples most Equal and Glorious Republic of North Korea.