
What? No Medvedev?

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Greetings Comrades! I am Vice Commissar Rahmovich, Commissar of Pirouettes and All Things Fishy. I hope that I can contributely greatly to the Greater Good in any way possible. However, I do not own a sharpened shovel. Perhaps a comrade in the inner circle can assign me a sharpened shovel; after all, everyone benefits.

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Welcome home comrade and fellow traveler. Perhaps Santa Mao will bring you a shovel as he did with me this last Winter. Otherwise, Obama will be sure to equip you as he sees fit.

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Perhaps the Non Denominational People's Spring Festival of Hope Rabbit can bring you a shovel, as it is a bit late for Santa Mao.

Last year Santa Mao brought me the revolutionary plans for my People's Rifle(TM), a beet top, and even sharpened my shovel for me! However since he also drank all my vodka, and AlGore left a steaming pile of Climate Change in my stocking, I'm not sure who came out ahead on the bargain.

I'm hoping the Hope Rabbit will leave me a carrot and some vodka.

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Obamissar 7.62 wrote:Perhaps the Non Denominational People's Spring Festival of Hope Rabbit can bring you a shovel, as it is a bit late for Santa Mao.

Last year Santa Mao brought me the revolutionary plans for my People's Rifle(TM), a beet top, and even sharpened my shovel for me! However since he also drank all my vodka, and AlGore left a steaming pile of Climate Change in my stocking, I'm not sure who came out ahead on the bargain.

I'm hoping the Hope Rabbit will leave me a carrot and some vodka.

Fortunately for us, the proles will harvest enough potatoes to manufacture enough vodka to quench all of our thirsts. I do however question the choice of a carrot to go with our fine vodka. Some fine Russian rye bread should go well, though. And perhaps Comrade Gore will improve our weather.

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Welcome Vice Commissar Ramovich. I am not a member of the inner circle. However, I understand that the O'Shovels for everyone program is due to kick in any time now. I have not been here too long, myself, and all I have received is a little vodka and a few beets.