
When its OUR idea, it works

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Exclusive: U.S. may significantly hike number of troops in Iraq - sources

Citizens of Iraq are being oppressed by a despotic government that is manipulating its population, enforcing religious persecution, and exploiting the petroleum industry affecting the price per gallon that Cousin Pookie pays to drive his Escalade to the club.... This may SEEM familiar, but Bush lied.

Dear Leader (PBUH) is inclined, nay, OBLIGATED to do the correct thing and put boots on the ground halfway around the world to impose Jeffersonian ideals and freedom where the Religion of Peace is dropping the ball.


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Comrade T, (you can't fool me)

When the Religion of Peace is at war we must plant our someone's boots by their side. After all, wars only continue till one side is obliterated gracious enough to concede. We must allow the Purveyors of Peace sufficient time to concede - or, the war might end! And if it ended, then what? Another war might break out in some far off land and we will once again be forced to plant more boots. It's an endless cycle of planting, and conceding, and continuing, and spending. It seems so obvious when you look at it that way - doesn't it?

PS - Thanks again for helping me with that - ahem.... little problem. The purple stain is already beginning to fade.