
White guy wins after leading voters to believe he's black

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Dave Wilson, a white Republican activist and known troublemaker, has just won an election in a black-majority Democratic district of Houston, TX, against a black incumbent, after he led the voters to believe he was black by sending out flyers with pictures of black people he lifted off different websites. One of his flyers stated that he was endorsed by his cousin Ron Wilson, who many thought was a former African-American state representative. As it turns out, Dave Wilson does have a cousin named Ron somewhere in Iowa, and that Ron did endorse him over the phone.

More on the story here.

The defeated opponent called Wilson's tactics "disgusting" and not "good for both democracy and the whole concept of fair play." Curiously, he didn't refer to the situation as having a precedent, only in reverse - described in the movie The Distinguished Gentleman, in which a black troublemaker played by Eddie Murphy won an election by using campaign materials left over from a deceased white candidate with a similar name, while never showing his face to the public or to the press.

But that, of course, was a very funny fictional comedy. In our progressive democratic reality, however, the concept of fair play means that what's good for the goose is not good for the gander, and that the pot can use the race card against the kettle while the kettle can't respond in kind. Or is it the other way around?

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Well, the race of the candidate is certainly the first qualifier--and usually the only qualifier--that I look for.

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Because an informed electorate is the backbone of our republic . . .

hello world of next Tuesday.

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Comrades, just as Bill Clinton was our first black president, and George Zimmerman is a White Hispanic, so Dave Wilson is the first White Black Houston Community College System board trustee!

Seems pretty straightFORWARD! to me!

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Does this mean someone could win the presidency by hiding their true identity and lacing their campaign speeches with misleading half truths? Impossible. What a silly idea.

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"If you like your race, you can keep your race. Period."


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Comrades, the real concept of fair play means that Dr. King's Dream is yet unrealized and in just a few years a whole group of white-sheet racist Republicans will be stealing their way into power on the back of millions of disenfranchised Black voters. Worst of all, Jess Jackson will no longer be able to bring hookers into the White House. Comrades, many liberal pundits have noted that black communities will be just one President away from whips and chains. Above all, gone will be the days of White America spending their time flagellating themselves for the sins of slavery. It makes one wonder if society has progressed at all since Dr. King was gunned down by George Bush's secret brother…..spit…spit