
Workers World: 'U.S. Hands Off Korea'

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There's one thing I like about the Workers World, they are some of the only American Leftists that will honestly say they are Marxist-Leninists. Marxist-Leninists are the conscience of the Democrats. And here is how the alternative universe of the intellectual wreckage of Progism sees the current situation on the Korean peninsula: (Democrats take note, your intellectual leaders at work.)

Workers World wrote:A forum sponsored by Workers World Party in New York on March 29 took up the serious danger of another war on the Korean peninsula. Guest speaker Juyeon “JC” Rhee, of the Korean-American group Nodutdol, and Deirdre Griswold, Secretariat member of Workers World Party and editor of Workers World newspaper, have both been to north and south Korea. Below are excerpts from their talks.

The full stupid here:

WW forum says ‘U.S. hands off Korea!'

Must read.

Deirdre Griswold.jpg
...Ever since the Korean war ended in 1953, the U.S. has tried to strangle the DPRK economically. Nevertheless, it was able to rebuild very quickly — the standard of living in the north surpassed that in the south by the 1970s. It has only been since the destruction of the USSR and the rightward turn in People's China that U.S. efforts to cripple the economy through sanctions and military pressures have cut deep...

...In the media the north Korean leaders are always portrayed as the menace, the evil, and the people as very helpless — suffering, starving. You see these images of goose-stepping soldiers only, and not of a people who are determined — as workers, as mothers, as soldiers — to build this strong nation. This portrayal of an evil, powerful leadership and a helpless people, with no self-will, invites what? It invites third-party intervention. The powerful U.S. then comes in as a rescuer. This kind of juxtaposition justifies and invites an intervention. This is really racism, no?...

...Korea has never invaded the U.S. But the U.S. sent 5.7 million troops to Korea during the war, and for three years the U.S. Air Force destroyed everything it could in the north, dropping more bombs than were dropped in Europe in all of World War II...
...So it is ludicrous to say, as all the corporate media here do, that the DPRK is irrational when it strengthens its defenses and warns against a U.S. attack. No country in the world is more justified in having a nuclear deterrent and a strong defense than the DPRK.

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"This portrayal of an evil, powerful leadership and a helpless people, with no self-will, invites what? It invites third-party intervention. The powerful U.S. then comes in as a rescuer. This kind of juxtaposition justifies and invites an intervention. This is really racism, no?..."

This portrayal of a phony climate change disaster and a helpless people, with no self-will, invites what? It invites third-party intervention. The powerful Democrat Party then comes in as a rescuer. This kind of juxtaposition justifies and invites an intervention. This is really crisis mongering, no?...

Thankfully a solution to the NKorea situation opened up with the bright idea to send Bernanke's money printing machine to PingPong complete with enough paper for two trillion dollars which should last until the end of the summer fighting season. We'll deal with more of this appeasement next spring. This fool's game worked with Hitler pretty much the same as it's worked with Palestine. If you think about how much money the fed is scheduled to print, $85 BB per month is $1,020 BB per year. So, what difference does it make if the money is printed here or there?

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He said "Marxism-Leninism." He-he. He-he. He-he-he-he-he.


We've all heard of names such as Bernina and Singer for the sewing machines. Well, in honor of the hard work US money printing machines in Palestine and, soon, NKorea, we should name the machines Bernanke.

And/or the notes that come out Bernanke notes. On another note of a different kind, Austin's motto made world famous by NKorea's targeting of Texas' capital city. Though many say, there is no reason to actually work at keeping Austin weird it just stays that way on its own. Austin takes precautions in light of threat.

You know, seriously. What are Austinites going to do to prepare for a nuclear blast? Bury the pot in the back yard. Re-release the neutered cat? Tell the emaciated Marxist vegan women they have not already screwed up their bodies worse than a nuclear blast can do?