
Yes Virginia, there are Easter eggs at a protest rally

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Well, if things keep going as they are the Easter egg hunt at Fort Mellon park in Sanford, FL will be canceled this year due to the Trayvon rallies. The rallies are boasting thousands upon thousands of protesters merging to the city of Sanford, yet businesses are seeing drastic drops in sales. This is because normal patrons are staying away from Sanford and the influx of the masses have no intention of supporting the city that has received them and that is providing security, traffic and the use of a park that would require anyone else permits for such rallies months in advance. This is all provided by the taxes from the businesses that are being put out of business.

With this all said, unless there are plans to hide eggs among the standing hoards, under the lawn chairs or under the stage, I don't see the egg hunt I have taken my children to for the last 3 years happening.
