
Zero Day Exploit Found as Thousands Keep Repeating Phrase "Open Air Prison"

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Experts at anti-mind virus institutes around the world are sounding the alarm that a zero day bug has been exploited by malicious actors this week.  All over the world, people keep repeating some variation of the phrase "Open Air Prison" and aren't really sure why or what it means.

The vulnerability has been discovered in people programmed in colleges or universities within the last 20 years, or anyone exposed to toxic shows like MSNBC on a regular basis.

Security researcher Joan Wilder explains, "The mind virus infecting these unfortunate people disables all common sense and rationality.  They lack the ability to consider opposing viewpoints or even think for themselves.  This results in bizarre behavior and the use of phrases they've been programmed to repeat.  In the past, we've seen other phrases that spread like wildfire in a similar way: 'MAGA Republican', 'trans rights are human rights', 'abortion is health care', etc.  The people saying these things can't be blamed for their actions, they have been reduced to zombie-like shells just repeating these ridiculous statements.  It's really sad."

If you think you or someone you know has been infected, Ms. Wilder recommended getting professional help, but cautioned that most people infected with this condition do not recover.

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(oops...did I say that out loud?)

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Panem Et Circenses wrote:
10/19/2023, 1:53 pm
This results in bizarre behavior and the use of phrases they've been programmed to repeat.

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Panem Et Circenses wrote:
10/19/2023, 1:53 pm
 All over the world, people keep repeating some variation of the phrase "Open Air Prison" and aren't really sure why or what it means.

Comrade, what you need to understand is that the world is an open air prison and that Palestine is simply a microcosm of the macrocosm of the inevitability of the irreversible nihilistic descent into irrelevancy. This, too, shall pass. Nobody likes the Palestinians. The Israeli's don't want them. The Arab states don't want them. Not even the Palextinians like them. The only people who support them are those who are taking kickbacks.