
Greed Acres

Greed Acres is the place to be
Foreign donors pay the way for me
Ass spreading out so far and wide
Keep old Bubba just let me and Huma ride

New pork is what I'll make them pay!
My speaker fees are sure not hay
I just adore the commies view
Karl I love you but give me Park Avenue

Common Cores!! The whores!!
Bill Ayers!! Red Square!!
You are my wife - goodbye poor folk life!
Greed Acres we are there!! Oink oink!!

AAh, Comrade Chalupney, you bring back memories of my childhood in Iraq when I would watch "Kush Acres" the comedy of a Ba'ath party official and his high society wife who chucked it all so that he could live out his dream of doing jihad from a cave in the Hindu Kush muntains

Kush Acres is the place for me
Ba'a'a'a'a'ath infightin' ain't the path for me
Men spreading jihad so fierce and brave
Keep the Cap'tol, just give me that Afghan cave

Bagh-DAD is where our future lies
I get exhausted swatting flies
I'm good at kissing Sadijah's ass
Habibi ahubbak*, but give me that ruling class

The drones

Ent zaujati** ..
Salaam Ba'ath party!
Kush Acres we are there

(*Darling, I love you ... **You are my wife)

(I remember how Kush Acres would come on right after its' sister show, "Pet-a-Goat Junction" and then it would be followed by "Mamelukes of Hazard" and "Gilligan's Islam" And let's not forget that all time classic of suburban Taliban family, "Cleave it From Thiever"