
Lying Cruz

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Make shit up, I had to do
I've been a Lying Cruz

Campaign is ending, oh it's sad, but it's true
Honey, I've been a Lying Cruz

This campaign is ending
May you always remember
My delegates are… too few

A win is not near and there's no doubt I will lose
Honey, I've been a Lying Cruz

-- spoken: "so let's cruise darlin'"

Ohhh, these moments we're left with
May you always remember

These delegates have been too few
And those debate fights, lord, they're coming into view
We'll end our campaign much too soon

So make shit up, this one's for you
Honey, I've been a Lying Cruz

Yeah baby, I've been a Lying Cruz
Oh darlin', I've been a Lying Cruz

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What a bitter-sweet-sad song. Excellent.