
Tank's Empty

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My gas tank's on empty
Has the One lost his memory?
He is smiling alone
From his prompter
Obama leans in to read his all lines
And his speech begins to lull

Tank's empty
All alone at the gas pump
He can smile at the old days
Gas was cheaper back then
He remembers the time he knew what pumping gas was
Lets that memory live again

Every streetlamp
Seems to beam with incandescent glowing
They'll be replaced
With their dying flicker
And soon they'll all be gone

Tax breaks
I must get all the tax breaks
On GM's Chevy Volt
Now I must trade in
Then real cars will be memories too
And Hope and Change has begun

Burnt out ends of cigarettes
The dead cold smell of failure
The old jobs die, an era's passed, it's over
Another paycheck's gone

Tune Up
It's so easy to save gas
And put air in your tires
At least he has a plan
If you touch him
Unicorns will power your car

Obama he's "The One"