
Venus (She Got Hit)

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Porn star of the Anti-fa
Knocked down with a single punch
Once image of beauty and love
Till liberals got her brain

She got Hit
Yeah, Lady, She got Hit
Well, Her name's Venus, she's for hire
And it backfired
Well, Her name's Venus, she's for hire
And it backfired

Her web-page is a porno site
To make every man use hands
Hurling glass bottles she was
Got a fist to her head


She got hit
Lib lady she got hit
Well, Her name's Venus, she's for hire
And it backfired
Well, Her name's Venus, she's for hire
And it backfired



She got hit
Lib lady she got hit
Well, Her name's Venus, she's for hire
And it backfired
Well, Her name's Venus, she's for hire
And it backfired

What a moving tribute, Komrade Director, to Heroine of the Toe-viet Union, Louise Rosealmava and to her heroic efforts in defense of the Twatterland against the depredations of the Phallofascist Hatespeakers.

Truly an anthem that will echo in the annals of equality for days and weeks .... if not longer!!