
Program Way Off: Ideas for the Constitution of a New Political Party in the United States of America

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Party name: The Constitutionalist Party (of the United States of America) (CONPUSA?)

Manifesto ideas:

1. Party must be membered by strict Constitutionalists, no compromise. All members must swear allegiance to the Constitution and the flag and must swear an oath to never vote for an unconstitutional law or against a Constitutional law. Any proven violations of that oath would result in expulsion from the party.

2. Party membership would be open to all Constitutionalists, regardless of race, creed, religion, education, sexual preference or any other possible deviations from main stream protocols. What is important is adherence to the Constitution.

3. Prospective new members should be given classes in Constitutional law and should, by the end of those classes be able to recite the Constitution, verbatim. “Know it, live it, love it” should be the motto of the Party.

4. Party members must swear an oath to term limits for elected officials. A suggestion would be 6 terms for House members and 2 terms for Senators. 12 years should be plenty of time to achieve meaningful policy goals. All elected officials should be dedicated to making term limits universal and work towards a constitutional amendment cementing as much. The option would always be open to run for the Presidency, separate from the Congressional term limits. This would also mean that new blood would be constantly pumping through the party’s veins.

5. The party should have as part of its policy platform the dismantling of the federal bureaucracy and returning power to the states to handle their own affairs without federal interference. The federal government should be reduced to its Constitutional role. The practice of bribing state and local governments with federal funding should be brought to an end. This is where much corruption is found.

6. There are many federal agencies that are either redundant or entirely unnecessary. Those need to be eliminated. The FBI should be stripped of its law enforcement capabilities. It should be an investigative bureau, only. It can work with local/state police departments to take care of any necessary arrests. The Department of Justice should also be limited in its scope. It has become way too powerful and acts as its own government. That must end.

7.Federal funding of education must end, particularly the universities. Privatize all education or let it be funded by the various states. Parents should be able to send their children to which ever school they desire and be able to seek out the best education opportunities for their offspring. Competition will only lead to greater performance.

8. Universities should get no federal government funding. It’s shown that increased government funding only makes the tuition fees rise beyond the capacity of worthy students to pay for them. Unsubsidized competition will level that playing field. If the universities were run as businesses rather than a safe space for antisocial “academics”, we wouldn’t have over paid psychotics teaching our young adults who then go on to teach our children in grade school.

9. Bodily mutilation of minors should be illegal. Anyone who encourages as much should be charged with child endangerment. Any doctor who performs such surgery on an otherwise physically healthy child should be charged with child endangerment, crimes against humanity and other charges that I haven’t thought up yet and should be open to law suits for medical malpractice (they won’t get insurance to cover that). This practice must end.

10. The Department of Defense should be returned to doing what its purpose is. Defending the Constitution, the People and the Republic. All who undermine that purpose must be purged from its ranks. All policies that interfere with unit cohesion should be abolished. The DoD is there to fight wars of DEFENSE. It is not a social experiment. Nor does it have a mandate to rebuild nations.

11. There should be a policy of relinquishing most federal lands to the various states to manage, excepting military bases and national parks. All other federal land should be released to the various states to manage as they see fit.

These are just some thoughts I have regarding a political revolution in this nation that would save it from certain destruction. Any additional thoughts would be welcome.

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Would you go into the edit function and add a number to each of your paragraphs? I'd like to comment on some of them but am too lazy to start each remark with "In the paragraph where you're talking about..."

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Ivan Betinov wrote:
12/16/2022, 1:38 am
Would you go into the edit function and add a number to each of your paragraphs? I'd like to comment on some of them but am too lazy to start each remark with "In the paragraph where you're talking about..."

OK. By your Command. A little old school Battle Star Galactica there.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:
12/16/2022, 1:38 am
Would you go into the edit function and add a number to each of your paragraphs? I'd like to comment on some of them but am too lazy to start each remark with "In the paragraph where you're talking about..."

As requested.

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This manifesto is so RED, 'pelipsky saw all 50 stars in one banner. Re-education of the unwashed masses can't begin soon enough. Primary school beet sprouts must be indoctrinated in The Federalist Papers, just like Xi has little Chinesegarteners reading Mao's Little Red Book. That's how serious Jackalopelipsky is about this Red Manifesto.

Decadent Amerikkkan's need the seriously hard kkkommunism  described in KKK's RED Manifesto. Shirkers must clean erasers, forever. Failures will cut, rake, and bale hay in those rectangular bricks under the Texazistan summer sun, until they beg to be readmitted to RED Indoctrination Schools. Hard kkkommunism is coming, comrades, but it won't happen without serious re-education. Agitate for re-education in your Collective.

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It's not a manifesto, yet, comrade 'pelipsky. Merely a starting framework. It will need some additions and probably fine tuning but it's a start. If we want to fix the government, we need to take a serious approach to it, unlike the fringe parties like the Libertarian Party.

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Further thoughts for inclusion in manifesto:

12. Immigration: The borders should be closed, other than the organized entry points. The wall across the southern border should be completed and the entire southern border should be fenced off. There can be accommodations made for the rare cases of Farmers being effected with river access which could be worked out rather easily. All illegal immigrants will remain illegally residing within the USA borders and will be deported when discovered. Deportation hearings will be prioritized over legitimate asylum hearings. There will be no catch and release, except for release back into Mexico. Border Patrol staffing numbers will be increased as necessary. With reduction or elimination of other federal agencies, this would not add to the budget. Some of the recently laid off G-men could join Border patrol.

13. Foreign land ownership: Aside from embassies/consulates, no foreign government should have any interests in owning US property, directly or indirectly. Foreign individuals should be limited to owning property only for residential needs or conducting business and there would be a vetting and approval process in place. Any proven proxy purchases would result in the forfeiture of said property. Foreign companies would be permitted to own property for the purpose of manufacturing and housing US workers (direct or indirect foreign government involvement would not be permitted). Any non-manufacturing businesses would have to rent their office space. Only citizens and legal Permanent Residents would be permitted to own multiple/investment properties.

14. Taxes & Budget: A couple of options I've considered. One would be the elimination of the income tax to be replaced with a national sales tax set at 15% - 20%, codified in a Constitutional amendment so that future politicians would not be able to do an end-run around the rates or later add an income tax. A second option would be to have a flat rate income tax, that everybody pays. I would suggest a maximum of 15%. No tax brackets. When it comes to businesses, the tax would be paid on their profits, not their revenue. Again, this would need to be codified by a Constitutional amendment so future politicians could not start increasing the rate. A constitutional amendment should also codify a balanced budget. We will never get government under control as long as they have the power to spend money we don't have. Take the credit card away from the irresponsible and cut it up so it can never be used again.

15. Law: An audit should be done on all federal laws to identify laws on the books that are redundant or unnecessary, or both. There are too many laws, most of which none of us know about and which we break on a daily basis. It takes being "a nation of laws" to ridiculous levels. Politicians are there to represent us. Not to rule and oppress us.

16. There should also be moves made to institute some kind of tort reform. Litigation is way out of control and needs to be reined in. The reason our grade school education is so messed up is, mostly, because of fear of litigation. Kids are not allowed to be kids in case one of them gets hurt and the school gets sued. That needs to end. Obvious negligence will always be punished but punishing kids for being adventurous is detrimental to their development.

17. The litigation involved in the medical industry should also be brought under control. The insurance rates that medical facilities have to pay are prohibitive of best care practices. Sometimes, experimental care is beneficial. Health care professionals should not be punished for offering that to consenting adults or guardians/parents. Health services are astronomically expensive because of insurance rates. That can be fixed with tort reform.

18. Loser pays: Anyone who initiates a law suit better be damned sure they are going to win it or they will have to pay the expenses of the winning side, including lawyer fees and court costs. Any lawyer who agrees to pro-bono representation must have that in writing and signed by the client and presented to the judge prior to the start of proceedings. That would make the lawyer/law firm on the hook for everything if the suit failed. That would put a huge dampener on frivolous law suits. That would also extend to governments conducting lawfare.

I'm sure I will think up more things that I see as problems that need to be fixed. I welcome other contributions. I'm serious about this. I really think that the GOP is too corrupt to be saved. At this point, replacing them is necessary for the country.

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I'm kind of disappointed in the response to this post, on this and other platforms. It seems most people are happy with the status quo, which is failing us, and content to complain without actually doing anything to fix the problem.

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19. Party members will not be permitted to vote on a bill nobody has read. If that means delaying passage for weeks or months, so be it. This comes down to the Constitutionality of legislation. No-one can know if legislation is Constitutional or not if it's unread. We need politicians with courage. Not cowards. There must be no compromise on the Constitution. ZERO!

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Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:
12/21/2022, 1:31 am
I'm kind of disappointed in the response to this post, on this and other platforms. It seems most people are happy with the status quo, which is failing us, and content to complain without actually doing anything to fix the problem.

TPC’s re-education specialist loves your RED Manifesto, Comrade Marsupial. It’s because ‘pelipsky is a mythical horned lagomorph that that’s not enough equality for you, isn’t it? Isn’t it??

Congress has voted the USSA halfway to next Tuesday, and Capitol Hill’s phone lines have escaped being SWAMPED. We have swamped the Capital Phone lines before, Comrades. ... 23366.html


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Comrade, they are not just running the ship full steam into an iceberg, they are setting fire to the ship to make sure nobody gets off and telling the circling pirates where the treasure is. Those supposed to be defending us have betrayed us. That only you and myself seem at all interested in arresting the insanity is disheartening, to say the least.

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20. The Elimination of taxation on real estate property. This is one of the most egregious forms of taxation and essentially means that nobody truly owns the property they bought. It's owned by government and you pay a rental fee for them giving you permission to live there with restrictions on how you can use the land you paid for. It's a tax on wealth and destructive of liberty. It also makes it harder for the poor to own land as they must earn enough dollars to pay the taxes on property government essentially controls. This practice needs to end. County and city governments need to find a less intrusive way to raise money or do with less.

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Most Equally Esteemed Komrad Kaptain Kangaroo Kourt (Hey Skip),

"I'm kind of disappointed in the response to this post, on this and other platforms. It seems most people are happy with the status quo, which is failing us, and content to complain without actually doing anything to fix the problem." KKK

Fixing the current system is like trying to polish a runny turd.

I would submit that many of us feel the para bellum line is well behind us now.  If you haven't prepared, it is too late. 

Waking Up.jpg

I would further submit that many of us have absolutely no faith in anyone who wants authority over us.  If they want the job, they should be excluded from the hiring process. 

Cynical?  Yup.  I guess I would rather be pleasantly astonished by a politician's good behavior than continuously disappointed in their typical behavior. 

Will this current situation end well?  I doubt it.  Will the nation survive this civil war?  Remains to be seen. 

OH, and I completely agree with you on property taxes. 

Wish I could be more hopeful in the Current Truth™,

Red Salmon


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Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:
12/21/2022, 2:37 pm
20. The Elimination of taxation on real estate property. This is one of the most egregious forms of taxation and essentially means that nobody truly owns the property they bought. It's owned by government and you pay a rental fee for them giving you permission to live there with restrictions on how use can use the land you paid for. It's a tax on wealth and destructive of liberty. It also makes it harder for the poor to own land as they must earn enough dollars to pay the taxes on property government essentially controls. This practice needs to end. County and city governments need to find a less intrusive way to raise money or do with less.
...and the crowd goes WILD!!!


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Most Equally Esteemed Komrad Stakhanovets,

I wonder how wild the crowd will go and for what reason.  Property taxes fit nicely into the Eat-The-Rich mindset. 

Property taxes have another purpose.  When large numbers of people can't pay their property taxes, Our Betters will be able to swoop in to buy the property for pennies on the dollar.  It happened when we put innocent Americans in "Internment Camps".  It was most blatant in Washington (State), but it happened to my family in Central Missouri too.  They had a German sounding name. 

NOTE:  The "Internment Camps" were called "Concentration Camps" in the first two Executive Orders issued by President Roosevelt.  I guess the whole Concentration Camp thing needed a makeover. 

Remember to take extra good care of the property the government lets you use until someone they like better wants it.  Think Donald Trump and Imminent Domain.

In a really cheerful mood in the Current Truth™,

Red Salmon

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Comrade Salmon, I certainly understand your cynicism. My proposals would not only limit government but limit the authority of party members to the Constitution, alone. Any straying outside of that would result in ejection from the party. There can be no compromise with what is the law of the land.

The current parties (or UniParty) ignore the Constitution, when it suits them. They see it as a guide rather than an irrefutable statement of governmental structure. We cannot change this situation if we don't try to.

After a storm has raged through your neighborhood and left devastation, the clean up begins with picking up the smallest piece of debris. The clean up starts slowly but, as more people are encouraged and inspired, it gains momentum.

Will there be headwinds? Of course. Those who have power are never willing to relinquish it. But we already know what we face and can form strategies and tactics to thwart those efforts.

The Revolutionary War was fought by people who had little hope of success and often doubted they would be successful. They fought anyway because freedom was more valuable to them than worldly possessions. Some sacrificed everything but they died free.

Since that victory, the forces arrayed against freedom have been seeking to destroy the Republic, and they are very close to achieving their goal, if we let them. We will not maintain our freedom if we do not fight for it. It is time for a second American Revolution to restore our nation to it's founding principles and to purge this poison from our government.

It won't happen if people sit back and say "It can't be done. They are too powerful." There are more of us than there are of them. They can be overcome.

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Red Salmon wrote:
12/21/2022, 10:26 pm
I wonder how wild the crowd will go and for what reason.  Property taxes fit nicely into the Eat-The-Rich mindset. 
Red Salmon

Property taxes may fit nicely into the Eat-the-Rich mindset but, if it was explained to people how property taxes drive up their rents and drive down their ability to own property, that mindset may change to understand what property taxes are: Keep-the-Poor-Poor.

The idea that you can pay cash for land, have no mortgage, but that property can still be confiscated from you because some faceless bureaucrat has decided that you violated some obscure ordinance that no voters approved, save a city or county administration, should be offensive to everyone.

Fourth Amendment
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

I'm of the opinion that property taxes violate this amendment. An UnConstitutional law, passed by a city, county or state, is still an unConstitutional law.

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'pelipsky is going to hijack the property tax conversation with this RED incendiary cocktail. It's so culture shock that Publius and Trump 45 were equal RED comrades in regards to where the unlimited revenue stream for funding the all mighty Federal government was best focused.

Today, Senator Cornyn of Texazistan considers TPC's re-educational specialist a MOB! Cornyn will NOT bow to a MOB! of jackalopes forcing him to read Federalist 12. Publius was assured the genius of jackalopes would give Cornyn an F in reading for comprehension. Nonreaders are not suitable for employment in public service, just like Publius clarifies in Federalist 51.

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Okay, I'm pissed. Just spent an hour reading and responding, and then lost it all when the system demanded that I log back in.

Short form:

What is your criteria for "strict Constitutionalist"?

Agree that the federal government is due for a severe pruning, both through term limits and bureaucratic reductions/eliminations. Suggest a ten-year moratorium on former pols/bureaucrats acting as lobbyists.

Federal involvement in education has been an unmitigated disaster. I know this from direct experience; my incoming freshmen are less capable every year, and the bureaucratic system in education fostered by the bureaucratic state has now reached into higher education. We are hiring administrators rather than educators.

No federal benefits to illegal aliens. No book juggling on the state level to use federal funds to free up state funds to provide state level benefits. Substantial (that means "high enough to hurt enough so as to discourage the behavior") penalties for employers who hire illegal aliens. Federal policies such as the WW II era "Bracero" program to allow seasonal legal foreign labor migration for agriculture, but with tight oversight to make sure it is seasonal, not permanent, migration.

Eliminate "riders;" if the idea will not stand on its own, it should not be introduced. Mandate a maximum page count in a standard format of size, font, and spacing for all bills introduced; no more 1,000 page plus monstrosities hiding thousands of earmarks, carveouts, and completely unrelated issues. Each bill can deal with only one thing; no more of the catch all "and other purposes" in bill titles.

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Sorry about your losing all that reply. It's happened to me a number of times. I make a habit of copying the text before submission, just in case. I also often write things up in Word and copy and paste.

As for the criteria for "strict Constitutionalist", well, it's the Constitution. I think some changes could be made to it but there is a Constitutional process for that.

What I have proposed is a framework for discussion. Not a final draft.

I think the repeal of the 17th amendment would be beneficial in restoring the Republic but that's unlikely to be achieved, at least in the current political climate. We must go after what is achievable whilst working towards more difficult goals.

I like your additional suggestions. Our government needs to be returned to a LIMITED role.

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Suggestion: Total ban on unionization of government employees at all levels.

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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:
12/28/2022, 8:31 am
Suggestion: Total ban on unionization of government employees at all levels.

Yeah, and add banning tax paid municipal lobbyists promoting the community to demand bond debt.

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I don't know if it's the opportunity we are looking for but I'm seeing a lot of disgust and disaffection with the Republican Party on Twitter, these days, and many calls for a 3rd Party. I think the frame work and discussions we are having here need to be spread to a wider audience. A true, bottom up, movement takes time to gain momentum but we have to get the ball rolling. Spread these ideas. Let's gain support. Add more ideas. If we get enough people on board, we can grow it.

Luk 13:19 It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and cast into his garden; and it grew, and waxed a great tree; and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it.

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Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:
2/1/2023, 6:02 am
I'm seeing a lot of disgust and disaffection with the Republican Party on Twitter, these days, and many calls for a 3rd Party.
Little wonder considering that Twitter is a majority Democrat + RINO + Uniparty morass of leftist liberalism and a natural cesspool of disgust for and disaffection with anything Republican.

And of course there are calls from them for a third party; a third party always splits tickets and favors Dems. Rather than form a 3rd party, Republicans need reform by kicking out the RINOS and focusing not just on winning, but on thwarting Democrat victories.

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No. It's calls from conservatives who are, like myself, disgusted with the corruption within the GOP and believe it is beyond repair. The GOP establishment has shown, over the last decade, that it will fight tooth and nail against a conservative influence. Forming a truly conservative party and winning elections will elevate conservative influence. The GOP will be forced to compromise with the conservative party if they ever want power again. If they don't compromise, they will be replaced. I'm tired of them compromising with Democrats and ignoring their conservative base. The Ronna McDaniel RNC election was simply the latest iteration of that. A change must be made.

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I would further add that we would need to be strategic in our approach. Any challenge in a district that would result in a Democratic victory should be declined. We need only convince 50%+1 of a district to win it. Handing a victory to Democrats will not achieve our goal so no support would be given to that.

It has to be a grass roots movement. Start with school boards and local city governments. Then County. Then State. Then Federal districts. Then the Senate. America will not be saved from the top down. It will only be saved from the ground up. The more people who see hope in reformation, the more people will join the movement.

There is, consistently, only 25% - 30% of voters who are members of the Republican Party. Many of them could be convinced to abandon it for a more conservative agenda.

There is only 25% - 30% of voters who are members of the Democratic Party. Many of them could be convinced to abandon the party for a less radical agenda.

That means that 40% - 50% of Americans don't like either party.

Congress has an approval rating lower than root canal surgery without anesthetic. The opportunity in front of us is great. Great, freedom enhancing changes could be made, if enough people are willing to put in the effort. It takes only a spark to like a fire.