
Elections to Go Viral Again

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By now (August 2023), most of us realize that masks are useless and lockdowns do far more harm than good. The hard-learned lesson for most of the world is that these were empty and destructive gestures that should never be repeated and that governments and medical "experts" can no longer be trusted.

The lesson for tyrants, however, was that plandemics offer tremendous opportunities for societal disruption, suppression of civil liberties, population control and reduction, the fomentation of fear and the manipulation of elections.

Last year (2022) we saw a variety of boogyman plague-threats being floated to gauge public reaction in the months preceding election day in the U.S. None of them caused the hoped-for fear but did permit the furtherance of mail-in and harvested ballots.

People's News Headline, June 2022.
People's News Headline, June 2022.

This year (2023) they're having another go at it.

Despite all we've learned about masks and lockdowns, harmful vaccines, government/big pharma collusion, secret taxpayer-funded bioweapons research, globalist depopulation goals and herd immunity, the Biden administration is returning to the now-discredited plandemic playbook only months after the overdue ending the last COVID emergency. It has chosen a few new COVID variants as the monsters du jour and pretense for a fresh round of futile measures that will coincide with another election. ... -covid-19/ 

This isn't history repeating itself, this is a tyrannical administration trying to duplicate a tested and proven tool for the manipulation of populations and elections.

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I would add Brain Worms: cerebrum vermis damnum. The parasite that infects progressives which makes the capacity for stupidity limitless.

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As if on cue (and it was), the local screeching between the weather forecasts was: "Be careful as school approaches and this scary new zeta-omega-upsilon-fubar variant has been detected."

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Here's an electron micrograph of the zeta-omega-upsilon-feta-zorba-spiro variant of the Chinese COVID virus.


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Red Square wrote:
8/19/2023, 9:16 pm
I couldn't resist.


Beautifully grotesque. Belongs on the Mother Page.

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It's now in the "News" sidebar, which is even better.

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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:
8/20/2023, 4:29 am
Red Square wrote:
8/19/2023, 9:16 pm
I couldn't resist.


Beautifully grotesque. Belongs on the Mother Page.

Red Square that image is the pure essence of ultrahorror.

‘pelipsky’s buying Milk-plus vodka mules for all!

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Red Square wrote:
8/19/2023, 9:16 pm
I couldn't resist.


That is poster/bumpersticker worthy.
Well done.

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Bonfire of the vanities agents in Atlanta, Georgia are building steam to pressurize The Collective. ... ed-morris/

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“What’s creepy about this sudden everywhere narrative that there’s a new variant… If you read…carefully, there…are two new cases per 100,000, and [the press] referenced a community [Salem, MA] that has only 22,000 inhabitants in it. So they’re imaginary numbers.”
You can’t check any of these claims that there’s a new variant in town that’s different from the old variant. You just have to take their word for it.”

Dr. Naomi Wolf

Evidently, the Globalist marching orders have been issued and the usual suspects are marching into lockstep: ... -covid-19/ ... ed-morris/ ... y-testing/ ... e-updated/ ... -shot-now/


And then he said.jpg

They've used Greek alphabet letters to denote COVID variants....up till now. They've suddenly switched to a Greek name, Eris, for one of latest variants. 

Eris is the Greek goddess of discord and chaos.

In Hesiod's Theogony, Eris, the daughter of Night,  brings forth other personifications as her children:

"And hateful Eris bore painful Ponos (Hardship), Lethe (Forgetfulness) and Limos (Starvation) and the tearful Algea (Pains), Hysminai (Battles), Makhai (Wars), Phonoi (Murders), and Androktasiai (Manslaughters); Neikea (Quarrels), Pseudea (Lies), Logoi (Stories), Amphillogiai (Disputes), Dysnomia (Anarchy) and Ate (Ruin), near one another, and Horkos (Oath), who most afflicts men on earth, Then willingly swears a false oath."

The Globalists aren't even trying to hide their true objectives anymore. 

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Most Equally Esteemed Komrads,

As soon as I heard the ridiculous name "Eris", a slogan jingle flashed across my consciousness.  Sung to the tune of the 1960's vintage Fab detergent commercial jingle:

Oh Eris
You scare us
We need this jab to protect us from you!

It makes as much sense as the original commercial. 

I will save everyone the trouble and pre-denounce myself.  I know the drill. 

Red Salmon

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Red Salmon wrote:
8/23/2023, 9:12 pm
Oh Eris
You scare us
We need this jab to protect us from you!
Red Salmon
Welcome back. We've missed you.

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Perhaps you should improve your aim…

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Red Salmon wrote:
8/24/2023, 3:06 pm
Perhaps you should improve your aim…
How's this?

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Oh, Red Salmon, you have been missed, and we've all been sent to the Fulton County Clerk's Office Basement for interrogation and mugshots to better understand "why?".

Anyway, just in case anyone in The Collective™ still vouched-safe Texazistan as, well, not actually being the 3rd world state crapper of Texazistan, 'pelipsky has two pieces of information to share.

1. ... dium=email
It's not ludicrous if it actually happened.
