
Israel Dismantles; World's Problems End

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Image "It's not every day when the French, the Germans, Muslims, Communists, Nazis, Arabs, Socialists, and the United Nations agree on things, so when they do, it's obvious that they must be correct."

Persistent rhetoric coming from concerned progressive critics worldwide has finally convinced Israeli officials that the state of Israel has no moral right to exist. "That's it," Prime Minister Ariel Sharon explained at a press conference. "We are dismantling the Nation of Israel. I'm leaving for Poland next week."

"My cabinet and I had long discussions about world troubles, and we concluded that our critics are right - all the troubles can be traced back to us. So, in order to resolve these issues, we felt it would be best to extend our withdrawal beyond Gaza to include the West Bank and Israel proper," Sharon said. "The Gaza pullout was only a test, and the ensuing waves of peace and brotherhood it had triggered in Palestine and beyond, encouraged us to disband altogether. Without us here, people of the world will finally be able, once again, to live in permanent harmony and understanding - just like they all did before Israel's founding nearly sixty years ago."

ImagePersistent rhetoric coming from progressive critics has convinced Israeli officials that the state of Israel has no moral right to exist.

ImageIsrael: Illegal settlers receive instructions to pack their bags and move to the countries of their parents and grandparents.

ImageIran: With the Zionist entity out of the way, Iranian mullahs tone down their violent rhetoric, dismantle their nuclear program, and stop funding Hezbollah and other terrorist groups."

ImageBin Laden: "Israel was the only reason why we bombed New York, Paris, London, Bali, Riyadh, Thailand, Kashmir, Russia, Morocco, Nigeria, India, and the Philippines. But now all our operations will cease."

ImagePalestinian President Abu Mazen: "We believe that our future is in limited government. We will bring to fruition all the programs started in refugee camps, such as our breakthroughs in medicine, education, applied and theoretical sciences, nanotechnology, and space exploration."

ImageBush no longer has to obey the Zionist lobby: "We will immediately withdraw all American troops from Iraq, suspend their new constitution, and halt all construction of schools and hospitals."

ImageKofi Annan: "Without Israel to condemn, what resolutions could we possibly pass? We're finished!"

ImageCindy Sheehan: "Thank goodness this is over and I can now disappear into obscurity."

ImageKim Jung-il: "Now that I no longer have to waste my days worrying about Israel, I had time to read Atlas Shrugged and suddenly realized what an idiot I've been all these years."

From Russia to Morocco to Yemen to France, countries are anticipating the arrival of Israelis. In Moscow, an enormous banner was erected that read "Welcome Home, Jews." and erstwhile presidential candidate Vladimir Zhirinovsky exclaimed, "I'm going to bake a huge batch of cookies for this homecoming!" And in cities throughout Germany, joyous "Judenfests" were ubiquitous, as local citizens were arranging festivals to celebrate the Jewish arrival. German foreign minister Joschka Fischer indicated that, "For some reason, the Jewish presence in Germany is low by historical standards; many of our citizens under the age of 70 have never even met a Jew. In addition to curing the world's problems, the dismantling of Israel will give our people the opportunity to achieve their main wish in life - to live with Jews."

Similarly, the new Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has kicked off a popular "Iran-loves-Jews" campaign that will include a sensitive re-writing of the laws to accommodate religions other than Islam. He explained, "With the Zionist entity out of the way, the Iranian government will tone down its violent and threatening rhetoric, dismantle its nuclear program, and stop funding Hezbollah and other terrorist groups. As a matter of fact, I might even resign my position and award the presidency to someone else. Do you think Schwarzenegger is available?"

A spokesperson for Hezbollah stated that Iran's proposal wouldn't matter. "We don't need the funding because we no longer have any reason to exist. We disposed of our weapons, and will now re-focus on opening a chain of pizzerias. You just can't get decent pizza around here, and we're going to change that."

He was joined by a former high-ranking member of Hamas: "Yeah, we also pretty much accomplished what we wanted. We'll get together for reunions now and then, but otherwise, we'll just settle down into normal lifestyles. You know... mortgage, house, bowling, PTA meetings..."

Al Qaeda has also released a statement that read: "As the entire world knows, the Zionist presence in our Holy Palestine has been the only reason for our existence. This is why we attacked the World Trade Center and why we murdered Americans in Iraq. It's why we bombed Paris, London, and Bali, why we exploded buildings in Saudi Arabia, and why we enabled murders and terrorist activities in Thailand, Kashmir, Russia, Morocco, Nigeria, India, and the Philippines. But now, with Palestine returned to our brothers, all operations will cease. This is effective immediately and is irrevocable. We will now form The International Peace Corps and of course pay reparations to the non-Israelis who we murdered."

In the new country of Palestine, there are already signs of promise. President Abu Mazen elaborated, "We're adopting the American Constitution as our legal model. We believe that our future is in limited government; free markets, rule of law, respect for contracts and individual rights. And by attracting foreign investment, our highly educated and motivated workforce will soon become the most affluent in the region. In our own country, we will bring to fruition all the programs that we started in refugee camps, such as our breakthroughs in medicine, education, applied and theoretical sciences, nanotechnology, and space exploration."

When asked why these breakthroughs were not previously revealed, he replied, "Yassir always wanted an open and liberal society that encouraged free thought, free expression, and academic exploration, but it was impossible with the Zionist enemy next door. But now, our pent-up contributions in science and the humanities will finally be released. With this release of pressure, our accomplishments will explode faster than our martyrs used to!"

But most significantly, the end of Israel will have a large impact on United States policy. In an earlier press conference, President Bush had these words:

"As we all know, the only reason for our toppling of Saddam Hussein was to obey my superiors, the well-funded Zionist lobby, without understanding why. However, as Israel no longer exists, we will immediately withdraw all American troops from Iraq, suspend their new constitution, and halt all construction of schools and hospitals. But most importantly, we will be returning Saddam Hussein to his presidency, and pay him FEMA reparations for the Israeli-ordered murder of his sons.

"Furthermore, I want to extend an invitation to my colleague and close personal friend, Jacques Chirac, to rebuild French nuclear reactors in Iraq. Saddam Hussein needs nuclear weapons, and this time, the Israelis will not be around to destroy them.

"To our friend Saddam Hussein, America says, 'Can you forgive us?' Israel lied, we lied, I lied, and everyone died. We know that it was because of Israel that you praised the September 11th attacks, and that you sheltered terrorists, and that you (rightfully) wanted nuclear weapons, and that you gassed the Kurds, and buried thousands in mass graves. Certainly, any dictator who blatantly expresses delight at watching Americans die, has a track record of invading other countries, uses chemical weapons, and actively seeks nuclear weapons could never in any way be even a remote threat to the United States. And now, with Israel out of the way, we are proud to welcome President Saddam Hussein back into our family of nations."

One particular family of nations is very concerned, "With Israel gone, there's nothing left for us to do," says a United Nations staffer. "Since the world's conflicts will be over, we're worried that they won't need us any more." An anonymous U.N. delegate shared his concern: "I've even heard that they considered converting the U.N. building into condominiums, but there are too many cockroaches. Why would that matter? In my country, we pay a premium to live with cockroaches!"

The most important opinion came from the mourning Cindy Sheehan, with a nation hanging onto her every pearl of maternal insight: "Thank goodness this is over and I can now disappear into obscurity. And...wait a that my son speaking? Yes it is! He is saying,"Mother...mother...I am so grateful that Israel no longer exists! Mother, I am so happy that no other helpless children, like myself, will ever die in wars again!"

A large group of neo-Nazis who happened to be visiting Ms. Sheehan at the moment seemed upbeat: "With Israel gone, we'll be shutting down our web sites and closing meeting centers. Now that our job is done, you'll never hear from us again."

David Duke agreed. Contacted at his home, he said that he was leaving politics. "My life's work is finished; no more politics for me. I'm taking down my web site, too. Think I'll quietly live out my days in front of the TV."

And finally, Kim Jung-il of North Korea has promised to free his nation. "Whatever it takes," he said. "Now that I no longer have to waste my days worrying about Israel, I had time to read Atlas Shrugged and suddenly realized what an idiot I've been all these years. Do you think South Koreans would mind if we dismantle the border and join forces in generating capitalist wealth?"

Premier Breshnev
Victory in the middle east.... Finally, Mother Russia has all of the oil it needs to start it's next campagin!!!!

Well, our european left dislikes Israel, but this is not antisemit. And as says Noam Chomsky, Israel is the real axis of evil and the cause of all problems throught the world.

Exactly, comrade! Just remember the happy an peaceful decade of 1940s preceding the creation of Israel. World War? A gross exagerration! Nothing could ever go wrong until Israel appeared on the map. For the first time in history harmony was disrupted!

But let's look even deeper! The world was even more happy an peaceful 200 years ago - until the founding Fathers decided to split from Britain and set up the USA, the Evil Empire a.k.a the Great Satan. That's when all evil really started...

But if you really want to go to the roots, remember the journey of Columbus! He started the disastrous European expansion to the New World, which the right-wingers will be celebrating tomorrow (Columbus Day).

But the very first step away from harmony and towards evil was made when man first stepped out of Africa, leaving the cradle of human race to colonize Europe and Asia.

In fact, let's face it: the very nature of man is all wrong and evil. The monkey mother should've aborted the first mutant human baby that later gave birth to the oppressing, exploitive, and destructive human beings.

There is a school of thought that maintain that the Neanderthals, if given the chance, would've created a much more harmonious, organic, and Earth-friendly lifestyle. But that is a delusion. The politically correct view is to oppose all carbon-based life in the Universe! The cold, lifeless stretches of space are free of exploitation and oppression, and that's what we, the progressive elites, would ultimately like to introduce here as well.

-- Red Square

dissident agitator #96
surely, mcdonalds and wallmart have collapsed as well!

now, the evil global warming of capitalism must have ended!

the people's air suddenly feels cleaner!

the conspiracy of poverty has dissappeared!

soon everyone will have uneffective health care!

greedy oil has become a force for good of all that is average!

big bad 'competition' has ended so all can now be uniform!

no more bad hair days will be encountered with the joyous utopia!

hunger is history because no one has to work!

hurricanes are now pleasant entertainment for the masses!

oh yes... we will stop causing the earth quakes, hurricanes, Hillary J.F.Kerry, J.Dean, cheesy movies, and other similar disasters

to Red Square

Absolutely, comrade. I'm sure my valourous comrades from the Old Europe will prove that zionism and Israel are the causes of the second world war. And of the first. As said the French former President de Gaulle, Israel is a "small, dominating, arrogant" country (in French: "un petit peuple dominateur et sur de soi").

Red salutations.

Fidel Castro
Is this true? Israel is no more? Finally, Cuba can apply to be the 51st state!

I wonder if my chances at being elected governor will increase if I switch to Republican...

Hurricane Katrina
It's because of Israel that I got so damn angry and whupped New Orleans. If only Israel dismantled a couple of months ago, I would have been a mere sun shower.

lil bolshevist
A Briton, a Frenchman, and a Russian are standing and staring at a portrait of Adam and Eve.

"Look at their calm, their reserve" says the Briton. "Surely they must be British!"

"Nonsense!" replies the Frenchman. "They are beautiful. Surely they must be French!"

The Russian finally speaks, "they have no clothes, no shelter, only an apple to eat, and are being told this is paradise. They are Russian."

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What!? They had tons to eat, the only reason they ate the apple was because of Hillary disguised as a snake telling them of the great communist future that would be created if they did eat it!

Jack Chick
Does this mean Armegeddon is canceled? No triumphant return of Christ?

Moshe Dayan
No one has offered to replace my eye yet. I call unfair.

Golda Mayer
And I'm still pretty that bitch Madeline Albright...UNFAIR!!!!

Now that Israel is desbanding itself, the Practioners of the religion of Peace are reportedly hatching a new large scale plot involving thousands of martyred homicide-bombers.
The plan's details so far are sketchy but it appears that they are in the process of populating the heavens with enough martyred homicide-bombers in order to launch new homicide attacks there - against heaven itself.
This in retaliation for the deaths of thousands of their kind - murdered by natural disasters - such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and etc. And adds one spokesman -All Ben Had: "what else can we do with all of our wannabe freedom fighters?"

Now that Israel is disbanding itself, we can celebrate the inevitable and glorious result of the "peace process" and "road map," (or, "peace process Lite") which in their great logical and spiritual wisdom simply refused to accept the most relevant facts--such as the continued incitement of Palestinian youth via official Palestinian Authority media and UN-funded schools to utterly dehumanize Israelis and Westerners; the Palestinian Authority's utter passivity and/or complacency in the face of Hamas's unrelenting terrorist efforts; and the PA's stated (and unaltered) objective, in its official charter, to destroy Israel--and simply insisted, "Both sides (meaning Israel) must make sacrifices for peace."

Denial, denial--not just a river in Egypt, but a wonderful way to uphold the nation of Egypt, and the mighty sister nations of Iran, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, and now Palestine, now that the source of all evil, Israel, is gone. Prime Minister Sharon, once your denial mechanism was exercised, "What,"--to quote the great Golda Meir, whose memory we revere and who will soon be inducted as one of the matriarchs of Islam--"took you so long?"

Ah, the Jews are truly a stiff-necked people, for why did you so resist the idea that you had no right to exist in this region of the globe? Don't you see how much easier it would have gone for you if you had just given up sooner? I mean, sure, we now acknowledge that what your brethren suffered at the hands of the Europeans during the Great War was no picnic, but imagine how much more they would have suffered if they'd tried to wage a full-scale war against Hitler? Those who did--in the ghettoes and such--went to so much aggravation, for such little result the end. Imagine the suffering had larger numbers of them tried, with the support of a nation like the U.S., to resist--it would have produced a situation not unlike that which preceded the dismantling of the Zionist entity. As the Jews who once lived here--and whose memories the state of Palestine respects and honors in our museums and memorials, which are a great source of revenue for our bomb-making factories--used to say,"Oy, vey!" (Yes, we are a culturally sensitive people who do not turn up our noses at stealing the expressions of a conquered people, whether we live here, or in the Palestinian Diaspora.)

Both of our community in Palestine and in the Diaspora, in an eerie, perverse parallel to those of the Jews who once existed, thrive, only instead of contributing our intellect and drive to ths region of the world and the other countires where we live, we are engaged in those noble traditions which have been the work of our people for the past century: hate-mongering, brutality, murder, and scapegoating. How, you may wonder, can the Palestinians, a small, historically nomadic people, less than 1 percent of the world's population, have contrubted such a disproportionate amount of suffering, misery, infighting, bloodlust, twistedness, and utter ignorance to the world? We owe it mainly to our Arab brethren, who have used us as cannon fodder, and our own utter refusal to once take an ounce of responsibility for any action which any Palestinian has ever taken, and our total and complete faith in a cult of abject victimhood.

Oh, the future is bright. Above the sound of bombs and the shrieks of women and children, I hear our national anthem, something about "kill the Jews." Oh, my friends, be assured that tyranny is on the march, the entire world its victims, and with he exception of those who will have the spoils, all others are equal in suffering.

Nonsense! "Hotjewess" speaks the capitalist fascist dog speak! Turn her out into the light of truth that is Allah! Uh, I mean Comrade Hillary! Comrade Hillary doesn't seek spoils! Nor does bouncy frolicsome coquette Osama Bin Laden! Look, Osama promised Hillary he wouldn't circumcise her or any of the daughters of the U.S.S.A. so long as we go to mecca yearly, disembowel people with "ideas" contrary to muhammad, and women wear black sheets and submit to any demand a male should ask of her.

Hillary, of course, just wants free medical care for everyone. Well; you know, at least an aspirin for every household and your name on a list to see doctors at some time. Peace, Bread & Aspirin! What could anyone have to say negative about that? And Hillary and Osama love furry animals, plants, and love!

But isn't it obvious? The Al Qaeda friends of ours merely learned of the 9/11 plot and learned of BUSH'S plot to take down the World Trade Center towers, Pentagon and White House. They were instructed by peaceful huggable guru Osama to board those plans covertly and stop the "League of Republican Women" who hijacked the planes and were steering it into the towers and monuments. Luckily, the Al Qaeda friends were able to stop the one headed right for the White House! It is a confusion or lie among our media that the words uttered "Let's Roll!" were made by an American who stopped the White House plane and ran it into a Pennsylvania field! In reality the words spoken were "Akma Jihad Bak Amerika!" Arabic words of love and peace as they bravely thwarted the hijacker pilot of plane #4 headed for the White House. They drove the head of hijacker (84-year old Mrs. Delores Smith of Bloomington, Indiana) into the planes dashboard, but sadly not in time to regain control of the plane to land safely.

Then you doubtniks out there have the nerve to ask why old caucasian women seem to be the target of airport screeners in the U.S.! How dare you! Clinton appointed Head of National Transportation knows what he's doing damn you all! Don't question the man! He is the best friend of the People to ever live! And "old" "harmless" "caucasian" women must be stopped! By God they WILL be stopped by Muhammad and Allah! Or, um, Comrade Hillary! YEAH!

Premier Breshnev
dissident agitator #96 wrote:surely, mcdonalds and wallmart have collapsed as well!

now, the evil global warming of capitalism must have ended!

the people's air suddenly feels cleaner!

the conspiracy of poverty has dissappeared!

soon everyone will have uneffective health care!

greedy oil has become a force for good of all that is average!

big bad 'competition' has ended so all can now be uniform!

no more bad hair days will be encountered with the joyous utopia!

hunger is history because no one has to work!

hurricanes are now pleasant entertainment for the masses!

Mcdonalds has been replaced by the Proletariat and politboro owned McLenins, and Wal-Mart has been replace with Mao-Mart.

Martin Van Nodstran
We are finally rid of the salty beef sandwich people!!

Anonymous wrote:We are finally rid of the salty beef sandwich people!!
Yeah, snail innards and impacted goose liver is much tastier and forward thinking food for the Proletariat! McLenin's would never sell capitalist pig beef! Also, the McFalafel sandwich will be available soon! You can get it in a "Jihad" meal for lil' suicide bombers! Sure to put a smile on their cute little faces before you send them off to blow up a bus or restaurant! And they'll need a full stomach when they get to Allahland and have to find a way to satisfy those 72 virgin girls!

King Solomon
I hope you rag head bastards are happy now!
Meir Kahane

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Yeah, snail innards and impacted goose liver is much tastier and forward thinking food for the Proletariat! McLenin's would never sell capitalist pig beef! Also, the McFalafel sandwich will be available soon! You can get it in a "Jihad" meal for lil' suicide bombers! Sure to put a smile on their cute little faces before you send them off to blow up a bus or restaurant! And they'll need a full stomach when they get to Allahland and have to find a way to satisfy those 72 virgin girls!

Your allusion to McFalafel's is more apropropriate than you realize, as is Kommissar Betski's yearning for sand witches... Comrade Haleski and I have been wondering 'why 72 virgins?'... where does the number come from and does it have any significance? So - I go to Google-ski, and what do I find? Interesting article from Guardian with the following, entitled "Virgins? What Virgins?":

From: ... 57,00.html
Since September 11, news stories have repeated the story of suicide bombers and their heavenly rewards, and equally Muslim scholars and Western apologists of Islam have repeated that suicide is forbidden in Islam. Suicide (qatlu nafsi-hi) is not referred to in the Koran but is indeed forbidden in the Traditions (Hadith in Arabic), which are the collected sayings and doings attributed to the Prophet and traced back to him through a series of putatively trustworthy witnesses. They include what was done in his presence that he did not forbid, and even the authoritative sayings and doings of his companions.

But the Hamas spokesman correctly uses the word martyr (shahid) and not suicide bomber, since those who blow themselves up almost daily in Israel and those who died on September 11 were dying in the noblest of all causes, Jihad, which is an incumbent religious duty, established in the Koran and in the Traditions as a divine institution, and enjoined for the purpose of advancing Islam (Sister Massively Opiated repudiates semantic/semiotic/allegorical Chomski-esque BS word games and logical fallacy of this idiotic rationalization, but begs reader to bear with article as dumb f**kers get theirs in the end). While suicide is forbidden, martyrdom is everywhere praised, welcomed, and urged: "By the Being in Whose Hand is my life, I love that I should be killed in the way of Allah; then I should be brought back to life and be killed again in His way..."; "The Prophet said, 'Nobody who enters Paradise will ever like to return to this world even if he were offered everything, except the martyr who will desire to return to this world and be killed 10 times for the sake of the great honour that has been bestowed upon him'." [Sahih Muslim, chapters 781, 782, The Merit of Jihad and the Merit of Martyrdom.] (So... next dumb-ass overly-pluralized propaganda spewing self-hating Jew - or other apologista - I encounter... will get spit-riddled rant about the fact that 'suicide murdering' is clearly and explicitly extolled as virtuous in the Quran/Koran/whatever-t-f-y'wanna-call-it)

What of the rewards in paradise? The Islamic paradise is described in great sensual detail in the Koran and the Traditions; for instance, Koran sura 56 verses 12 -40 ; sura 55 verses 54-56 ; sura 76 verses 12-22. I shall quote the celebrated Penguin translation by NJ Dawood of sura 56 verses 12- 39: "They shall recline on jewelled couches face to face, and there shall wait on them immortal youths with bowls and ewers and a cup of purest wine (that will neither pain their heads nor take away their reason); with fruits of their own choice and flesh of fowls that they relish. And theirs shall be the dark-eyed houris, chaste as hidden pearls: a guerdon for their deeds... We created the houris and made them virgins, loving companions for those on the right hand..."

One should note that most translations, even those by Muslims themselves such as A Yusuf Ali, and the British Muslim Marmaduke Pickthall, translate the Arabic (plural) word Abkarun as virgins, as do well-known lexicons such the one by John Penrice. I emphasise this fact since many pudic and embarrassed Muslims claim there has been a mistranslation, that "virgins" should be replaced by "angels". In sura 55 verses 72-74, Dawood translates the Arabic word " hur " as "virgins", and the context makes clear that virgin is the appropriate translation: "Dark-eyed virgins sheltered in their tents (which of your Lord's blessings would you deny?) whom neither man nor jinnee will have touched before." The word hur occurs four times in the Koran and is usually translated as a "maiden with dark eyes".

Two points need to be noted. First, there is no mention anywhere in the Koran of the actual number of virgins available in paradise, and second, the dark-eyed damsels are available for all Muslims, not just martyrs. It is in the Islamic Traditions that we find the 72 virgins in heaven specified: in a Hadith (Islamic Tradition) collected by Al-Tirmidhi (died 892 CE [common era*]) in the Book of Sunan (volume IV, chapters on The Features of Paradise as described by the Messenger of Allah [Prophet Muhammad], chapter 21, About the Smallest Reward for the People of Paradise, (Hadith 2687). The same hadith is also quoted by Ibn Kathir (died 1373 CE ) in his Koranic commentary (Tafsir) of Surah Al-Rahman (55), verse 72: "The Prophet Muhammad was heard saying: 'The smallest reward for the people of paradise is an abode where there are 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine, and ruby, as wide as the distance from Al-Jabiyyah [a Damascus suburb] to Sana'a [Yemen]'."

Modern apologists of Islam try to downplay the evident materialism and sexual implications of such descriptions, but, as the Encyclopaedia of Islam says, even orthodox Muslim theologians such as al Ghazali (died 1111 CE) and Al-Ash'ari (died 935 CE) have "admitted sensual pleasures into paradise". The sensual pleasures are graphically elaborated by Al-Suyuti (died 1505 ), Koranic commentator and polymath. He wrote: "Each time we sleep with a houri we find her virgin. Besides, the penis of the Elected never softens. The erection is eternal; (Sister Massively Opiated wonders why "Little Blue Pill" is not perhaps better solution... wonders if warning about various types of little blue pills are correct, "The Elected" doesn't have to go to hospital after four hours of solid erectile non-dysfunction, and wonders about religion based on Beloved Prophet who clearly thought only with his penis... ) the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each chosen one [ie Muslim] will marry seventy [sic] houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetising vaginas."

One of the reasons Nietzsche hated Christianity was that it "made something unclean out of sexuality", whereas Islam, many would argue, was sex-positive. One cannot imagine any of the Church fathers writing ecstatically of heavenly sex as al-Suyuti did, with the possible exception of St Augustine before his conversion. But surely to call Islam sex-positive is to insult all Muslim women, for sex is seen entirely from the male point of view; women's sexuality is admitted but seen as something to be feared, repressed, and a work of the devil. (not to mention that they sexually mutilate their women, arguments about male circumcision aside).....

This naturally leads to the most fascinating book ever written on the language of the Koran, and if proved to be correct in its main thesis, probably the most important book ever written on the Koran. Christoph Luxenberg's book, Die Syro-Aramaische Lesart des Koran, available only in German, came out just over a year ago.... Luxenberg tries to show that many obscurities of the Koran disappear if we read certain words as being Syriac and not Arabic. We cannot go into the technical details of his methodology but it allows Luxenberg, to the probable horror of all Muslim males dreaming of sexual bliss in the Muslim hereafter, to conjure away the wide-eyed houris promised to the faithful in suras XLIV.54; LII.20, LV.72, and LVI.22. Luxenberg 's new analysis, leaning on the Hymns of Ephrem the Syrian, yields "white raisins" of "crystal clarity" rather than doe-eyed, and ever willing virgins - the houris. Luxenberg claims that the context makes it clear that it is food and drink that is being offerred, and not unsullied maidens or houris.

In Syriac, the word hur is a feminine plural adjective meaning white, with the word "raisin" understood implicitly. Similarly, the immortal, pearl-like ephebes or youths of suras such as LXXVI.19 are really a misreading of a Syriac expression meaning chilled raisins (or drinks) that the just will have the pleasure of tasting in contrast to the boiling drinks promised the unfaithful and damned.

As Luxenberg's work has only recently been published we must await its scholarly assessment before we can pass any judgements. But if his analysis is correct then suicide bombers, or rather prospective martyrs, would do well to abandon their culture of death, and instead concentrate on getting laid 72 times in this world, unless of course they would really prefer chilled or white raisins, according to their taste, in the next.

ROFL Mao!!!! Raisins... and white ones at that... Suckers!!! And them stuck with permanent erections!!! McFalafel indeed! With hot sauce and blue balls on the side... I do not think, as King Solomon/Meir Kahane (the Glorious JDL be praised) wrote, that the "rag head bastards are happy now"... I think there are many dead Muslim men with permanent case of erectile over-function, and I hope they hit themselves in the face every morning when they take that first piss... for eternity...

Laughing at dumb f**kers who blew themselves up and killed many people to get cold white raisin beverage in heaven...

Sister Massively Opiated (drinking her cocoa up in cold dark northern climes and waiting for the shit to hit the fan)

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ROFL Mao!!!! Raisins... and white ones at that... Suckers!!! And them stuck with permanent erections!!! McFalafel indeed! With hot sauce and blue balls on the side... I do not think, as King Solomon/Meir Kahane (the Glorious JDL be praised) wrote, that the "rag head bastards are happy now"... I think there are many dead Muslim men with permanent case of erectile over-function, and I hope they hit themselves in the face every morning when they take that first piss... for eternity...

Laughing at dumb f**kers who blew themselves up and killed many people to get cold white raisin beverage in heaven...

Sister Massively Opiated (drinking her cocoa up in cold dark northern climes and waiting for the shit to hit the fan)

Sadly, things always look different in morning, and in Kanada this time of year, when mornings are dark, cocoa is replaced by kava, and kountry's only kapitalist paper - National Post - appears on doorstep shortly after 3:00 am (Yuri drops it off on his way home from checking potato Vodka still) - it is very dark indeed. Previously evenings' mirth is replaced by sad realization that we are all in the shit once again (not that we were ever really out of it... only is deeper today and I have already put hip-waders away until spring thaw).

Paper brings more thorough coverage of yesterday's speech by President Ahmadinejad of Iran, at "The World Without Zionism" conference in Tehran, attended by 3,000 future human bombs who chanted: "Death to Israel!" and "Death to America!"... "The establishment of the Zionist regime was a move by the world oppressor against the Islamic world," he said. "As the Imam [Ayatollah Khomeini] said, 'Israel must be wiped off the map.' The Islamic world will not let its historic enemy live in its heartland." Clearly, he too has found article about virgins actually being cool refreshing white raisin beverage, and is mightily pissed... must be Zionist plot...

"Mr. Ahmadinejad praised Palestinian suicide bombers, and his remarks were delivered just before a suicide bomber killed five people in the Israeli town of Hadera."... "The White House said they underlined American concerns about Tehran's nuclear ambitions. Several reports have estimated that Iran is five to 10 years away from developing a nuclear weapon." Germany says, "completely unacceptable"... FRANCE firmly condemns... Kanada's Prime Minister tells our House of Commons, "Canada will never accept such hatred, such intolerance and anti-Semitism." and must raise own voice over the sound of mighy wind created by his own balls whooshing up into his body cavity at supersonic speed... thunderclap heard for miles... Sister Massively Opiated worries about family and friends in Israel... Passover bombing of Park Hotel in Netanya in 2002 was but one block from grand-baba's apartment... cousins in Israeli army during first gulf war...

Our Foreign Affairs minister, Pierre Pettigrew said Mr. Ahmadinejad's comments are "all the more troubling" given Iran's nuclear ambitions.... sadly, Mr. Pettigrew has Francophile form of name of "Wormtail" character from latest Harry Potter movie... and character was rat and coward, as well as shapeshifter... I am not superstitious, but I think does not bode well, though he did add, "Canada does not believe that Iran is seeking to develop nuclear power solely to meet its energy needs. Like the United States, Canada believes Iran is secretly trying to develop a nuclear weapons program and that it should be brought before the United Nations Security Council." Das! Duh? (am so embarrassed as Kanadjian and beg all friends to south to not lump us all together - not all Kanadjians allow brains to freeze each winter - or in fear - thus becoming mushy in spring).

Kapitalist paper notes "Critics charge Mr. Martin with not reacting strongly enough, saying he should call for UN sanctions in Iran. "Canada has signalled to Iran that there will be no consequences for threatening and inciting a holocaust," said Alastair Gordon, president of the Canadian Coalition for Democracies (is good group - urge Amerikan friends to visit site to see that all Kanadjians are not morons waiting to be blown up - ... and yes, there are still men in Kanada named Alastair). "Will Canada recall our ambassdor from Tehran and send the Iranian ambassador back with a message that Canada wants no relationship wiht such a regime?"

Sister Massively Opiated wants to know why her own country is not recalling all troops deployed on UN "peacekeeping" missions, and building up her county's military? Ahhhh... Sun is finally coming above horizon for short period... time for more kava. Sister is also hoping Amerikan friends will forgive us, as Kapitalist paper also indicates "The majority of Americans no longer consider Canada a close ally, according to a poll released yesterday by the Association for Canadian Studies. The poll... discovered that only 48% of Americans surveyed view Canada as a close ally, down from 73% in 1997. Thirty-seven per cent called Canada friendly, while 2% considered Canada an enemy of the United States (cringeing). And yet, we have Kanadian Komrades like Michael Ignatieff - see included article below... cannot provide working link... he is Akademic and human rights scholar, but not politically or commonsensically retarded, and believes we have right to protect ourselves and to fight back... Not all Kanadjians are soft. I hope profile of decent Kanadjian will be pleasant surprise for Amerikan friends - particularly his comments on liberal fear of self-defense being labelled facist, and belief in right of US and other democracies to defend themselves... do not agree with all his POV's, but interesting person.

In Solidarity
Sister Massively Opiated - stocking underground bunker and calibrating weapons-sights today... tomorrow, target practice...

Michael Ignatieff
Diane Francis
National Post
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Michael Ignatieff's corner office at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government is uncharacteristically tidy. Most academics' desks, tables, and even floors, are decorated with piles of books and papers.

Then again, Michael Ignatieff is not most academics.

He is a successful novelist, journalist and book author. His specialty is human-rights issues, but he tackles many other topics as well.

"I don't like to be called a public intellectual. That term gives me the creeps. It's pompous. It's European," he said last week. "I'm a writer and a teacher. I come from a line of teachers."

Ignatieff traces his roots to Russia and Canada, both of which he has turned into objects of study. In the 1980s, he wrote a successful book called Russian Album about his family on his father's side. He is now about to embark on a two-year leave of absence from Harvard to write a book about his Canadian roots.

His move back home to Toronto, after decades of absence, has led a few disenchanted Canadian Liberals to hail him as Paul Martin's successor. Some speculate he will run in 2006. But Prof. Ignatieff isn't willing to comment either way.

In January, he will take up his duties as the Chancellor Jackman Visiting Professor in Human Rights Policy at the University of Toronto. He will also work on completing Ocean to Ocean, a book about his famous great grandfather, George Munro Grant, who was part of the official expedition that crossed the nation to mark the best route for a national railway.

Prof. Ignatieff's father, George, was born in St. Petersburg in 1913, the youngest son of Count Paul Ignatieff, Tsar Nicholas II's last minister of education. George became a Rhodes Scholar, then came to Canada and rose through the ranks as a Cold War diplomat and then a U of T Chancellor.

Growing up in Toronto, Prof. Ignatieff attended the tony Upper Canada College, then the University of Toronto, followed by Harvard University, where he earned a PhD in History. He taught at the University of British Columbia for three years until 1978, then left Canada for Cambridge University as a Senior Fellow at King's College, until finally ending up back at Harvard.

Prof. Ignatieff's re-entry to leadership-starved Canada became highly publicized in March, when he delivered the keynote address to the Liberal convention in Ottawa. But his message was neither Liberal nor even American liberal. That was somewhat predictable -- for the man has become the Cold Warrior of the human rights movement and has gotten into some dust-ups internationally as a result.

"Liberals [in the American sense] can't bring themselves to support freedom in Iraq lest they seem to collude with neoconservative bombast," Ignatieff wrote in The New York Times Magazine on the occasion of the recent Iraqi election. "All this makes you wonder when the left forgot the proper name for people who bomb polling stations, kill election workers and assassinate candidates. The right name for such people is fascists."

In his 2004 book, The Lesser Evil, he opens with: "When democracies fight terrorism, they are defending the proposition that their political life should be free of violence. But defeating terror requires violence. It may also require coercion, deception, secrecy and violation of rights."

"Liberal societies cannot be defended by herbivores," he adds. "We need carnivores to save us."

Most notorious was a May 2004 piece in The New York Times Magazine, in which he argued in favour of certain types of torture: "Permissible duress might include forms of sleep deprivation that do not result in lasting harm to mental health or physical health, together with disinformation and disorientation (like keeping prisoners in hoods) that would produce stress."

He also supported the U.S. intervention in Iraq and the proposed missile defence shield, both of which the Liberals rejected. To further underscore his policy differences, he told the Liberals in March to spend more money on defence and to recognize that we live next door to "the primary target of global terrorism."

To be fair, Prof. Ignatieff has also been consistently critical of the United States on certain issues, such as its permissive attitude toward human-rights violations when they are committed by allies, and the country's enormous wealth inequality.

Such refreshing heterodoxy likely disqualifies Ignatieff from the parochial and stultified Canadian political scene. But it certainly guarantees that during his stay in Canada, whether long or short, he will breathe fresh air into our stale discourse by at least giving credit to the Americans where credit is due.

© National Post 2005

What is the difference between, say, the Holocaust and the other human tragedies that occured throughout human history, from the Armenians, Chinese, Russians.... who all perished under one form of tyrrany or another?

Correct answers to that question will receive a wealth of wisdom.


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Messenger wrote:What is the difference between, say, the Holocaust and the other human tragedies that occured throughout human history, from the Armenians, Chinese, Russians.... who all perished under one form of tyrrany or another?

These will lead you to correct answers, comrade! ... =42#Hitler ... =2828#2828

Spiro Agnew
Here are some differences between the Holocaust and other government-directed mass murders:

A) The Nazis believed in "nature" and the Communists believed in "nurture". That is, the Nazis mainly relied on eugenics theories in an attempt to create a pure people, while the Communists mainly relied on socialism in an attempt to create a pure people. The Nazis went with biology and the Communists went with environment. People find biological discrimination the most odious kind -- whether for murder, or for that matter, simply being fired.

B) Nazi victims were targeted as a distinct ethnic class (Jews); i.e., a group of people was collectively murdered. Human nature being what it is, we are generally more upset when our group, our religion, and especially our family is targeted -- which is why Jews (and also Armenians, though probably to a lesser extent) have not forgotten.

Also, look at how the Chinese are the angriest not at Mao, but at the Japanese. Mao killed more Chinese than did the Japanese, but group loyalties come first. For a more contemporary example, look at how Al Sharpton and the Progressive Community save their most furious responses for when a black is killed by a white or a cop -- although far more murdered blacks are killed by other blacks.

C) The utopian-sounding goals of socialism can sound attractive to civilized people, while Nazi goals can never be defended. To illustrate, compare East German propaganda with Nazi propaganda. Hitler knew how to work a crowd only if it was his crowd. To this day, communists know how to make themselves sound appealing to others.

D) Without defending labor camps, there is still a difference (on a relative scale) between sentencing people to labor camps where they will likely die and immediately herding them into gas chambers where they will defintely die.

Dear Comrade Spiro Agnew:
Point "D" is interesting, I could've sworn there were mass graves filled with millions of innocent murder victims (and I do mean actual murder victims, not "worked to death" in labor camps) all over the Soviet Union, Cambodia, Vietnam, Cuba, N. Korea, China (fill in the blank with any communist country). I guess the nazis used state of the art Mercedes brand engines to gas the folks and commies just used old fashioned bullets and beatings to massacre their millions. Yeah, in fact, I could sworn that before the Ministry of Information deemed it an untruth - that over 100 million innocent people were executed by communist governments for no reason whatsoever other then the paranoia and/or ethnic intolerance of the Party Leaders. But now it is untrue I suppose. . . only Hitler murdered people. . . this makes sense now; that is why it is alright to wear a "Viva Guevara" t-shirt and not a "Heil Hitler" t-shirt. Seriously - I doubt you meant it this way, but your post seems to suggest commies never actually gunned people down purposely, or tortured them then murdered them. . .

Also - is it that you say that all the Germans in the late thirties and forties were "uncivilized" and therefore somehow uniquely susceptible to the "spell" Hilter put on them? That really cannot be put forth as it suggests that it could never happen again, and it definitely could. It suggests that the German people of that specific time were basically morons who could be swayed to do anything. The problem with your post is that those Germans were actually quite intelligent - I'd actually state they were extremely intelligent as they invented a flurry of cutting edge devices with both civilian and military applications during the Third Reich. But the combination of the hard times and Hitler's charisma is what drove them to commit the atrocities that they did (although I do believe that there were some in the Third Reich kept ignorant of the Holocaust - I mean - if you were Hitler, why would you want that to be common knowledge??!).

This is the biggest fallacy of WWII history that they teach in schools - that all the German people of those specific decades just happened to be evil and thus they all just couldn't help but put millions to death with relish. A worse smear on history was rarely posited, because this actually suggests that the German people of the 30s and 40's were just zombies and the Holocaust could thus never occur again. It is that type of ignorance and indolent obliviousness that is fertile ground for such a despot to rise again - and I mean anywhere in the world, not just in Germany. Hell - in fact I'd go out on a limb here and counter basic world opinion of the French as peaceful diplomats; I'd say today's France is a near perfect place for a new Hitler to quickly rise to power. Think about the current situation there for a minute.

Besides - unemployment and inflation not only stopped but did an immediate reverse in numbers under Hitler and the standard of living rose astronomically under Hitler - considering people were using wheel barrows full of cash to buy a loaf of bread just prior to his rise to power. That is very attractive to most people - even with the racism (sadly can be said of alot of people). But without the obvious racism, I challenge you to find me a person who wouldn't elect such a person to power who produces such results; in fact such a politician (again subtracting the racism and murder of course) would be deemed a "humanitarian" for actually lowering human suffering.

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Chistka Counselor wrote:...This is the biggest fallacy of WWII history that they teach in schools - that all the German people of those specific decades just happened to be evil and thus they all just couldn't help but put millions to death with relish. A worse smear on history was rarely posited, because this actually suggests that the German people of the 30s and 40's were just zombies and the Holocaust could thus never occur again...

Dearest Chistka Counselor,

An interesting argument, but the bottom line will always be that when good men do nothing, evil with prevail (to paraphrase). There were many in Germany who knew precisely what was going on (just as they did in Poland... what did they think was happening with those train-loads full of human cattle and those big smoke stacks?!?), but who for the purposes of their own survival kept quiet... those who fled... those who were just following orders... Pope Benedict XIV was in the Hitler Youth (but then so were all children his age at that time)...

What did the Catholic church give up in 1933 for the guarantee of its rights and privileges (and what did it know later and ignore, despite the many Catholic Righteous Gentiles, both of the clergy and the lay people who died along with Jews in the gas chambers for dissenting, or who survived and aided Jews - some of Javier's family were hidden by Catholics in Poland during the war, including his grandmother and her sister, and their nephew.... they survive today because people wouldn't stand by idly and watch them die and he is with me today because of that courage)?

What did Chamberlain know when he returned to England clutching his scrap of paper and saying "peace in our time"? What did Edward the VIII and Wallace Simpson know? What did Stalin know when he signed the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact in 1939, and did he care? For that matter, when it was known that Jews and other 'undesirables' were being exterminated like animals and 'the voyage of the damned' - a ship of 907 Jewish refugees was turned away from every safe port of call, including my own country's, Cuba and US, with a member of the Canadian Parliament, Frederick Charles Blair (director of the Immigration Branch of the Department of Mines and Resources. He was entrusted with the task of upholding the restrictions on immigration.... an elder in his Baptist Church), saying in Parliament that "None is too many," when it came to allowing Jewish refugees into Canada... what did they know? A f**k of a lot. They knew. And they let it happen, and many helped, while many more stood by.

And it's happening now in North Korea - people are dead in the streets of starvation or in labour camps, or simply killed for their political views. They have orphans in 'institutions' who are literally starved for food, let alone the human touch required for them to develop properly as human beings (the central nervous system of babies and small children requires that they be touched to develop properly, physically, emotionally, intellectually and psychologically)... hidden video smuggled out by North Korean dissidents who swim back and forth across the river into China to pass along the footage they've shot to people who get it out to the world, indicates that children who have escaped from these state 'orphanages' tell stories of being looked after as best as possible by older children - six and seven year olds looking after babies in an attempt to keep them alive - and forming family units to make up for those they've lost - their parents incarcerated in work camps or dead. And many die of starvation and neglect in these orphanages, not to mention those that commit suicide by throwing themselves out of barred windows they can easily fit through because they are so thin. What does it take for a five year old child to knowingly end his or her life? And those are only the children, and that is only one country. And there are people in the world who choose to know, and people in the world who choose not to think on it but could know if they decided to invite that kind of horror into their consciousness and their conscience.

In another part of the Cube, Rich333, in an argument for privatizing policing, asked me if I thought the state would protect my interests and my safety. I don't think so. I think the shit could hit the fan at any second... and I think that the state - any state, any government - will not necessarily protect me or my interests. I know this because I'm a Jew, raised on information about not just the Shoah (Holocaust) but all the Holocausts that continue to happen in the world, whether it's in Rwanda or the Sudan. It's why I can look after myself when the shit does hit the fan, and I've made sure that I can. I joke about libertarianism, and survivalism, but it's not really all that funny... it's too possible, all the time.

Paranoid in Kanada

In Highest Regards, Massively Opiated:
I knew this was a subject very important to you - and knew you'd want to get in on this one. I agree with what you have said 100%. Although I think that maybe you have slightly misunderstood my points. I wasn't apologizing for nazis in any way shape or form. Merely pointing out that Spiro Agnew seemed to suggest that the German people of the 30's and 40's were all zombie killers - a freak happening, and to me, that is a dangerous misinterpretation, for it suggests that another Holocaust could never happen. I say differently - I say it could easily happen again and that most of mankind - even in this day and age are very capable of doing the very same thing all over again. It is dangerous to say that those Germans were all demons from hell so of course they killed millions of Jews. When in fact you had some people who knew exactly what was occurring, others knowing some of what was occurring and still others knowing nothing of the Holocaust as it was occurring. This means that though 2/3rds of the population probably didn't know a mass extermination was taking place, that the 1/3rd was able to pull it off for various reasons - right in front of world view - and yes, I do believe that many countries around the world knew what was happening and did nothing about it for a number of years.

Just know that I agree with what you wrote completely, but that Agnew had some details dangerously wrong. Not only what I mentioned above, but he also suggested that communists never intentionally executed people but rather, they merely sent them to forced labor camps. This is ridiculous on the face of it.

And he also said that "civilized" people could still accept communism. My opinion is that no educated, rational person would accept communism any more then they would facism because it always leads to the same result - both of these "isms" result in mass graves and the most ruthless vile creatures heading the government and oppressing/exploiting their own people because the field is fertile ground for only the most ruthless to ascend to power under those two extreme systems where totalitarianism is the end result.

I certainly don't claim to know what the Holocaust was personally - as neither I nor my family had anything to do with it either as victim or aggressor - just as my family had nothing to do with slavery here in America. But I do know the lessons of history in these areas and am weary of anyone suggesting that no one would ever buy into fascism ever again. I feel directly opposite. I feel the world today is ripe for another facist dictator - or communist - either way - it's bad for humanity. For whatever reason Agnew saw it as one far better then the other - basically legitimizing communism to the point where kids wearing Che Guevara shirts are not the equal of someone wearing a Hitler shirt. I don't believe that in any sense. I know you hold a special hatred for Hitler then anyone else - but the fact is, communists hate Jews as well - and you know the Soviet Union track record with the Jews as well as I do. And the fact is, whether Agnew knows it or not, a hundred million more died under the hammer and sickle then the swastika, if only because the Third Reich lasted so few years compared to communism in force since 1917.

Also - is it just me - or is it bizarre that the main reason the Allies entered WWII against Germany was because they invaded Poland when, after Germany was defeated, we simply allowed that b*stard Stalin to do the very same thing - grab up all of Eastern Europe. Why is one master better then another? What kind of crap is that? After we decimated nazi Germany we should have done as our General Patton suggested and obliterated the Soviet Union right then and there. That was our golden opportunity to squash extremism once and for all. But no - that damn Truman just let Stalin have all of Eastern Europe and part of the Middle East, which, in my opinion, has set the stage for today's nightmare. Then - after we let them have all those vast expenses of land Hitler once had his sites on, then we let them have the atomic bomb. It is insane. Totally insane. And it led to miserable consequences and untold millions massacred under that damn hammer and sickle and all the other little communist hells that sprung up under the hammer and sickle's watchful eye.

I could go on and on about this subject. But in the end - it is what it is and we have to deal with the problem confronting us today. Yielding to scum that cut off heads is no better then yielding to swastika wavers with gas chambers in their back yard. The people of the world who call for appeasing Al Qaeda will get their just desserts - more human misery, needless death and massive oppression. It cannot be allowed to grow. If it does - my guess is another Hitler will rise up in racist Western Europe with the excuse of fending off the extremist muslim scum while starting up another hell in that region of the world.

People like Agnew say another Hitler could never happen, and I say differently. People say just give the head cutters what they want and I say that is total horsesh*t. We - the freedom loving people of the world who believe in true equality need to decimate those intolerant hateful murderers the same way we did with Hitler. Those types of people only respect and understand one thing. Massive unrelenting force. And my only problem with George W. Bush is that he doesn't use even more force against those sub-human scum. (well - securing our border would be nice as well). Soon the head cutting freaks will have the bomb themselves - and then I wonder what it will take to defeat them.

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Dearest Chistka Counselor,

Chistka Counselor wrote:In Highest Regards, Massively Opiated:
I knew this was a subject very important to you - and knew you'd want to get in on this one. I agree with what you have said 100%. Although I think that maybe you have slightly misunderstood my points. I wasn't apologizing for nazis in any way shape or form. Merely pointing out that Spiro Agnew seemed to suggest that the German people of the 30's and 40's were all zombie killers - a freak happening, and to me, that is a dangerous misinterpretation, for it suggests that another Holocaust could never happen. I say differently.....

......I know you hold a special hatred for Hitler then anyone else - but the fact is, communists hate Jews as well - and you know the Soviet Union track record with the Jews as well as I do. And the fact is, whether Agnew knows it or not, a hundred million more died under the hammer and sickle then the swastika, if only because the Third Reich lasted so few years compared to communism in force since 1917.

Also - is it just me - or is it bizarre that the main reason the Allies entered WWII against Germany was because they invaded Poland when, after Germany was defeated, we simply allowed that b*stard Stalin to do the very same thing - grab up all of Eastern Europe.

I'm sorry if my language gave you the impression that I was directing my comments at you - please forgive... it is tiredness on my part. In fact, I agree very much with everything you wrote previously and in the post to which I now reply. Hitler is the least of the political mass murderers, and he holds no special 'place in my Jewish heart' because the majority of those who perished in the Holocaust were Jews - he killed as indiscriminately as any dictator - anyone who dissented, be they Jew or Gypsy, Catholic or Protestant... as indiscriminately as Stalin or Mao or Kim Jung-Il. My point was more to reinforce what you had said... that the world is ripe for such regimes and dictators, and that it is the responsibility of those who see evil to do something about it rather than ignore it, even if it puts their own lives at risk. We make the world we live in, and cannot blame others if we stand by while it goes to shit.

And no - I do not disagree with you in the least regarding the post WWII division of Europe with the Soviet Union, except to say (briefly, as it's time for bed) that there were some complicating factors at the time.... Japan, for instance... though it does not lessen the deaths of those who perished to make the Road of Bones in the former USSR or make up for them...

Sister Massively Opiated.

Sister Massively Opiated:
You make the point of perfection here: "it is the responsibility of those who see evil to do something about it rather than ignore it, even if it puts their own lives at risk. We make the world we live in, and cannot blame others if we stand by while it goes to shit."

This is what we all must understand and accept as our duty. Here we have people cutting off heads because they don't like women or freedom, because they have their narrow and backward view of what is right and wrong, and won't tolerate anything other then the strict and narrow rules of insanity they deem as truths at any given moment. And what it really is to them is total and complete rule over the world - just as in Hitler's instance, and just as in Lenin, and in Stalin's instance. These people are animals. Animals pure and simple. People who would do these things for power are wealth - they are shit and need to be flushed.

As there were Neville Chamberlains in the time of Hitler saying we can appease the monsters - we can "give them what they want and they will leave us alone" - so we have the Sean Penns and the Michael Moores in our current time.

None of us can afford to be fooled by these liars for self gain. Penn and Moore are the worst sort of dung at the bottom of the scum pond. They say that Iraq was a peaceful place of kite flying children and Bush is Hitler simply because they know that a great percentage of the population will listen to them and raise them quickly to a higher status in their Hollywood ghetto of ignorance, plastic and phoniness.

It is our duty as Americans (and yes, Kanadians, Massively Opiated) to fend off these monsters in our midst before they assume a level of power we cannot attack in the manner we currently are. Instead we will be forced underground - and life will will take on a survivalist quality that none of us can allow.

Hillary wants this shit on our shores - here in America. It is our duty to stop her by all legal means possible. Shut that communist bitch down - and lets not allow anyone else to slip alongside her on the sly either. It could be that she is the decoy and the Demokrats will slip someone else in there "more moderate". Watch this crap intensely. It is painful at times, but necessary. If we don't - if we fall asleep at the wheel it will take decades - possibly centuries to overcome as we saw with the Soviet Union. Fight these animals every chance you get and we will all remain free. Ben Franklin said:

"We must all hang together or assuredly we will all hang separately."

We must defeat these radical nuts. And if anyone out there thinks I am overreacting or alarmist - simply look into the faces of Howard Dean - Hillary Rodham Clinton - Teresa Heinz, James Carville. . . etc. These people would definitely take their fight to the next step - look at what they have done - tried to rig the 2000 election by throwing out mail-in ballots in Florida from proud, patriotic American soldiers. . . by calling the election in Florida in 2000 before it was anywhere near over thereby driving away Republicans from the polls who figured it was pointless, to then trying to "recount" the ballots with their "hanging chad" BS and actually registering the dead and felons to vote. Then they had the parting shot of claiming that it was the Republicans who were denying the "colored" vote. No. We deny the dead and the felons the right to vote in America. Sorry - dead can't vote anywhere but Cuba or Iran. If you don't care for that rule - please - move to one of those countries where the dead have a voice and your despot reflects your kook views. Leave us to our capitalist, democratic "hell".

And that is how these power mad freaks get by as they do - by lying and cheating every step of the way. They can fool alot of people that way - most people are busy with work, family, friends. . . living - to bother investigating all the layers of shit heaped upon us by these game show host losers. But they obviously cannot fool us Comrades of The Cube. We need to realize this - realize that we do have power that can be weilded and that we have to stand up and influence everyone we possibly can - wake them up to the madness that is going on behind the scenes. Raise as much shit as you can and throw up; as many blockades as possible so that these people are soundly defeated. I know here in America we beat them well in 2000 and 2004 - though as I said, 2000 was close as hell due to their lies and trickery. They can push Hillary in their in 2008 if we fall asleep and allow it.

And Sister Massively Opiated - you too can attack your left in Kanada. It is harder for you - and Americans take note: obviously because in Canada you people did fall asleep for too long and allowed the animals to take control. Fight them with everything you have. Expose their lies. That's all we have to do as freedom loving people - because we are on the side of right, of tolerance, of freedom, and ultimately happiness. It is actually easier because we are on the side of right. A bit hard because they don't fight fair - they fight with lies, stealth, and intrigue. Expose them for the frauds they are. Talk to everyone you can, write letters to newspapers, do anything possible to shut them the hell up once and forever.

We joke here about the Soviet Union - but it can rise up again and will - even here in America - if we fall asleep and let those insidious bastards lull us with their lies and promises. Be vigilant - let's beat their ass (yeah, "ass"; look at the symbol of their lame Party) soundly in 2006, 2008. . .every day we are above ground. Because unlike Demokrats - us freedom loving people aren't allowed to vote once we're dead.

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Chistka Counselor wrote:Sister Massively Opiated:
You make the point of perfection here: "it is the responsibility of those who see evil to do something about it rather than ignore it, even if it puts their own lives at risk. We make the world we live in, and cannot blame others if we stand by while it goes to shit."....
This is what we all must understand and accept as our duty...... Fight these animals every chance you get and we will all remain free. Ben Franklin said:
"We must all hang together or assuredly we will all hang separately."
.....We joke here about the Soviet Union - but it can rise up again and will - even here in America - if we fall asleep and let those insidious bastards lull us with their lies and promises. Be vigilant - let's beat their ass (yeah, "ass"; look at the symbol of their lame Party) soundly in 2006, 2008. . .every day we are above ground. Because unlike Demokrats - us freedom loving people aren't allowed to vote once we're dead.

ClickHERE to hear Sister Massively Opiated's reaction to Comrade Chistka Counselor's most moving eloquence... (you will need Quicktime)... and I hope you will all join me in this adulatory response.

Thank you so much Komrade Massively Opiated! I love my country so much - and I've seen plenty of other countries so I know how much freedom, tolerance, and opportunity to rise that we enjoy here - and how so many take it for granted or don't even have the knowledge or sense enough to realize it. And how the world press (ours included) make America out to be Nazi Germany. Well - thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

And I mean it - freedom isn't free - though we may not all be soldiers in the Armed Forces, we can still play a major part in kicking communist, extremist ass. Do everything you can Glorious Komrades and come to the aid of your country. I've been around the world - and I can definitely report back: it is scary as hell. Love your country - serve it well so that your kids, and kids a million years from now will know the happiness and freedom that we do. Star and Stripes Forever! (and Maple Leaf! It is red after all. . . like our red states. . . right?! Ahem.)

Aw man! My applause from Sister Massively Opiated was purged!!! She put this mega cool applause track on her post to my post. I guess she read my Star Wars review! Heh. . . Bummer! The purge counselor just got some purgin'! NYET!!!

The Man is keepin' me down - laws yes. . . lord have mercy. . . .I have miles to go before I sleep. . . Swing Low, Sweet Chariot - Comin' For to Carry Me Home. . .

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Chistka Counselor wrote:Aw man! My applause from Sister Massively Opiated was purged!!! She put this mega cool applause track on her post to my post. I guess she read my Star Wars review! Heh. . . Bummer! The purge counselor just got some purgin'! NYET!!!

The Man is keepin' me down - laws yes. . . lord have mercy. . . .I have miles to go before I sleep. . . Swing Low, Sweet Chariot - Comin' For to Carry Me Home. . .

And now is returned, dearest Chistka Counselor, so apoplexia may diminish... was simply teknikal glitch, rather than permanent purging... I have rejoined the Kollective, my Radical Cheerleader Pompoms fluffed and ready to chant:

Character Counts! Character Counts! Character Counts!

Red Square fixes all... All Glory to Red Square
Sister Massively Opiated.

Es Ji
Your website is amazing. You have another reader.

Please can you fix up your rss feed, it is not working at the moment.

invalid user68
Your website needs to be deleted. You're not worthy of being called a human being.
Stick this where the sun don't shine. NAZI!
<img src="">

I thought you were the scum on my boot, I was wrong, you're the slime on my boot beneathe the scum that never touches the ground.

Here's some more images for your facist hate group.

<img src="">
<img src="">
<img src="">
<img src="">

User avatar
It seems we have another live target for the New Peoples Red Army to pratice their shooting at after the revolution.

its is soo pathetic to see that this kind of blasamy hatred still exists in the twenith century,.. if it isnt about the jews its about the irish and if it isnt about the irish its about the blacks and if it isnt about the blacks its about the gypsy come on ...i will never understand why god just didnt destroy us with the flood when he had a chance to do it ,..when all that this future we are introducing to our children is nothing more than biggots like the ones who made this site -who seem to think they are making a difference in the world by posting propaganda crap EVERYONE SHOULD FEEL SORRY FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU HAVENT GOT A CLUE ??? DO SOMETHING USEFUL WITH YOUR TIME INSTEAD OF SMOKING THIS PACK OF LIES GO MAKE A DIFFERENCE;
go work in a shelter go
help out endagered animals
or better yet go to africa and save a life

..thats what making a difference is about ,..IT IS NOT ABOUT POSTING A WEBSITE TO BASH A GROUP BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE THEY ARE LESS THAN HUMAN,...all people deserve a right to exist not you nor your followers have a right to take that away from any person ,...

your points are unjust and it seems if you know anything it would be to let you on in a little secret
you will always be pathetic in the eyes of the world,...

((this is what he/she said))
By Premier Betty
5/20/2006, 4:13 pm

It seems we have another live target for the New Peoples Red Army to pratice their shooting at after the revolution.

uhm yeah,...
and this goes out to premier betty i would really be careful with what i say on this site you never do know who you could be speaking with of coarse,..the authorties might be very interested in your above statement perhaps you do like the smell of inmates,...

User avatar
12345 wrote:go work in a shelter
go help out endagered animals
or better yet go to africa and save a life

Thank you comrade unit number 12345 - you made our day here at the Politburo! You are the best proof and evidence that our progressive public re-education system is working!

You've grown up to be an ideal Party soldier - a humorless, nameless, undoubting, intolerant, unthinking automaton with a limited set of Party-approved commands for all occasions.

Your operating system (GUILT2006) includes a fine self-replication program that ensures you never stop trying to convert others to the ideas of Guilt and Self-Sacrifice, which govern your own existence. Once they open their ports (ears) and let GUILT2006 in their heads, the file self-executes and overrides any previous installation they may have, regardless of hardware configuration, rendering some incompatible models inoperable and self-destructive (e.g., drug addiction, living in a commune, or joining Christian Peacemaker Teams).

Just don't try to pull it on your betters here at the Karl Marx Treatment Center. We wrote the code that's running in your brain - we should know better than letting it inside our own heads. It's for the lower-grade units like you only.

One line of code worries us though:
12345 wrote: all people deserve a right to exist not you nor your followers have a right to take that away from any person

That is a dangerous logical glitch that may lead to conflicts in your brain, causing severe freeze-ups. Report to the nearest Kommissariat for an upgrade as soon as the new version is released. We never stop working for you!

- Red Square
Propaganda Department

User avatar
..thats what making a difference is about ,..IT IS NOT ABOUT POSTING A WEBSITE TO BASH A GROUP BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE THEY ARE LESS THAN HUMAN,...all people deserve a right to exist not you nor your followers have a right to take that away from any person ,...

We never said that they have no right to exist, we just said that they were wrong.

uhm yeah,...
and this goes out to premier betty i would really be careful with what i say on this site you never do know who you could be speaking with of coarse,..the authorties might be very interested in your above statement perhaps you do like the smell of inmates,...

Boo hoo to you too... whiner....

User avatar
Life imitates the People's Cube:

Daily Kos-
Imagine a world without Israel

Wed Jul 12, 2006

Muslims, Jews, and Christians could live in peace without fear of mutual destruction.
There would be no more need for US AID or justification for Dimona.
We could bring down the Wall, send prisoners home, and families could be reunited.
We could dismantle checkpoints, open crossings, and pull down barbed wire fences.
There would be no more settlements or armed settlers because the people would be united.
We could replant trees and olive groves and rebuild battered cities.
No more suicide bombers or sniper fire, and no more dead civilians.
No more targeted killings and hell-fire missiles, or systematic demolitions.
Palestinians and Jews could live together and the world could address other issues.
What a simpler place this world would be if there was no need for a Jewish majority - where there would otherwise be none.
Is it so hard to imagine?

-----------------------------<br>Hat tip to LGF

One may also wonder what would a world be without Daily Kos?

User avatar
Imagine a world where the victim rolls over and sanctions their victimhood.
Imagine all the people living life in peace.

And while we're at it, imagine how much more peaceful the United States would be if we didn't have any police around causing all kinds of mayhem. What a simpler place this world would be.

User avatar
Just in case somebody doubts that the lead article depicts a plausible scenario based on the liberal Left's frame of reference, Jessica's Well blog has uncovered a 1946 issue of Life Magazine, published 6 months after the war ended, with a story about America's "failure to win peace in Europe" by Dos Passos, a communist novelist.
Life Magazine wrote:"We have swept away Hitlerism, but a great many Europeans feel that the cure has been worse than the disease."
Read the whole thing.
<br>Video of Fox News summarizing the story.

User avatar
Facinating read Red Square. Oh how times change... or maybe not....

User avatar
Dos Passos was a commie? I mean, a party member? well, there goes my plan to read him. If he's a party member I already know what he's going to say and so will employ my energy in chipping out another row of winter beets for the Al Franken election hootenanny.

Oh, and the end of Israel has cured my ingrown toenails, so... thanks.

Oh, and I'm amazed/amused (amusazed?) at comrade 12345 and comrade soandso and comrade suchandsuch for their counterproductive comments. Don't you antiprogressive people know that snarky comments from the politburo ARE the way of the future.

Oh, and for a really good insight into how the holocaust was different from other forms of genocide which litter the treacherous and dark path of human existence, watch "God on Trial".

<object width="480" height="295"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295"></embed></object>

Oh, and the holocaust may have been different in certain ways, but the response to it was different in a very significant way; it effectively altered the way an entire people thought of themselves and the world. Why? don't know. Jews had been butchered by great empires ranging from the Babylonians to the Czarist Russians. Why did they decide to create their own nation in the 40s? Seems to imply that they had always previously lived as a people set apart from human society yet always in the midst of other societies. Maybe. But wait, maybe I'm being hateful and fascist again in suggesting this, so I'll quit lest comrade 12358 and comrade utterlyunmemorable decide to write me a snarky comment with pornographic pictures.

User avatar
Oh, and in celebration of this momentous event (and the wonderful legalization of crucifixion which occurs simultaneously)

everybody dance now!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

User avatar
What a relief your article brings to the proletariat!

Now we can have uniformity:

<img width="550" src="">

The formerly israeli-occupied right part can look even with the desolate arab-occupied left part.

(h/t DANEgerus)

Playing to the lowest common denominator. And everyone WILL be happy.

User avatar
12345 wrote:((this is what he/she said))
By Premier Betty
5/20/2006, 4:13 pm

It seems we have another live target for the New Peoples Red Army to pratice their shooting at after the revolution.

uhm yeah,...
and this goes out to premier betty i would really be careful with what i say on this site you never do know who you could be speaking with [highlight=#ffff00]of coarse,..the authorties[/highlight] might be very interested in your above statement perhaps you do like the smell of inmates,...

While your username defines you, 12345, you, of course, have the authority to say anything you want, AND I know I'm a decade late responding to your post but, please, please use proper spelling. It's as easy as 123! You don't even have to go to 4 or 5! Spellcheck is your friend, especially when you want to insult people, although, I must admit, it will only take you so far.

Good luck!

User avatar
Premier Breshnev wrote:Victory in the middle east.... Finally, Mother Russia has all of the oil it needs to start it's next campaign!!!!
Oil? What happened to Beet Juice? Mother Russia is becoming progressive!