
America's greatness restored: Biden empties Planet's colon!

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Comrade Adams, renowned for his prowess in all things engineering, was the first to diagnose:


(Single objection: We now live in Anthropocene* - we don't say "the Earth", we say "the Planet")

* Anthropocene began on 10th December 2009, as Messiah (on the way to His Nobel Peace Prize Beatification in Oslo) landed in Hopenhagen to attend HOP15 and lead the historically unprecedented rescue of our Earth Planet.

While President Harris barnstorms the southern border to boldly pacify the crisis disorder tense situation temporary inconvenience there, President Biden is scheduled to decisively solve the Suez constipation, on-site! :


Conceptualized by Biden & Team, preparatory installation is in progress:


Basic underlying principle of Biden's heroic de-colonization of Suez Canal:
[ACHTUNG: CLASSIFIED MATERIAL! NO loose lips, comrade! (or else...)]

        Mystery item No. 1

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Komrade GD,

I was relieved to see the planet's colon start to move today and hopefully the clog will continue toward a dock where it can get a complete colonoscopy to find out what caused the clogging. It seemed to take an unusual course before becoming jammed into sand.

Sorry you missed the planning kommittee meeting in Tractor Barn #2 last night. We all got together and came up with a plan to help DOTUS clear the constipation from the world's colon but guess we will file it away for next time.

(Lovely to see you GD. Do you happen to have a BC powder? All that thinking last night gave me a headache.)

Let me get you up to speed on the plan for future reference..........

        Mystery item No. 2

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Perfessor!!! Outstanding lecture. (swoon)

And, CIZ!!!, nothin' like BC powder to chase away the brain strain of practically anything.

'pelipsky is just dang relieved the blockage in The Planet's colon was just a conspiracy that it was all Hillary's fault. 'pelipsky's BC habit is partially derived from trying to sort through False Flag Hillary Conspiracies and real Red Flag Hillary Conspiracies.

It's only the mind of a mythical horned rodent we're dealin' with here. Isn't there a CIZ!!! Crib Note edition of Red Flag Hillary Conspiracies laying out plot, characters, chapter by chapter event summaries, and conclusion yet??? it's like studyin' for Final of an unfinished novel biography.

'pelipsky's unfoldin' BC powder right now, because with Hillary... it's like some Thelma and Louise movie.

        Mystery item No. 3

So good to get lectured by GD.

over n'out

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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:... you missed the [highlight=#ffff00]planning kommittee meeting[/highlight] in Tractor Barn #2 last night ...
The result (Mystery No. 2) is most equally korrekt! Very Amerikkkan, and Southern/Texazistani touch!

Concerning Mystery No. 1: Let's hope, the Harris administration will most gloriously deploy that revolutionary apparatus (& Biden inside!) for ANY problem still constipating our World's Planet's passage to the Global Great Reset.

Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:... Do you happen to have a [highlight=#ffff00]BC powder[/highlight]? All that thinking last night ...
jackalopelipsky wrote:... nothin' like [highlight=#ffff00]BC powder[/highlight] to chase away the brain strain of practically anything ...
Sorry, no BC, but FC™ - Made* in Absurdista.. Germoneystan, UN/WHO rubber-stamped and saluted by Billy Boy's & Klaus-Ernst Stavro Schwabfeld's scoundrel club.

Otherwise - for Amerikkka First comrades! - an offer you can't refuse:

(helps also against senilsleepity!)

* FC™: Forever Corona™ - concocted, sanctified, and forced (uh, WISHING to force) upon ze Cherman sheeple, by ze Merkel clique.

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(colon conundrum solved, GD did - just for fun - an image search)

Verily, Googoebbels (and AI-TDS?) never disappoints:


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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
Concerning Mystery No. 1: Let's hope, the Harris administration will most gloriously deploy that revolutionary apparatus (& Biden inside!) for ANY problem still constipating our World's Planet's passage to the Global Great Reset.

Sorry, no BC, but FC™ - Made* in Absurdista.. Germoneystan, UN/WHO rubber-stamped and saluted by Billy Boy's & Klaus-Ernst Stavro Schwabfeld's scoundrel club.

Otherwise - for Amerikkka First comrades! - an offer you can't refuse:

* FC™: Forever Corona™ - concocted, sanctified, and forced (uh, WISHING to force) upon ze Cherman sheeple, by ze Merkel clique.

Here in Amerikkka we are trying to advance the course of the Global Great Reset as quickly as possible. It would have been reset already if Bad Orange Man hadn't ended all the endless wars that were always the best cover to sneak a Global Reset in while no one is looking.

It's been Bizarro world in Amerikkka since the most bizarro election in Amerikkkan history and we now have DOTUS....................

        Mystery item No. 4

Since the election was so bizarro some of the proles got in an uproar and wanted it looked at but the Uni-Party used another bizarro scenario at the Capital and in true communist manifesto style before the staged event was even over and with no investigation WHATSOEVER, brought the hammer and sickle down in a big ole NO. Staged event was used to NOT look at the election even though one thing had nothing to do with the other. We still don't know WHO shot Ashlie Babbitt. (After watching the filming of the shooting brought to us by an imbedded BLM camera crew, I would say my lying eyes did not see a black capital guard shoot that girl. Looked more like a white senator with a receding hairline and expensive cufflinks.) that the individual state governments, Senate, House, DOJ, FBI, Supreme Court and military have pretty much told the Amerikkkan people to "Fuck Off" after spending 2016 to 2020 telling us there was foreign election interference now there is none.

There are some dissidents plugging away at it, doing what the afore mentioned, refused to do. Here's one that will end up in the gulag.

        Mystery item No. 5

Enough about US. I saw some interesting things going on in Germoneystan. I saw Frau Merkel was going to lock y'all down tighter than Dick's hatband but suddenly changed her mind.

I was curious if it had anything to do with this.

On a lighter note, I see Hitler's daughter Frau Merkel has been watching pinterest videos on how to refashion old wardrobe items into new fashion statements.

download (7).jpg

        Mystery item No. 6

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President Potemkin wrote:You're a dog face pony soldier!
(if I may, Presi POTEMKUS:)

... a dog face pony komrade!

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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:... I saw Frau Merkel was going to lock y'all down tighter than Dick's hatband but suddenly changed her mind.

I was curious if it had anything to do with this [Testimony of German Attorney]. ...
Frau M (a cog in an inter-swarm) is as absurd (& disastrous) a phenomenon as the bizarro Ameri-Election-2020 (& its colonorific outcome plus its post-factum colonoclassy handling).

M-Gubmint's "Corona" charade, perpetually restaged since last March, gets increasingly unworldly. Its idiocies (and malice, too) are truly in plain view. Like so many "historically unprecedented" gambits in West's recent 15 years, things lose the varnish of "looney conspiracy" when openly written, said, and done in-your-face.

Yep, in the latest of those idiotic "summits" (drawn deep into the nights, simulating "quest" for "solutions", until wee hours), M - "presiding" the State Governors - "resolved"... aaand next noon, M recalled!

Yet M already demands a next "summit", right after Easter, this time to proclaim MOACB, the Mother Of All Corona Bombs (and hopefully hog more BigGov powers, Constitution (Grundgesetz) be damned) (.. and to stick it to all deplorables, who call M a Kotzbrocken (=puke)) (.. and to show the UN/EU inter-swarm "lookie here, me belong, ja?").

Image Now, that Testimony of German Attorney.

That's Dr. Fuellmich ("admitted to the Bar in Germany and in California") and his (self proclaimed) German Corona Investigative Committee. Speaks of "corona fraud scandal" (correct, lots of fraud around the thing - though the virus itself, and some medical trouble is real, of course), and aims at an "international network of lawyers" to "argue this biggest tort case ever".

Then he details (some) substance of the ongoing fraud (validity of PCR-tests, validity of associated statistics, veracity of the health-bureaucracy (WHO and Germany), medical fraud around vaccines/vaccination (the very likely financial profiteering around all those now-developed corona "vaccines", that's another biz)). Technically he is pretty correct (as far as I see, and I read a lot of tech/med stuff lately (indeed, learning never ends :-)). What of Dr. F's insights/evidence is juridically workable, I don't know. The medical/technical people he (explicitly) refers to as sources, they are first-rate.

On the "juridical" side: There is an air of "Sidney Powell + L. Lin Wood" around Dr. F and his Investigative Committee - professionally strong, the case(s) "muscular", yet "evidence", "hard evidence", "hard judicially insurmountable evidence" - I dunno... And in clash with (mighty!) counter-interests, maybe quixotic?

But who knows... "international network of lawyers"... plus "biggest tort case ever"... Kraken Released???

In vicinity of the Fuellmich-Testimony I saw: 31 Reasons why I won't take the vaccine (of March 31, 2021).
Author: an Israeli rabbi. It's sober and factual (and I agree to 99.5%). Reason 30 is a concise summary, and Reason 31 a gloriously korrekt nutshell ( must read (or else!)).

P.S. Clara, your "[Frau M] suddenly changed her mind" + "if it had anything to do with" a potential tort case?
That might be an additional factor im M & Clique calculus, but I don't think it's a main one. M's motivations (extraordinarily self-exposing in that corona-episode) are numerous - extra story (too big, yet it's basically 3 tangents).

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I have been through the Suez Canal six times on three different submarines. "Colon" is a correct description for the experience. Just as "sewer pipe" is a correct nick-name for a submarine.

(Not my video, nor my patch.)

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That's the ticket, Komrade CTGM!

Blocking the Canal with a sub (this time impersonating pipe content) would render comrade Adams' metaphor perfect!

Cradle to Grave Marxist wrote:... six times ... three different submarines ...
... damn impressive, Komrade Marxist!

(and: Salute to Your Service!)

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Cradle to Grave Marxist wrote:
I have been through the Suez Canal six times on three different submarines. "Colon" is a correct description for the experience. Just as "sewer pipe" is a correct nick-name for a submarine.

(Not my video, nor my patch.)

Komrade CtoGM, you don't happen to have a tatto that says "Welcome Aboard"....... do you?

        Mystery item No. 7

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:... I saw Frau Merkel was going to lock y'all down tighter than Dick's hatband but suddenly changed her mind.

I was curious if it had anything to do with this [Testimony of German Attorney]. ...
Frau M (a cog in an inter-swarm) is as absurd (& disastrous) a phenomenon as the bizarro Ameri-Election-2020 (& its colonorific outcome plus its post-factum colonoclassy handling).

M-Gubmint's "Corona" charade, perpetually restaged since last March, gets increasingly unworldly. Its idiocies (and malice, too) are truly in plain view. Like so many "historically unprecedented" gambits in West's recent 15 years, things lose the varnish of "looney conspiracy" when openly written, said, and done in-your-face.

Yep, in the latest of those idiotic "summits" (drawn deep into the nights, simulating "quest" for "solutions", until wee hours), M - "presiding" the State Governors - "resolved"... aaand next noon, M recalled!

Yet M already demands a next "summit", right after Easter, this time to proclaim MOACB, the Mother Of All Corona Bombs (and hopefully hog more BigGov powers, Constitution (Grundgesetz) be damned) (.. and to stick it to all deplorables, who call M a Kotzbrocken (=puke)) (.. and to show the UN/EU inter-swarm "lookie here, me belong, ja?").

Image Now, that Testimony of German Attorney.

That's Dr. Fuellmich ("admitted to the Bar in Germany and in California") and his (self proclaimed) German Corona Investigative Committee. Speaks of "corona fraud scandal" (correct, lots of fraud around the thing - though the virus itself, and some medical trouble is real, of course), and aims at an "international network of lawyers" to "argue this biggest tort case ever".

Then he details (some) substance of the ongoing fraud (validity of PCR-tests, validity of associated statistics, veracity of the health-bureaucracy (WHO and Germany), medical fraud around vaccines/vaccination (the very likely financial profiteering around all those now-developed corona "vaccines", that's another biz)). Technically he is pretty correct (as far as I see, and I read a lot of tech/med stuff lately (indeed, learning never ends :-)). What of Dr. F's insights/evidence is juridically workable, I don't know. The medical/technical people he (explicitly) refers to as sources, they are first-rate.

On the "juridical" side: There is an air of "Sidney Powell + L. Lin Wood" around Dr. F and his Investigative Committee - professionally strong, the case(s) "muscular", yet "evidence", "hard evidence", "hard judicially insurmountable evidence" - I dunno... And in clash with (mighty!) counter-interests, maybe quixotic?

But who knows... "international network of lawyers"... plus "biggest tort case ever"... Kraken Released???

In vicinity of the Fuellmich-Testimony I saw: 31 Reasons why I won't take the vaccine (of March 31, 2021).
Author: an Israeli rabbi. It's sober and factual (and I agree to 99.5%). Reason 30 is a concise summary, and Reason 31 a gloriously korrekt nutshell ( must read (or else!)).

P.S. Clara, your "[Frau M] suddenly changed her mind" + "if it had anything to do with" a potential tort case?
That might be an additional factor im M & Clique calculus, but I don't think it's a main one. M's motivations (extraordinarily self-exposing in that corona-episode) are numerous - extra story (too big, yet it's basically 3 tangents).

I raise my glass of beet vodka to clink with yours GD as we are on the same page. I don't know what one can do at this point but stand fast and hold the line with words instead of swords.

I have always felt that 'words' were more powerful than swords mainly because the swords don't get going until AFTER the words are brandied about.

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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:... a tattoo that says "Welcome Aboard".......
"Welcome Aboard"?

whadabout USAF's "Long live .......", eh?

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From coloncleanse, to Klaus-Ernst Stavro Schwabfeld, to invitational tattoos in a bizarro world, how much pragmatism does it take to travel the up and down locks of the Suez Canal these days?

Any comrade??

Do we live in a Bizarro World because we've over-dosed on pragmatism?

'pelipsky needs a BC powder and an RC Cola.

        Mystery item No. 8

We can't forget a lot of people are counting on what we do.


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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:... the swords don't get going until AFTER the words are bandied about. ...
How true. Timelessly true, Clara.

Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:... I raise my glass of beet vodka to clink with yours GD as we are on the same page. ...
clink! za zdarovye, y'all! glug-glug-glug-glug ahhhh...
here, Clara - take half of my zakuska, nice oguryets, ain't it?
(psst! snatched from bunker's (WMOMNE) more-equal-cantina, ha!)

za zdarovye – c'mon maaaan, every comrade knows
zakuska – post-glug-glug-glug snack
oguryets – cucumber (pickled!)
WMOMNE – Which May Or May Not Exist (just ask Komrade Stakhanovets!)

whad, "y'all"? – Go South, Young Man Comrade!

oguryets vyery important iz! . (comrade Googoebbels amazingly confirms!)

This (Russo-Belarusso-Ukrainian? Polish? generally East-European?) joke proves it:

Back then, late 19th century, His Excellency English Lord, scientifically inclined, tours Russia. Visits this, inspects that, and above all scrutinizes Russian habits and ways. Last not least, Russian binges[1]. His chemistry basics tell him, those vodka bacchanals must be risky. His own, so to say hands-on, experiences confirm it unmistakably.

Back home, English Lord starts experiments to find out how the heck do Russians survive their vodkas. So, pours into a big retort pure ethanol, adds a little water, then bites of bliny, kholodets, pirozhki, pieces of cured fish, dressed egg, kolbasa, also boby, yabloki, ukrop, finally sol', cream, spices, and of course beets too. Now, slowly warms it up to 97.8°F. At 97.6°F ― BAAAAANGGG!, the whole thing explodes, laboratory ruined.

Shocked, English Lord drafts a report, cables it to his Russki contacts. They answer: Da, everything very kharasho. But, but ― Sir, you forgot to add oguryets!

        Mystery item No. 9

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jackalopelipsky wrote:From coloncleanse, to Klaus-Ernst Stavro Schwabfeld, to invitational tattoos in a bizarro world, how much pragmatism does it take to travel the up and down ... ?
ahemm.. quite bizarro a pic you paint here, Komrade 'pelipsky:

"invitational tattoo", travelling up and down, colonwise oriented, pragmatically "to" Klaus-Ernst?

(in short, "ve neeed A Grait Rezet" bends to "ve neeed A Grait Rozette"???)

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jackalopelipsky travel the up and down locks of the Suez Canal....


There are no locks on the Suez Canal. It is one straight and level ditch in the sand. Any motion up-and-down will have to be done on your own.

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Cradle to Grave Marxist wrote:
jackalopelipsky travel the up and down locks of the Suez Canal....


There are no locks on the Suez Canal. It is one straight and level ditch in the sand. Any motion up-and-down will have to be done on your own.

That is a fantastic engineering feat, that Suez Canal. Thanks for that fact. Pragmatism levels are waay down in the horned rodent's mind and now the awesome bizarre world of human mind and effort accomplishments have decreased the inflammation levels requiring a BC powder just to keep the mental faculties in 'normal' range.

There were so many facts 'pelipsky acquired to level out the pragmatism to Bizarro World.

1. The blockage in The Planet's Colon, aka engineering achievement, The Suez Canal, was NOT caused by a Hillary Conspiracy, but in fact was just an everyday container transport ship, just like the one's 'pelipsky sees when riding the Bolivar Ferry. No Hillary Conspiracy this time.

2. Red necks with ram tough trucks and some ratchet strap ingenuity were the only ones able to solve this blockage, not Joe Biden or the MSMDNC.

3. Klaus-Ernst Stavro Schwabfeld has a MasterPlan®, just like every James Bond super villain. But this fact, does raise the inflammation caused by stress levels of pragmatism walking the streets more worried about the gender proclivities of 007, than whether the whole franchise is producing an assignment script to shake, not stir the implosion of MasterPlan®. Getting those pragmatic levels down would level out Bizzaro World.

Anyway, that's just a few off the top of a mythical horned rodent's mind, comrades.

Feel free to add your own facts learned about American greatness restored, comrades.

Facts reduce pragmatism about living in Bizarro World of Back to the Future 2, where Biff is King, and married to your Mother! Instead, Biden is King and Jill is delivering White House prepared home made cookies to National Guard soldiers humanly housed in a parking garage, like they were illegals housed under a bridge or somethink.

Facts reduce inflammatory pragmatic levels.


edit --- 'pelipsky's own official TPC Fact Cheka t-shirt arrived at door, just like JoBama's internet so 'pelipsky is now officially reducing the inflammation of pragmatism through out the collective. FACTS cheka pragmatism like a BC Powder.

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Comrade Dummkopf,

This thread is so long I felt as though I was trapped in that submarine and would never get out.

I think everything I could have said has already been said or illustrated better than could I, so I'll resume trying to get out of my straight-jacket.


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KOOK wrote:... I'll resume trying to [highlight=#ffff00]get out of my straight-jacket[/highlight].

Once out of your straight-jacket, please wrap it immediately around your upper exhausts! (upper: as seen from our planetary center of gravity, while you stand firmly on your feet, erect). Wrap it as tightly as possible! Indeed, it should be two such jackets! (even better, three of them!)

In doing so, you:
  1. decisively contribute to Humanity's triumph over and subsequent total eradication of the Trump-inflicted coronavirion!
  2. sustainably recycle your exhaled carbon, hereby decarbonizing our planetary environment and thusly supporting Humanity's survival until 2025, maybe even 2030!
  3. strictly cut off your self-generated carbon from exopersonal circulation, which heroically diminishes the giga-chunk of airborne carbon orbiting and destroying our Planet!

Dear Komrade KOOK,
To crown your enviro-philanthropy, it's advisable to also wrap your nether exhaust in (at least two!) straight-jackets, this time to block methano-sulphuric emanations from monkeying with Gaia's metabolism. This done, Exalted Green Guru Gorbel will certainly include that scientific act in His Immortal Slideshow!