
Chiquita Khrushchev: 'We will bury you!'

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We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism, until they suddenly awake to find they have communism.

-- Nikita Khrushchev

TIME: Inside Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Unlikely Rise

Ocasio-Cortez represents one vision of the Democratic Party's future. She's a young Hispanic woman, three cornerstones of the party's electoral coalition. She's a democratic socialist at a time when confidence in capitalism is declining, especially among progressive millennials. The issues she ran on—a Green New Deal, Medicare for All, a federal jobs guarantee, abolishing ICE—are animating a new generation of Democrats. She's a political phenomenon: part activist, part legislator, arguably the best storyteller in the party since Barack Obama and perhaps the only Democrat right now with the star power to challenge President Donald Trump's.

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$.$. Halliburton wrote:
grope and dope.jpg

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Rope on the podium? Nice touch.

Hey, I'm not the capitalist that sold it to him.

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Red Square wrote:

We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism, until they suddenly awake to find they have communism.

-- Nikita Khrushchev

TIME: Inside Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Unlikely Rise

Ocasio-Cortez represents one vision of the Democratic Party's future. She's a young Hispanic woman, three cornerstones of the party's electoral coalition. She's a democratic socialist at a time when confidence in capitalism is declining, especially among progressive millennials. The issues she ran on—a Green New Deal, Medicare for All, a federal jobs guarantee, abolishing ICE—are animating a new generation of Democrats. She's a political phenomenon: part activist, part legislator, [highlight=#ffff00]arguably the best storyteller in the party since Barack Obama[/highlight] and perhaps the only Democrat right now with the star power to challenge President Donald Trump's.

Did Time call Obama a storyteller??

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Komrades, guns must also become extinct within 12 years along with cow farts, fossil fuels and airplanes. Preferably sooner because remember, Chiquita Khrushchev also said "We will take over AmeriKKKa with out firing a single shot."

Let's do the time warp back to Sept. 15, 1959......................

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"Chiquita Khrushchev." I salute your most exceptionally equal sobriquet!

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"...arguably the best storyteller in the party since Barack Obama."

Timespeak for, "She is not a mortal, but a goddess who deigns to walk among us."

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American Thinker has our Chiquita Khrushchev as today's featured cartoon. ... _9_45.html

Additionally, I still also like Imperatorskiy Pingvin's take, "She Guevara."


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Komissar al-Blogunov wrote:"...arguably the best storyteller in the party since Barack Obama."

Timespeak for, "She is not a mortal, but a goddess who deigns to walk among us."

AOC the People's political glamour queen discovered while shaking a martini at the bar. AOC does DC is the most sizzling never ending drama fixing to collide with your life, since Dynasty.

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jackalopelipsky wrote: is the most sizzling never ending drama fixing to collide with your life, since Dynasty.

Yes indeed, weekly doses of evil kapitalism to confirm how evil kapitalism really Every Wed. nite beet flavored buttered popcorn and Dynasty (good times).

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Comrades, a revolutionary paradigm-shift approaching!

Chiquita Khrushchev meets She Guevara... They fall in love... And marry!
Like a red-hot Hammer-&-Sickle-shaped asteroid hitting our Planet!
The firmament aglow with Red Aurora of Peoplekind's New Era!

Hopes morph into Changes!
Chiquita-Guevara rules!
Immediate results:

1. Chiquita K reinstalls the 62N* Peace Guarantors on Cuba. Instant return of clarity in Russia-Amerikkka relations.

2. Chiquita K re-transfers (now annected) Crimea to Ukraine, in return declares Ukraine an oblast' of Russia.

3. She Guevara pops up in the cubicle of UN Toptopest Apparatchik, proclaims: Until you ah-uh, I'm the boss! How about that?

4. Planetary masses like totally bedazzled, sense historically unprecedented New Era, hail Chiquita & She, implore them to lead Humanity.

5. She Guevara promises buena comida para toda humanpersonidad, and Chiquita K specifies:
Kukuruza. Yep, Kukuruza Revolution redux.

6. The Chiquita-She duo like totally blasts the current Feminizm-Genderizm-Kommunizm, suddenly seen as scleroto-ossified.

* 62: as in '1962', N: as in 'Nukes'.

ChiqShe is like totally fluid - a chick, yet a man ; a man, yet a She ; a she man, with a chick - like totally transgender and gay, while fully hetero and (Guevara:) an effective, violent, selective and cold killing machine. And ChiqShe is like two, yet at the same time s|he is like one.
Ocague-Siovara.. Shecor-Chetez..

LGBTQQIP2SAAXYZ out, Era of Total Multipersonizm starts, Next Tuesday™ is here.

TIME will soon regret its foolish dismissal of Komrade Direktor's glorious visual foresight.
(or did they finally agree to print that cover?)

While Chiquita Bananas KKKapitaligopol already sues TIME, heh-heh.
(charge: "loss of leverage opportunity in Chiquita-advertising".)

And Gucci VIP KKKalzatura will sue, too.
(Nikita, of course, didn't wear russkie sapagi, let alone valenki, not to speak of onoochi.)

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Attention Popcorn Czar or Czarina - cleanup in aisle 2!

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A tip to the Democrat hopefuls: never go full communist.

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Red Square wrote:Attention Popcorn Czar or Czarina - cleanup in aisle 2!

Not to worry. This was State-distributed popcorn, with all appropriate taxes collected on transfer of same.