
FOUND: Palin Email Linked To Weiner Rethuglikan Plot

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AP (Amerikan Pravda) Release

Volunteers searching through 24,000 recently released personal emails between Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin and aides working for her during her vice-presidential campaign have found some incriminating revelations. While searching through myriads of emails—the majority of it being "hate" mail and "death threats" of no consequence, or interest—has lead to the discovery of a possible link to the Weinergate conspiracy.

In addition to the investigative story linking Rethuglikan operatives in planting the penis on Anthony Weiner [Dick-NY] according to 60% of New York voters, this breaking news has just hit the wire.

An A.C.O.R.N. employee volunteering to sort through the voluminous amount of Sarah Palin's email, has come across a correspondence with Reichwing ne're-do-well/activist/troublemaker/loudmouth/conspirator/seditionist/conservative Andrew Breitbart.

In this email reveals a secret plot between Palin and Breitbart to set up Tony Weiner [Dick-NY] in a far-fetched, elaborate scheme of smearing his intrepid and upstanding reputation into appearing to be a smut-obsessed poltroon sending unsavory images of himself to an adoring female fan using a government computer. The incriminating email is currently being reviewed by Democrat Party experts and AG Eric B. Holden.

Recipient: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: Nefarious Plot To Create "Weinergate"


How are ya? I'm just super! I was thinkin', ya know, about this Tony Weiner guy in New York. He's a congressman or something like that. You know, I can't see New York from my house, so I guess that's where he's at. Anywho, this guy has been saying a lot of bad things about our Republican friends. He's just trash-talking them saying some of the most ungodly things lying about them with all sorts of these false accusations! I mean WTF?!

So here's what me and some of my aides have been thinkin' about. We were thinkin' maybe about puttin' on this fake erected penis on a picture of Weiner and make up a whole bunch of stories linking him to some big-hooter'd bimbo co-ed somewhere in one of those outside states down there. Then your part is to leak this out like it's some sort of a big scandal and then play it out like that. We can really make this guy look like an immoral pervert and maybe even get him kicked outta the government! And we can even exaggerate it to make it look like he's some self-centered, egotistical macho man! That way they'll never trace it to us that we were behind the whole scheme!

So wadda you say, Andrew? Are you IN? You betcha I'm in!

Respectfully and Conservatively Yours,


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Thank Lenin they missed this one! The Evil Rethuglikans, from what I understand, have been secretly replacing Sarah Palin's asininely ignorant emails with fake emails that make her sound like an upstanding, caring, thoughtful, and intelligent woman. No one has yet been able to discover how they're replacing them. But it's obvious that they did!

I denounce them AND their fake emails!!

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And thank Lenin that we have virtuous A.C.O.R.N. volunteers doing the work conservatives won't do. This cover-up of trying to make Sarah Impalin's emails look innocent cannot be accepted! We know she's not innocent! Not by a long shot! Anyone who goes around saying "You betcha" and shooting moose from helicopters is EVIL!

And this notion that a lot of those emails are "hate" mail and "death threats", I mean, pul—EEZE! Do we really believe any of that rubbish? It's just victimization! That's all it is!

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Good grief, I can't believe how stupid Sarah Palin is! Well, actually I do believe how stupid she is, but still--she's so stupid she can't even spell her own name correctly in that e-mail!

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As another thought, we could set up a fake dialogue is clean with her in the management of Hooters, or some similar establishment and an employment application could easily be generated. Could we the find a Hooter's calendar with her picture on it? You betcha!
if not, I am sure a reasonable facsimile thereof could be made.

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I have just stumbled on this little revelation. Makes the Wienergate scandal look like a cover for something more nefarious, this about Huma's brother: beginning to see a pattern here? A little more interesting than her husband's manhood, and I use that term loosely!