
Hope, Dope, Grope, and Other Obamunist Posters

Ivan Josefovich
I haven't visited in a while, and boy do I feel left out of the fun. I love all the new posters. To paraphrase Chris Matthews, they make my leg tingle.

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My arm's tingling, but it might just be because of all these bacon flavored Hot Pockets....

Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:Your candidate has an Obama-like campaign ad, Betty:

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

The weather dominator! LOL!!

Obama elitist? I think one of the best form of government is aristocracy....the government by the best. Therefore voting Obama is a good choice, we need an aritocrat at the head of the USA. A man that will elevate the soul of the american people instead of teaching them mediocrity as it has been done for many years...

Please elect an Elitist we had too many years with a plebeian mediocre president...


Love em all!!! about 'ObamaHitler' with the words 'You vill OBEY' at the bottom??

I fail to see the humor in this post...
Cochonnet wrote:Obama elitist? I think one of the best form of government is aristocracy....the government by the best. Therefore voting Obama is a good choice, we need an aritocrat at the head of the USA. A man that will elevate the soul of the american people instead of teaching them mediocrity as it has been done for many years...

Please elect an Elitist we had too many years with a plebeian mediocre president...


OMFG thanks for the laugh...tears!


Red Square wrote:A product for clean politicians.

No hope for you!

Obama is to hope is what this nazi is to soup.

Can this be made into a poster? I want this for my kitchen!

User avatar
This can be made into a poster but it'll take a couple of hours of my work ($50/hr), plus you'll have to print it out yourself from my hi-res file. Let me know if this works for you.

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Don't forget the color processing fees, file transport fees, financial transaction fees, and first born.

Red Square wrote:This can be made into a poster but it'll take a couple of hours of my work ($50/hr), plus you'll have to print it out yourself from my hi-res file. Let me know if this works for you.
Thank you but I'll have to pass on that offer, although you should make it into a poster and try to sell it if you can.


- Red Square

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Someone already contacted me about other posters before (Marxism, etc.). I spent all Sunday working on it, and uploaded the files to that is a service that prints posters on demand and sends them to you in a frame. But they immediately blocked the image because "it infringes on the rights of Groucho Marx to his image." In the past they have removed my Che Guevara satirical images based on a similar ridiculous claim. They seem to be lefties who love to hate freedom of expression if it's against their idea of "progress."

Anyway, I gave up on Cafepress and don't want to waste any more time with them. If you have a better idea of how to make and sell posters I'm open - except printing them out and shipping them personally because that is just too much trouble and not worth the money.

What would it take to get a print of the "More Cowbell" Obama poster? It would make a great gift for a friend. I'm happy to take care of printing on my own if there's some way to get the high-res version of the image.

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From SlackJawedMidwesterner

via Iowahawk


Such a glorious wanted poster for this Enemy of the Press
(Enemy of the State after January 21st, 2009)
Our dear comrades in the media are showing him!!

Sales of this item go to pay Joe's tax contribution so don't click on the photo, Comrades!!

I would love to get a High Res of the Soup Nazi poster. Any help in obtaining this would be greatly appreciated!

Thank You

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From The Village Voice a month or so ago, I just ran across it,
Spoofing Shepard Fairey's Obama "Hope" Posters
Of The Best 25, four are from The Cube including my fav, Red Squares "More Cowbell". Of course we all know the true best 25 are all from The Cube. Considering its the Village Voice, four ain't bad.

hip-hop head
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

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Belated announcement:

The posters have now been reworked into vector graphics, expanded and improved - there are now 52 of them plus the Joker to make a deck of Obama Poster Parody Cards:



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RealHope -

We already have Genosse Adolf Hitler on two posters with the captions "National Socialism" and "Yes We Can."

However, while our posters are tong-in-cheek and work as social commentary, your posters coming from a South American fascist site are done in all seriousness. You're simply replacing Obama's face with Hitler's face to glorify your idol. But substituting one populist demagogue's image with another populist demagogue's image for such a purpose is not satire - it's redundancy if not plain plagiarism. It's similar to Joe Biden stealing populist rhetoric from a British socialist leader for his own presidential speech.

We consider fascism as repulsive as all other forms of socialism. Yet we decided to keep your submission on this page because the fact that Obama's posters are being used to glorify Hitler is a rather telling development. If anything, it underscores the similarities between Obama's and Hitler's collectivist aspirations we have brought up in the past (Interactive Collective Quiz).

Love this topic!
Here are my entries (hopefully originals)

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Glorious new contributions of collective creativity, comrades! Of course these images already existed in the People's(TM) collective consciousness, aka Groupthink(TM) - one just needed to go and discover them on a remote, dimly lit shelf somewhere. It's what Obama correctly calls "volunteerism" and "servicing the community" in the Party-approved code language.


One of our images born of the creative power of the masses (and delivered to us in full glory by Superkommissar Maksim) has been chosen to adorn a book cover in Italy. We have been contacted by the author Donatella Della Ratta and prepared a high-resolution image for her cover designer. We expect the books to arrive shortly and hope this is not some capitalist ruse but a mighty progressive blow at Western imperialism.

In English, it reads:

A Hussein in the White House
What the Arab world thinks of Barack Obama

Perhaps we'll also post this as a separate topic on the People's Blog.

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Well, collective congratulations to the Cube!

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How about one of our fearless leader with a cigarette dangling from his lips labeled,"KOOL", to encourage more smoking.

Since cigarette taxes will fund the S-CHIP
insurance for 30 year old children,
more children smoking= more taxes paid= more patriotism.
AS reports,

I wanna play

How do I upload my poster pic?


I see I have to upload to a publicly accessible web site and link image from there. Anyone out there know of free, simple, easy use site for this venture? Thanks in advance.


Used RealHope's upload site.


User avatar
I wanna play too. How does one make these posters. Wanna make sure I buy the right software...

Obamissar Vodkavich:

F**K buying software!

Go FREE....

Inkscape (Vector Drawing: i.e. Adobe Illustrator), Gimp (Bitmap Drawing/Manipulation: i.e. Adobe Photoshop), Irfanview (Photo Viewer/Manipulation).

Not as powerful as professional counterparts, but unless you are a professional in the field the free software is all you need.

I created my Fairey/Obama manipulation using only Inkscape. I am a hobbyist with professional skills. I've used both types, and the free ones should suffice.

But if you have money to burn then buy the profes.... aw screw it.... just send your money to me so I can step up to professionalism and stop being a starving artist!

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Comrade NoBody Hero,

Thank you kindly for saving me from the brutal capitalist system. I'm glad someone is redistributing software rather than forcing me to steal acquire and then spend CEUs.

Yours in CHope,


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NoBody wrote:I wanna play

How do I upload my poster pic?


I see I have to upload to a publicly accessible web site and link image from there. Anyone out there know of free, simple, easy use site for this venture? Thanks in advance.

Uploading is easy. Click on "preview" to bring up the editor. Make sure you're in WYSIWYG mode. Click on a red button with a staple on it. Upload image. Repeat.

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Fans of "The Thick Of It" and "In The Loop" should recognize this guy.

Superkommissar Maksim wrote:U.S. Exports Dope To The Middle East

Image Image


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I've been watching Star Trek and couldn't help adding these two:


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Most equal Comrade Red Square!

EDIT: Now I had to make some Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis themed ones LOL. Hrmmm most unequal, I cannot find a way to attach images like I normally do.



UltraNurd wrote:What would it take to get a print of the "More Cowbell" Obama poster? It would make a great gift for a friend. I'm happy to take care of printing on my own if there's some way to get the high-res version of the image.

very good idea my friend i really like it.
(Spam link removed courtesy of Pinkie's shovel)

Salvatore 12 chose this thread no doubt because he considers himself an Obamunist poster, and his link sells Hope to Dopes who have lost their ability to Grope.

We don't need you, Sal. My line of Party-approved shovels are longer and harder, and dig faster and deeper than anything you sell out of the back end of your mother's Pinto.



User avatar
Thank you Pinkie. You're such a sweet beet.

Someone sent me this link today to the Sci Fi Wire site (Powered by SyFy).

Gallery: 10 great sci-fi Obama poster mash-ups

All good choices, but they were missing posters from the Cube.

So I submitted a comment with a correction. Will have to check back later if it was approved.

Red Square in a comment on Sci Fi Wire wrote:Great selection. But how could you miss these sci-fi parodies of Obama posters that REALLY MATTER?

SPOCK: (Star Trek)
- ... _Spock.gif

WORF (Star Trek)
- ... _Honor.gif

GOA'ULD (Stargate):
- ... Goauld.gif

All found here:

And also FATHER (Star Wars)
- ... rds_52.gif

found here:

User avatar
Who is this Salvatore12 comrades? Is he with the Sandinista National Liberation Front? I thought we already paid them off? Hmmm...

Yes comrade Salvatore12, you are in need of some CHOPE.

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OOH!!! You be gettin's a fatwa now!

But Komrades! where are the pictures of our good komrade Mao? as a member of the people's collective I demand we extend poster-equality to Mao! THE PEOPLE NEED A MAO POSTER! preferably with rofl in front of his name. so it would be a roflmao poster. GIVE THE PEOPLE A ROFLMAO POSTER!!!!

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Komrade Evil_Priest -

The will of the socially conscious masses is unstoppable!


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And this is an answer to Maksim's poster on the Ayn Man thread.


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Since you got me thinking about one of my all time favorite movies, putout.


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This thread may last longer than previously thought.

Today I received a book in the mail from the author (displayed here right next to the monitor)


Whiny Little Bitch: The Excuse-Filled Presidency of Barack Obama

By Mike Cullen

Available for pre-order. Publication date: June 29, 2010


Whiny Little Bitch is your guide to the most embarrassing presidency since the Carter Administration. It's an excellent way to pass some time while you're waiting for the sea levels to drop.

Don't faint, or you'll miss:

Obama's Foreign Policy - Under the exciting new Obama regime, treating your allies with respect is part of the failed policies of the past.

Obama's Party - Congressional Democrats view tax cuts with the same enthusiasm as a vampire viewing a crucifix. Come to think of it, Congressional Democrats view a crucifix with the same enthusiasm as a vampire viewing a crucifix.

Obama's Financial Meltdown - Obama blaming Wall Street for the financial meltdown is like showing up for the last five minutes of Star Wars and deciding that Skywalker kid should go to jail for murdering all those nice folks on the Death Star.

Obama's Homeland Security - Janet Napolitano is proof that there is at least one person in Washington who is less qualified for her job than Barack Obama is for his.

Obama's Favorite Phrase - "Let me be clear" is the rhetorical equivalent of an exploding dye pack in a bag of cash. It indelibly marks all words that follow as false

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Hiya Chuckie V and welcome. I suspect Commodore Snoogie Woogums will find your picture very amusing.

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Red Square wrote:Komrade Evil_Priest -

The will of the socially conscious masses is unstoppable!

You are truly a hero of the people.

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Found on the peoples internet, but belongs here in our socialist utopia...

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Just made more posters to be displayed at the airports. Couldn't select the best one, so I posted them all.


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I vote for grope, since it sounds like hope.

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Red Square wrote:Obama: a candidate with more cowbell!

More cowbell, please!


I love these posters...can't get enough of them! However I can't for the life of me figure out how you guys are making these. I'm in school finishing up a bachelors in visual communication, so I understand there's a certain level of talent and skill here, but is there something that I'm missing? I have some idea's of my own that I'd like to share, and I have Adobe's Master it's just a matter of how. Any suggestions?

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Comrade Reaper, so happy to see you've taken time away from your bong studies and toga activities to visit the cube! Surely there are those here with the talent to whip these up ricky tick, but for the rest of us, theres this...

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Comrade Buffoon wrote:Comrade Reaper, so happy to see you've taken time away from your bong studies and toga activities to visit the cube! Surely there are those here with the talent to whip these up ricky tick, but for the rest of us, theres this...

Toga Thank you Comrade.

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Outside the gulag and far to the South there is a Tuna Processing plant, there is a new sign that says: "Yes we can". Are they not pro O?

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Toorisky - I think it looks something like this.


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Red Square wrote:Someone already contacted me about other posters before (Marxism, etc.). I spent all Sunday working on it, and uploaded the files to that is a service that prints posters on demand and sends them to you in a frame. But they immediately blocked the image because "it infringes on the rights of Groucho Marx to his image." In the past they have removed my Che Guevara satirical images based on a similar ridiculous claim. They seem to be lefties who love to hate freedom of expression if it's against their idea of "progress."

Anyway, I gave up on Cafepress and don't want to waste any more time with them. If you have a better idea of how to make and sell posters I'm open - except printing them out and shipping them personally because that is just too much trouble and not worth the money.
Bloody CafePress and their regulation. This is a great design! One of the better ones out there, and so relevant!!

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This picture has been hidden in our deck of playing cards since 2008. And the world is finally beginning to get it.


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And this image will soon appear in a revised edition of an influential British tome Problem Solved: A Primer in Design and Communication (Phaidon Press, UK) - illustrating the chapter on ethical & political design.


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I just deleted my previous Breitbart poster because it was done late at night was of poor quality. Here's another one:


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P.S. The code word I had to enter to host this picture was "ear-mark." How appropriate.

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Comrade Vrag -

I just uploaded and inserted that image into your post. Our Editor for the Rich makes this very easy. Please make sure all images are hosted on the Cube server, to avoid broken links and missing images in the future.