
Iran can destroy Israel in 11 days by photoshopped missiles

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Our loyal comrades in Iran need all the encouragement we can give them. Their peaceful nuclear program is under attack, their peaceful buildup of military forces is denounced, and their peaceful Israel hating generals deny being able to destroy Israel in just 11 days with their massive stockpile of photoshopped missiles.

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They could do it even faster if they had the "Hydrogen Nuke" photoshop plugin. I think I have the crack for it somewhere. If I find it I'll send it to "little Hitler" over in Iran.

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Comrade Whoopie, if the Iranians can photoshop nukes, won't that open them up to retaliation from other nations with superior photoshop skills? After all if the Iranians photoshop a nuclear explosion, would some Israeli consider photoshopping a nuked Tehran? And what about Comrade Kim? He probably is unable to render a hydrogen bomb explosion. We must ensure that all photoshop skills and abilities are equally distributed first.

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This confirms my long held view that certain comrades in Hollywood, including ILM and Pixar, should be regulated under the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. Just imagine if some class enemy like Mel Gibson would get his hands on a company like that? I can't even think about it. Something must be done to counter this threat in our midst comrades!

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Indeed, if Iran had control of Pixar, there is no telling the damage they could do! Imagine seeing all the world's great cities wiped out with carefully constructed CGI animation.

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Hold your horses there comrade. I thought Iran were our allies? Shouldn't we be starting a CGI company in Iran?

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Pardon me Kommissar, that was from an Inner Comrade(TM) who was still stuck in the 1940's when the Iranians were not our allies. I must work to bring some of my Inner Comrades(TM) up to speed on the goings ons in international socialism since the days of The Great Patriotic War.

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So he who controls virtual reality controls the World? I must agree. Dear Leader Obama uses the world of virtual reality like a master. It's no wonder he's gone from Community Organizer to POTUS.

On a lighter note, as Spiritual Adviser to Mahmoud (Champion of Islam), I happen to know one of his favorite movies is Independence Day. Same with Dear Leader Kim. He laughs so hard when watching I.D. that it brings tears to his eyes.