
Police integrating with People's Army as troops come home

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Dear Comrades,

In keeping with the Party's overall goal of centralizing all State security agencies under a single command that will be compatible with the USSA armed forces, the Army staged exercises in Chicagograd in preparation for the redeployment of American troops returning from the Imperialist occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq that our Glorious Leader, Comrade Party Chairman and Future President Barack Barackovich Obama, has ended by Executive Order.

It must be emphasized that Chicagograd was selected as the operational zone for this exercise largely because of its loyalty to the State, which made logistics much easier to manage. However, it is expected that Federal troops will be quartered in all USSA cities, and local police are expected to make arrangements in these communities for their tactical accommodation once they arrive.

Local police will soon be receiving their training directly through the People's Army, with a goal of 100% compatibility by 2016, coinciding with Comrade B. B. Obama's first term as President. Once local police are placed under centralized command of the Department of Social Justice (which will assume control of the USSA Armed Forces once the last of all senior commanding officers are removed in coming months), they will be referred to as the ‘People's Militia' rather than ‘police,' signifying their new roles as domestic military guardians of the workers and peasants of the USSA.

Local People's Militia units will be equally trained and equipped like the finest of the People's Army (with the redeployment of the People's Army from overseas, the Militia is expected to receive a great influx of tactical equipment and armored vehicles ready to patrol American streets rather than Iraq and Afghanistan), and they will be indistinguishable in terms of quality and commitment to the security of the State against the enemies of Socialism and the Progress of the Proletariat.

Comrades, welcome home the People's Army in your neighborhoods! Support the integration of the Police into the Armed Forces for the good of our Socialist Motherland!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Dialectical Progressivism Translator

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Yes, Comrade Climber. I reported one of these events earlier in this post. I believe these little "probing tests" of the resistance will pay dividends in the near future. Soon every residence will be a NSA data gathering node and we finally establish total safety and prosperity for all our subjects workers.