
Seattle Antifa Zone gets advice from an ex-Soviet expert

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We've all heard about the Antifa collective who have seized six city blocks in downtown Seattle and are now trying to set up a collective farm there to grow their own food.

As a former Soviet citizen, I feel obligated to offer their leaders advice based on practical experience.

Since none of you know how to grow seeds into beets, make Mike Bloomberg your minister of agriculture; he'll be your best expert. Coerce him into joining your collective farm. That way, what's yours will be his, and vice versa. That's a lot of seed money.

For a collective farm to work you must first cleanse your ranks of wreakers, spies, saboteurs, and other enemies of the people, once you collectivize their property. Convert one of the six city blocks into a Gulag (aka concentration camp or forced labor camp), where these thoughtfelons can redeem themselves by toiling for the Common Good™ planting beets.

Then there's an issue of some collective farmers being more successful than others. Round them all up, label them kulaks, and dekulakize them. Convert one more city block into a forced labor Gulag. Now, with so much free labor, you're bound to have great economic success and prove to the hateful world that your way is better than their capitalist wage slavery and oppression.

Of course, no progress is possible unless the totality of your citizens are of one mind and focused on the same common goal. You must identify all those who are unfocused and send them to the re-education camp, so they can learn to appreciate their freedom from the totalitarian capitalist police state outside. This will require converting the third of your six blocks into a Gulag. Upon completing their indoctrination and self-criticism sessions, the inmates can spend their free evening time digging up underground communication cables and remaking them into barbed wire for all the new Gulags you'll be running.

Getting rid of those cables will be necessary in order to protect your free citizens from capitalist propaganda. For their own good you must block their access to the Internet and other means of communication with the outside world. Adorned with razor-sharp barbs, the cables will protect your impenetrable border from capitalist spies and wreckers, and keep your free citizens from escaping their work duties before they've paid their debt to the society that fed them. And since you, their leaders, represent the society, your citizens will owe everything to you personally for as long as they live.

Don't be afraid to promote your own personality cult, it's good for the overall morale. Another morale booster is public denunciations and show trials, so don't be afraid to level false charges. All comrades should understand this and readily confess, sacrificing their freedom, comfort, and good name for the Common Good™. If they don't, that means they aren't conscientious enough and deserve to be in a re-education camp making barbed wire or planting beets.

You will notice that some pre-existing stores and businesses are prone to hoarding people's goods and food stuffs. If these remnants of the bourgeois class don't agree to run their stores for free and let people take what they need without paying, they are the enemy and need to be re-educated in a Gulag. They've failed to understand a simple economic fact: once you've claimed collective ownership of their buildings, everything that's inside also belongs to the people and must be shared equally. Convert your fourth block into a Gulag for these and other unreformed citizens with a suspicious past, meaning all previously successful professionals who collaborated with the oppressive capitalist system and thus got rich by oppressing others.

You will have to convert the fifth city block in your possession into barracks and communal dormitories for all the numerous prison guards, border guards, bodyguards, infantrypersons, and other armed forces of the commune. A new civilian force must replace the disbanded police and enforce social justice, not according to the racist oppressive laws, but as their proletarian and race consciousness will command them. You may call them the People's Militia as they did in the USSR, or culturally appropriate a word from the enlightened France: Gendarmerie.

Organizing your real estate in this manner will solve all your housing problems. There will be no need for wasteful new housing, which is good for Mother Earth. Just make sure your tenants don't start having babies - that'll kill all your plans for a well-balanced future society. So instead of building new houses you must invest in abortions clinics - they are your key to a happier and better world. Do it for The Children™.

The sixth and last city block must become a zone of comfort and beauty. It's where the leaders will live with their families and staff, enjoying a place where they can recover from the demanding duties of making the world a better place. Clean and well-maintained, this block will be your showcase of success for visiting foreign dignitaries.

Of course, your highest-ranking leaders will be able to make return foreign visits. They and the most trusted ideological workers will be able to leave their free zone and travel to give speeches at academic conferences and ivy league colleges about the unparalleled progress inside your glorious new society, as well as to show off its abundant prosperity while on vacation in Vegas.

In case you run out of money, purge Mike Bloomberg and send him to the Gulag. Declare him an unreformed capitalist and nationalize his unfairly gained assets. Then appoint Tom Steyer as your minister of climate change and environment. Thankfully, there's no end to capitalist gazillionaires looking to invest in a worthy progressive cause.

I'm sure you'll get it right this time,
Oleg Atbashian

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The beet farm has a promising beginning. What they need is more Centralized Planning of Agriculture. Centralized Planning of Agriculture solves everything. Look what it did for Ukraine after World War II. With a devastated economy accompanied by droughts, planners in Moscow simply required farmers to export more grain than they produced. Problem solved. Go head, AntiFas, show 'em how it's done. And remember, if it doesn't "work," well then, you didn't centralize enough.

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Just noticed some of the details in the new inspirational poster. Great agitprop.

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Someone right now asked me in a Facebook chat about communism and how it can be defeat it. Here's my quiock response.

I can't give you a long answer for lack of time, but a short answer is that the Left's ideas are unworkable, otherwise with all the support from the media, academia, and Hollywood, they would've won a long time ago.

Communism is a delusion that humanity is doomed to suffer like a mental illness. It can't win in the long run because psychosis eventually ends and is followed by a period of relative clarity.

Every communist revolution has ended up in economic disasters, followed by internal rot with wholesale corruption and hypocrisy. That is what happened in the USSR and that is why that country fell apart so easily.

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Wow, comrade, that all sound like a lot of work. Wouldn't it be easier to just demand that the oppressive, racist Amerikkkan government supply all of their needs? Demand that Trump himself deliver the supplies to the People's Republic of CHAZ. That'll show him who's boss.

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Red Square answered

Every communist revolution has ended up in economic disasters, followed by internal rot with wholesale corruption and hypocrisy. That is what happened in the USSR and that is why that country fell apart so easily.

Like a slo-mo train wreck for 'pelipksy since 1991....but what does 'pelipsky know, she's a dang mythical horned rodent!

"Internal rot with wholesale corruption and hypocrisy" and a public morally ambivalent about the preservation of justice and righteousness in their local public square. What could possibly go wrong?

The Revolution has already achieved victory in upending good and evil in the civic soul.

Lawlessness is a higher morality - all comrades know this...just ask the local 'journalists explaining to the community any newsworthy event.

the mythical soul of the horned rodent grieves.

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Please tell me my K-9 species will not suffer unduly under this glorious socialist utopia. I heard they have a tasty new dog food in CHAZ called Soylent Green.

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This is some funny shit. I can tell you right now that these Antifa folks haven't grown a damn thing in their lives. Anybody who knows anything knows that it's too late in the year to grow too much, not to mention tomatoes are really susceptible to bugs and blight.

This being said, that looks like some good, dark, rich soil, so they should be able to grow a good amount, as long as they use good techniques. I wish I had soil like that! It doesn't look like they've progressed beyond the "plant similar crops in marked rows" era.

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Comrade Stierlitz wrote:[OFF]

This is some funny shit. I can tell you right now that these Antifa folks haven't grown a damn thing in their lives. Anybody who knows anything knows that it's too late in the year to grow too much, not to mention tomatoes are really susceptible to bugs and blight.
No matter. The [inadequately] harrowed land makes an excellent litter box.

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Glorious insight into Transformative People's Kommunist Revoolooshun № 314, Komrade Direktor.

Yes, first must come the revolutionary transformation of the six blocks. Followed by agrobloomberging a Pi-controlled areal of radius 15 ft (as already reported by Komrade Titov-Kayak above). And all that must be sustainable, nonwhite, genderic, green, equal, eco, woke - also, like, a triggerless, micrononaggressive, macroplusprogressive, open and diverse, snowflake-welcoming safespace.

Now, further advices to Komseamol, the Kommunistik Seattle Molodyezh (= Youth):

You will very soon need a psikhushka (basics in "One of these unparalleled Soviet achievements"). Later you may need more of them. Anyway, all they should be installed in block 4 (... unreformed citizens with a suspicious past, meaning all previously successful professionals who collaborated with the oppressive capitalist system ...).

Of course, you also need to start TransProgEduk, the Transformatorily Progressive Edukayshun Programm, molding the masses according to their ability, and according to your needs.
Your Hammer and Sickle Emblem. Your Scarlet Flapping Ensign. Your Proglothundering Anthem. Next, merge Пионеры and Hitlerjugend and Frau Merkel's FDJ into a transformative NewGlobeYouth. Korrekt fizkultura. Korrekt marches. Korrekt songs. Trigglyceps, torches, rhythm.
Last not least, styengazyetki (see PROGRESS 1968). Transformatively adapt the Soviet and the Great Leap Forward variety, to day in day out hammer the korrekt standpoint into the dull skulls of the deplorable subkollektiv of all blocks 1 to 4, and block 5 too.

Finally, sharashka*. Not now, but start planning. You must track down all eggheads. I mean, the true pointy-headed ones. Think STEM types, and add applied economists, practicing agriculturers, biologists. Of course, doctors of all kinds plus pharmacists (o yep, and don't forget epidemio- & immunologists; nope, no modelers).
Where to put sharashkas? Well, of course block 5 (but put them on its peripheries, in those more stinky corners, heh-heh).
Wait, what? No, no, no - no gender experts, no xxx-studies babblers, no proglosociologists. They are anyway already self-assigned and busy: kapos (need elucidation? see overview), freislers (need elucidation? see curt instruction and overview), and the like.

* Mystery? Mini-intro here (see pic captioned "... it clearly exudes the aura of a sharashka."). Otherwise google.

Notice, Komseamol: When time comes, the sharashka inmates may turn out to be the only ones able to save your pathetic, wretched glorious (though, admittedly, a tiny little bit less-than-ideal) ParadisUtopia.....

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This footage shows the Seattle Anntifa agricultural committee observing The People™ work the fields and making sure The People™ do it korrektly.


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The Kultural Revoolooshun spirals outward like mad.

Current phase: Merciless memory-holing of any trace of the imperial system of yore.

First step: The old symbols of pervasive racism, installed in the oppressive past and put on pedestals, get korrektified. Beheaded, toppled, hauled to the dung pile of has-been.

Yet, comrades Kultural Khmer — as the planet-wide CHAZ aura dawns, one more advice.
The Soviet system was already a step ahead: erasing People's enemies didn't require a prior hewing them in stone or casting them in bronze!

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The summer of love don't need no stinking police.

This is what no police looks like in the new country of CHAZ.

Make sure to turn the volume on.