
Sebelius Declares Loyalty to Proletariat, Fights Gremlins

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Dear Comrades,

Madame Secretary of Mandatory Health and Compulsory Human Services, Comrade Kathleen Sebelius, has declared that she only serves the Proletariat of the USSA, and refuses to work for the Bourgeoisie who are demanding her resignation due to perceived ‘glitches' in the implementation of Collective Health Care under the Patient Insurer Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act.

Capitalists and other counter-revolutionaries have tried to force the brave Comrade Kathleen to abandon her patriotic duty to the Motherland, yet she has not demurred form her goal of implementing Obamacare for the good all the workers and peasants of the USSA. Undaunted by the challenges of creating the largest single collectivization of the American economy, our beloved Secretary is busy commanding the ‘Surge' ordered by Comrade Party Chairman and Future President Barack Barackovich Obama.

Comrade Sebelius has requested the assistance of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Citizens to look for wreckers within the government that have contributed to the minor problems Obamacare software has experienced. In addition, it has been reported that specially-trained dog have been brought in to Washington, DC, to aid in the search for Gremlins, that may be tampering with State computers and rewriting program codes to interfere with the success of Obamacare.

Citizens are instructed to continue to visit their Oblast's Obamacare website and enter data as directed until further notice. Comrade Sebelius has ordered all citizens to maintain compliance with Departmental edicts until the system is functional, and has promised not to leave them without leadership.

The Workers and Peasants of the USSA support Comrade Kathleen in her struggle against Obamacare gremlins! Report Bourgeois wreckers and healthcare deniers today!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Dialectical Progressivism Translator

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Comrade Climber,

Gremlins are invading all areas of the People's Server Farm causing false readings on my system BS meter! The problem seems to be growing - I fear there is much to worry over...

BS Meter GIF.gif

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The majority of people calling for me to resign I would say are people who I don't work for, and who do not want this program to work in the first place.

Do these teahadists and other personae non gratae honestly think that because they pay Party officials' salaries with their ill-gotten gains, said Party officials work for them? To the gulag, I say!

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Comrade N-Climber

Thank you for this vitally important party communique. We did a careful inventory and it shows that the Gremlins we used to crash and destroy Mitt Romney's "ORCA" (get-out the vote) program and computer system are all accounted for..........

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Comrade Putout,

Hillary's face just doesn't work like yours. I tried.

Hillary fat.jpg

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[color=#C0392B]Captain Craptek[/color] was really not kidding when he wrote:Comrade Putout,

Hillary's face just doesn't work like yours. I tried.

I hear ya!

Look... her twin sister is taking a break with her - but she's with the group Code Blue!


Guess what... you are still guilty!

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A three-year plan simply wasn't enough. What we need is a good five-year plan.

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This topic has inspired me to make some movie posters:

GREMLINS: Obamacare Edition Movie Poster with K. Sebelius

And a DVD cover:



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Not even Colossus the Magnificent with all of it's flashing lights and whirring sounds was spared from the gremlin infestation. Who will I love, if not Colossus?


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I. love. this. !
Red Square wrote:A larger poster:


Stop Obamacare Gremlins NOW! Report capitalist wreckers and healthcare deniers!