
'Sesame Street' to help children of political prisoners

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Dear Comrades,

American Media Collective Office #29, which produces the critical Young Socialist education program ‘Sesame Street,' has developed a new character to help children learn to overcome the shame of having a parent who has been arrested for crimes against the State.

This new character, Alexei, will show students that through their continued loyalty to the Party, the State will continue to meet their needs as equal members of the Proletariat.

Alexei's father's crimes are not described in detail, so that the children of common criminals and the offspring of dissidents will equally benefit from this sympathetic orphan. Non-conformists and reactionaries must realize as well that their activities constitute the abandonment of their own families, since they leave the State no choice but to grant them therapeutic incarceration to treat their Capitalist mental disorders.

With downcast eyes and a hoodie drawn up over his hunched shoulders, children and parents alike will be reminded of the terrible consequences of disobedience to State authority and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

With many more disloyal citizens being uncovered daily with the help of electronic monitoring like the Proletarian Review of Information in Social Media, along with standard wire-tapping and drone surveillance, there will be many children entering social services agencies with one or more parent under direct State incarceration.

These unfortunate children will find a People's Hero in Alexei, who will proudly denounce his parent's crimes and show America's young workers and peasants that just because your parents are disloyal does not mean that you have to follow their bad example.

Alexei will show them the way to social rehabilitation is through talking through your problems with your school's commissar, who is the best kind of father figure any child can hope for!

Alexei is the new Hero of the Children! Teach children to overcome their shame through Party loyalty and cooperation with State-appointed adult supervision!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Dialectical Progressivism Translator

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Nomenklatura-climber wrote: American Media Collective Office #29, which produces the critical Young Socialist education program ‘Sesame Street,' has developed a new character to help children learn to overcome the shame of having a parent who has been arrested for crimes against the State.

This new character, Alexei, will show students that through their continued loyalty to the Party, the State will continue to meet their needs as equal members of the Proletariat.

Alexei? I seem to remember a lad looking quite like him namedPavel Trofimovich.On the other hand multiple personalities are really progressive. Bravo Pavel/Alexei!

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With all respect due the wizards of our American Media Collective Office #29, this Alexei may be sending the wrong message. Mom should be in prison so as to further the concept that fathers are best unknown and not present anyway. Those The Children™ with no identifiable male parental unit may also feel left out, and we can't have that. In any event, all The Children™ are The Children of The Collective™ , so at this point, what difference does one parental unit make?


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Image Proper Education of Children requires encouraging them to share with Communal Leaders whatever un-progressive attitudes, speech or behavior by their parents the children observe.
And don't forget, as our 2012 Election Victories proved, we are Progressively Fortunate that the NSA is amateurish compared to Obama/Google.