
Some walls are more equal than other walls

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The walls we build depend on what we want to prevent. The fantasy wall of opium dreams:

But what the progs really excel at is the building of very real walls. Because the left is a country unto itself with very definite borders and border guards, preventing undesirable foreigners from entering into their progdom illegally. They've institutionalized the building of walls. From ad hominem attacks to riots to the college campus safe spaces - all are very real walls at their border.

The left believes in walls. They believe their walls work. They have walls within walls.

And they are doing everything they can to expand their borders and colonize the world.

When you confront progs, point out that their attacks and lies are walls - and demand they stop building walls. A shout-down is a wall. Character assassination is a wall. Race-centered politics is a wall. Gender-centered politics is a wall. Divisions are walls. We are all Americans. Stop building walls and keeping people out. No borders on public discourse.

The left's walls are meant to stop governance and build a place where no governance is possible unless it's by their own rules. That takes a lot of walls.

And because their pipe-dream ideology is difficult to defend, they must always build walls higher and stronger, until finally there is nothing left but the wall itself. And they end up serving their own wall rather than the wall serving them. The wall of lies that justifies the rule. The container that holds them. Soon the left's walls are for keeping the captive population in.

Let's call them out. They are the ones building the walls to stop change in their progdom through a free flow of ideas. They are the protectionists, the nativists, the jingoists, and the reactionaries. Tell them to stop building walls.

The left demands a free flow of people to the United States. Let's hold them to their own standard and demand that they allow a free flow of people and ideas into their tightly guarded borders.

Open your hearts to change.

Another brick in the...


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A note to Roger Waters: be careful what you wish for.


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Yes, if there was anything to learn from this election cycle is that there is going to be fewer happy progressives from here on out. No doubt that many progressives and media mavens have been simply too nice and sympathetic to those people who are radically inferior. It's going to take more than self righteous sneering or extreme drooling anger to convince those uneducated slugs that the most important lesson from this election is that progressives are the rightful rulers. While the faces of all those brave Americans, George Soros, Michael Moore, Robert DeNiro and the entire cast of Hamilton speak out against the tyranny of the fascist Trump junta as well as all those gangs of rampaging Christians, the radiant shine of progressives needs to get out there in all those red states where all the intolerant racists live …after all election laws are only meant to be suggestions.

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trashmouth wrote:... happy progressives ...
... um, isn't that like, uh, Light Speed snail? Global Warming snow? Spheric Kube?

(or, for hardcore Comrades - an empty set of cardinality aleph-zero?)

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And on Facebook, a comment to this story reads:

Trump will build the wall out of bricks the liberals are shitting.

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Karl Marx Treatment Center wrote:The walls we build depend on what we want to prevent. The fantasy wall of opium dreams
Hmmmmmm... that looks mighty familiar:


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Comrade Torcer wrote:... looks mighty familiar:

By Marx ― what the heck bit Thomas Moore (XVI century!) to presage Vladimir Ilyich ????? :

( Comrade - just look at this oldie asquint, and you see The Light ! )







For neurological details report straight away here !
Comrade - you should also study The Enemy! re-educate yourself !

And when back from your shoveling duties,
you not forgyet zye klassik idyeologichyeskaya abrabotka a.k.a. indoctrination !