
Point Three: Directive 10-289

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How dddare you (to ironize)!
You stand in the path of Humanity's Progress!
You.. you.. kulak! You.. you.. you.. burzhui! You Nazi, Nazi, Nazi!

Don't you know that Ze Grait Rezet is underway???
Herr Klaus-Ernst Stavro Schwabfeld vill be angry vit you, very angry!

P.S. But, when "gigantische Transformationen" of "historic proportions" will (soon!) be in full spate, and the abhorrent "private property", down to your panty and toothbrush, is finally outlawed (and detestable "patents" are on the most famous heap along with vanished Gulag reprobates and Red-Khmer-harvested skulls), then maybe our - pars pro toto - pharmacists of Görlitzer Park in Berlin (all them top-toppest-ranking in the victimisation hierarchy) will finally enjoy the blessings of free intellectual property, pouring down on them (like Gold-Ass'es glorious output) via Kollektively Building Back Better.


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Campaigns such as the People's Vaccine are calling for the vaccine to be made "available to all, everywhere, free of charge." The People's Vaccine echoes longstanding concerns about the patent system in global markets and point to one of the factors that could help the world find a way forward in this pandemic: waiving the patent rules so that vaccines can be made around the world, in a rapid and efficient way, to meet the demand.

“The People's Vaccine.”

If you think of property rights as the border protecting one's self-ownership from criminals the entire destruction by the Left of borders - at every level needed to preserve freedom and civil society - can be seen as the criminality on a social scale that it is.

Socialists aren't socialists because they don't understand economics, they are socialists because they are criminals on a social scale. They revel in this criminality on a social scale. This is the very definition of criminal insanity. They revel in it. We need a criminal code that reflects this reality.

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But how glorious this will be! No need to spend time and money on research and field trials when others will do it and joyfully turn over the results to all without compensation. And if they balk at doing said uncompensated work? Why, is that not what State-operated work camps are for?

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RedDiaperette wrote:... And if they balk at doing said uncompensated work? Why, is that not what State-operated work camps are for?
Korrekt! Long live sharashka!
(you remember, da?) (if need be, just consult Mystery 1)

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Directive 10-289 wrote:... Point Three.
All [highlight=#ffff00]patents and copyrights[/highlight], pertaining to any devices, inventions, formulas, processes and works of any nature whatsoever, shall be [highlight=#ffff00]turned over to the nation[/highlight] ...
and Directive 10-289 / Point Three
[url=]here[/url] also wrote:... The [highlight=#ffff00]Unification Board[/highlight] shall then license the use of such patents and copyrights to all applicants, equally and without discrimination, for the purpose of eliminating monopolistic practices, discarding obsolete products and making the best available to the whole nation. [highlight=#ffff00]No trademarks, brand names or copyrighted titles[/highlight] shall be used. Every formerly patented product shall be known by a new name and sold by all manufacturers under the same name, such name to be selected by the Unification Board. ...
But wait..
How 'bout our Kube? The true Kube? In the light of austere Point Three?

Ernő Rubik generously subrogated the needed rights. Well... But next?

So far, barely anybody produces the true Kube (in [cit.] "the nation", let alone in Tonga, Zanzibar, Kiribati). (jawohl, I also asked here, in Bavaria, and they.. kreizsagglzement, mileckstamarsch du pfannakuacha, du windiga! [kinda nope!, ok?]).

And next, Point Three says: No trademarks, brand names, copyrighted titles. But there is this prominent sixfold Hammer & Sickle - on each face of People's Cube! Now what?....

It's all very confusing, very confusing...
(and just think of Komradette "Ketsl" RedD.. when she gets aware... 350% discombobulation quota!)

        Mystery item No. 1

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Blessings upon you, dearest Genosse, for the "Ketsele Baroyges" clip! I once had the whole Barry Sisters album of which this song was a part, and the song was one of my mother's favorites as well. One of my aunts preferred their "Koyfche Papparossen," and would sing it in a voice that would break your heart. I send whisker-swipes to you, not baroyges at all.

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RedDiaperette wrote:... "Koyfche Papparossen," ...
oy, cute little world...

Papparossen (or papirossen/papirosn/..., for cigarettes) points unambiguously to.. Poland! All other Slavic (and geographically-close-to-Slavic) languages know just some variant of the term cigarette (e.g. Russian сигарета). Only Poles: papieros/papierosy ((sg./pl.) papyeros/papyerosy).

(generally, the Yiddish/Polish borderland, as well as the Yiddish/Russian-Belarusian-Ukrainian one, is pretty broad)

And the song itself originated in Poland (Grodno).

(and how did the Poles come to papieros? simple: via German Papier (papi:r)) (and the Germans to papi:r? from Romans, and they from Greeks, and they from the impressively ornamental Nile grass. cute little world...)

Koyfche (or koyfn/koyfen/...), that's from the German kaufen (to buy). (of course: the Yiddish/German "territory" isn't a borderland, it's motherland area)

It's always fun for a German-speaker to decipher a Yiddish text (and, for sure, also conversely - as in Mystery 1)

Ketsele, I roll you a ball of wool (pilke fun vol!) to play with, ja?

P.S. And now, pronto pronto, goin' to look up what Point Three says about enjoying of papirosn, and owning (owning!) a pilke fun vol.

(pilke? pilke? why, from.. Polish piłka - which means a ball, but only like "football" ; for a "ball of wool", it's kłębek. oy!)

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
RedDiaperette wrote:... "Koyfche Papparossen," ...
oy, cute little world...

Papparossen (or papirossen/papirosn/..., for cigarettes) points unambiguously to.. Poland! All other Slavic (and geographically-close-to-Slavic) languages know just some variant of the term cigarette (e.g. Russian сигарета). Only Poles: papieros/papierosy ((sg./pl.) papyeros/papyerosy).

(generally, the Yiddish/Polish borderland, as well as the Yiddish/Russian-Belarusian-Ukrainian one, is pretty broad)

And the song itself originated in Poland (Grodno)....

Indeed, my grandmother spoke Poylisher Yiddish, although the Barry Sisters appear to have been Litvaks ("nit" instead of "nisht") and their transliterator was perhaps a Galitzianer ("in" instead of "un"). There really are many dialects, the speakers of which were wont, if my memory serves me, to look down mutually upon each other. But we could all understand each other, and yes, we could understand much spoken German as well.

My mother was born in the USA, but because my grandmother and her best friend usually spoke mamaloshen to each other, I grew up English/Yiddish bilingual myself, mostly Poylishe in dialect but easily able to understand the Litvaks and Galitzianers who arrived in our Bronx neighborhood from the DP camps after the war (that's WWII for you youngsters). My grandmother and her friend also used to take me to the old Yiddish Theater in Manhattan regularly. I can still remember some of the scenes from those plays. (Molly Picon and "salting the borscht," the ever-appearing Mother giving The Speech about Ungrateful Children, the old bachelor singing "Get lost, ver farshvundet" while being pursued by the garishly dressed spinster, "Die moid fun'em Casbah," etc.)

Ketselach, they say, have nine lives. You've just been subjected to one of them. Pardon.

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Stunning zoom-in!

... aaand:
RedDiaperette wrote:... Litvaks ... There really are [highlight=#ffff00]many dialects[/highlight], the speakers of which were wont, if my memory serves me, to [highlight=#ffff00]look down[/highlight] mutually upon each other. ...
So korrekt.
And (from what I know (mainly via reading)), Litvaks were particularly "down" in the "look upon" graph (yep: graph, complex graph - not pyramid).

Hah, a stroke of luck for goyim?
"Look, it's not Yidn versus The Goy. You goyim, you're [highlight=#ffff00]just one[/highlight] out of a plenty!", eh?

        Mystery item No. 2