
Tractor Barn #2 beautified - May 1! Get up! Parade!

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In an act of selfless socialistic shovelling, our glorious Tractor Barn #2 has been overnight optically enhanced!

A mural has been painted on the back wall - you know, at that spot where it crumbled a bit, so the rats and the like vermin (and who knows, perhaps even an enemy spy, disguised as an "innocent" bunny?) have their fiesta time, day in day out...

Lookie here, comrades:


Ain't it beautiful? (and of course it blocks the said hole in the wall! ...well, at least for today, our glorious International Workers' Day! so, after the Parade, we can celebrate unmolested, eh?) (and don't forget your ration cards!)

Hah, the style already spills the beans, no? It must "haf" come from "zat" transatlantic Kubicle #314, ja? Korrekt, comrades. It's full-blown DDR-style (though our Bavarian Kubicle has no explicit DDR ties, and - regrettably! - ve even can't emulate zat dreadful DDR-apparatchik-lingo of yore).

Many hints reveal that it's a DDR scene - some quite obvious, some hidden.

Uh, those two blue semi-uniforms, do they whisper into your comradely ear? ...ah, what? No, no, no, no - they don't stand for the famous "Bavarian blue sky", no. They ..well, comrade - just look here, and you will get enlightened within a few seconds!


And now - parade!

Kremlin City, getting ready, final touches:


Worldwide agitprep (= agitation + preparation):

K. Marx and F. Engels
{ flag (of course!): PROLETARIANS OF THE WORLD, UNITE! }

Yet the most intriguing question is: What's up on the dark side of the Planet? (aside from Planetary Heating and Coronabsurdistan, of course)

And here's what y'all must do now (plus masks!):


This done, now: party, party, and party! Tractor! Barn! #2!

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I will bring all of my neighbors' ration cards that I can steal. Especially the ones that have beet vodka on them.

As for party favor, I pick the blonde in the monica blue shirt on the right side of the photo (standing to the left as she looks at me, so it's ok). Not the 'sturdy' womyn in the left of the photo. Don't want to keep her from her party duties, eh?

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Perfessor GD,

Why does the mural at Tractor Barn #2 not depict heroic workers toiling in Tractor Factory like Diego Rivera emuralized the noble Automobile Workers of the USSA?

Is it because the noble Automobile Worker's of the USSA assembly line is now staffed by local noble Mexican Automobile Workers making electric cars/trucks for ungridified nations and peoplicist groups?

No, that is not a smirk on 'pelipsky's face. That's just the normal harelipped face of a mythical horned dumb bunny. Does any comrade actually want to experience the stealth whack of Pinkie's shovel?? No, 'pelipsky is just standing there like a mute-ant. It's not 'pelipsky's fault that ants are RED and pack fire power in Texazistan.

Plus, how does ET claim made prog status like he was Bill Clinton and his best forever while it lasted friend, Jeffrey Epstein? And, BEFORE any comrade has even tapped the 55 gallon barrel of Margarita's...OR...Bruno has mounted the May Pole. ET is just hoppin', or just hopin', to jump to conclusion of May Day Celebrations, and it's only 9:53 in the a.m. at Tractor Barn #2!!! RumorMill is that at Tractor Barn #2 May Day Celebrations, every comrade gets better lookin' as the festivities advance through out the day.

What ET is talkin' about doesn't happen until 1/2 of Margarita Barrel has been equitably consumed.'pelipsky yeilds back some portion of allotted equity of Margarita consumption time to go swing in the happy little tractor tire swing hangin' out behind Tractor Barn #2 receiving messages from Laika the Space Dog on antlertenna like the terrorist mute-ant smirker against the MotherLand 'pelipsky is. Those wadded up balls of tin foil on the antlertenna ends really boosts the dog whistle signal, comrades.

Swing like it's May Day 2021!!! Parade yourselves accordingly!

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Ellsworth Toohey wrote:... I pick the blonde in the monica blue shirt on the [korrekt] side of the photo ...
Excellent choice, Komrade ET!
(though the politruk of Kubicle #314 - serially conceding the raw facts under harsh interrogations - is basically programmed for Brünettchen, any Brünettchen, planetwide)

As for me, my IKS (= Inner Komrade Sssexist) is focusssed on the central foreground klick-komrade chick. Not just a Brünettchen.. that sweet transitioning of harmonious curves.. the balanced firm volumina.. of her lopata...

Yet I admit, it's not just her lopata... So now you see what I mean, ja?
(lopata: Gulagspeak for vot ve here call ze Schaufel, pron. shaufel)

(That mini-scene is likely from the early 50s, possibly the ending 40s (key Trümmerfrauen). My chick is obviously picked for "the foreground". One of the Frauen? Or one of the filming crew's entourage??)

I haf here a neat carboy with samogon (= moonshine, in Gulagspeak) of Bayrisch Radi, i.e. our Bavarian counterpart of Ukrainian beet, and I vill shlep it to TB #2! Komradettes use to literally - literally! - melt for (and from) it!

Just à propos "masks": right this moment my politruk stumbled over yet another Cho Bai-Din dementia (& polit-staged coronohysteriophobic hypocrisy) gem - freshly baked (on the eve of our glorious May 1st!), and disseminated by those subversive counterrevolutionaries from Down Under:

(1:24) Vaccinated Joe Biden spends 30 seconds looking for face mask, only to find it in his pocket :

(and that Australo-Sky planetary subversion obviously works: barely posted, it already has near half a million views plus over 7K comments (whatever the "worth" of those metrics))

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jackalopelipsky wrote:Perfessor GD,

Why does the mural at Tractor Barn #2 not depict heroic workers toiling in Tractor Factory like Diego Rivera emuralized the noble Automobile Workers of the USSA?

Is it because the noble Automobile Worker's of the USSA assembly line is now staffed by local noble Mexican Automobile Workers making electric cars/trucks for ungridified nations and peoplicist groups?

No, that is not a smirk on 'pelipsky's face. That's just the normal harelipped face of a mythical horned dumb bunny. Does any comrade actually want to experience the stealth whack of Pinkie's shovel?? No, 'pelipsky is just standing there like a mute-ant. It's not 'pelipsky's fault that ants are RED and pack fire power in Texazistan.

Those are the ‘green' 'Murican jobs Vice Premier Cho Bai-Din was talking about. Someone forgot to tell him they were “North” American jobs.

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A glorious marker in history, referred to here on People's Cube for years as "Next Tuesday", has finally arrived, comrades! While comrades' opinions may differ on specific date - Tuesday, November 3, 2020? January 20, 2021 (not an actual Tuesday, but allowances can be made now in USSA, with Party Approval, of course)? Or even Tuesday, April 26, 2021, when Nick Fuentes, evil nazi white supremacist and racist, was placed on USSA "No-Fly" list for his political views?

Comrades, comrades! - we must celebrate the true arrival, after so many years of waiting, of Next Tuesday! If you have a tractor barn, I will meet you out behind it this evening with unlimited beet vodka and tin cups all around - FOR THE PEOPLE!!!

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Komrade R.O.C.K., a glorious visual proof of Next Tuesday's™ arrival you transmit here! Yes, Great Commander in Mask and Dear Woke Proglodyte Leader Cho Bai-Din will finalize it, as well as everything - literally! - everything else.

When I think of that embodiment of laze and ineffectiveness Trumputlerini (jawohl, Trumputlerini!), I could.. I could.. I don't know.. like explode through the roof of Tractor Barn #2, and beyond our Galaxy!

Look this, just look this, Komrades! "Working" at the Resolute Desk:


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At the Tractor Barn #2's backside, all kinds of GWONT is happenin' so fast as those Cho Bae Din executive orders signed themselves into compliance. What Comrade diagnosed with sluggish schizophrenia wouldn't be thrilled knowing that the Constitution is now secure and protected by AntiFa and BLM?

'pelipsky's eye ain't even twitchin' a little bit, as 'pelipsky has learned to keep a harelipped dumb bunny face often mistaken as a smirk at news of every new Cho Bae Din EO, just to keep the guards confused and unaware. It's taken years to perfect this dumb bunny face...even under the influence of equitable parts of a 55 gallon barrel of Margaritas on a May Day of Tuesday Forever.

Smirking silently on the inside where guards can't see, forelock tug,

ps. When 'pelipsky read "Brünettchen" 'pelipsky translated that to picture of brunette Gretchen Chentmer of Michiganistan. Is that ok in transatlantic thought/feel? Just between Pi cubicle and explodin' through the roof of Tractor Barn #2??

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jackalopelipsky wrote:... Why does the mural at Tractor Barn #2 not depict heroic workers toiling in Tractor Factory like Diego Rivera emuralized the noble [highlight=#ffff00]Automobile[/highlight] Workers of the USSA? ...
Heating and Overboiling of our Planet!

"Workers", toiling for ― "Automobiles"???
Thusly killing the Planet? Our precious enviro??
Electric, or eclectic, or dyspeptic ― they all kill!!!

If that Rivera guy, hard-leftist or not, had come these days to Germoney DDR 2.0, they – our woke enviro-proglos – would lynch and hang him by his nuts.

I peeked into GW Pundit, and stumbled there over yet another dementia-shrapnel of Dear Leader Cho Bai-Din: "Joe Biden Seems To Get Lost As He Struggles To Tell A Story About Amtrak", see (0:32) below:

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jackalopelipsky wrote:Perfessor GD, ...

In the name of The Glorious Originator - Komrade Colonel Obyezyana - of that felicitously cuspidated term, I must insist: Not Perfessor, but Perfesser. You know, just Perfesser. Perfesser. Ja?

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jackalopelipsky wrote:... When 'pelipsky read "Brünettchen" 'pelipsky translated that to picture of brunette Gretchen Chentmer of Michiganistan. Is that ok in transatlantic thought/feel? ...
Transatlantic Bavaria-Kubicly Brünettchen-feel is not Brünettchen-thoughtless (Marx forbid otherwise!).

Clearly documented e.g. here:
(a case homologous to that of Gretchen W, by the way - see evidence!)
GD wrote:... however, I'm now on the brink to audit my everlasting adoration for Brünettchen (vhich iz KrautSpeak vor brunette(s)).
and e.g. there:
GD wrote:... { .. Brünettchen, any Brünettchen :-} { [highlight=#FFFF00](aura assumed)[/highlight] } ...


In German, -chen is one of the (several) ways to form a diminutive (μ-glimpse here).
(also Slavic and Romance languages have such ways for diminutives, and diminutive-diminutives)

And so Brünette(=brunette) Brünettchen(=??? Anglo-Saxon, yer diminutives!!!).

BTW, Greta (diminutive) Gretchen (while Greta Margareta).

In German, Gretchen as girls' prename became rare and then very rare in "modern times". Nowadays, it's "automatically" perceived as a diminutive here. Quite funny for a German-speaker, when a (so popular in Amiland!) "Gretchen" pops up - and particularly so when it's a Covid-GULAG/Corona-KZ gestalt like that Michiganistani scarecrow.

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Your romantic lecture on transatlantic diminutives was so sexy.

Does this mean Gretchen Whitmer is just a little Gretch, just as her name implies?

Everything is starting to make sense, now.

forelock tug from transatlantic dumb bunny,

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jackalopelipsky wrote:... Does this mean Gretchen Whitmer is just a little Gretch, just as her name implies? ...
Fully korrekt, Komrade 'pelipsky!

A case of converse diminution, i.e. demaxition, upaggrandization, and finally gigaretchwretchmentity. (the latter, of course, is Whitmer's case.)

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
jackalopelipsky wrote:... Does this mean Gretchen Whitmer is just a little Gretch, just as her name implies? ...
Fully korrekt, Komrade 'pelipsky!

A case of converse diminution, i.e. demaxition, upaggrandization, and finally gigaretchwretchmentity. (the latter, of course, is Whitmer's case.)
Perhaps, instead, the name should be Kvetchen.

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RedDiaperette wrote:
Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
jackalopelipsky wrote:... Does this mean Gretchen Whitmer is just a little Gretch, just as her name implies? ...
Fully korrekt, Komrade 'pelipsky!

A case of converse diminution, i.e. demaxition, upaggrandization, and finally gigaretchwretchmentity. (the latter, of course, is Whitmer's case.)
Perhaps, instead, the name should be Kvetchen.
. . . . . lib ketsl :-)

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